Monsters Inside Him (Complete...

By Grey09x

1M 26.7K 2.1K

A (completed) Zayn Malik fanfiction Hannah is a US citizen who attends the University of London and gets the... More

Chapter 1: The Streets
Chapter 2: His
Chapter 3: Forced
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: Never
Chapter 6: Marked
Chapter 7: Violence
Chapter 8: Not Alone
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Overnight
Chapter 11: Fire Escape
Chapter 12: Attack
Chapter 13: Monster
Chapter 14: Prisoner
Chapter 15: "Because I Love You"
Chapter 16: Drunk
Chapter 17: Playing with Fire
Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two
Chapter 19: Trying
Chapter 20: My Match
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding
Chapter 22: Three Strikes
Chapter 23: Expulsion
Chapter 24: Job Search
Chapter 25: Electric
Chapter 26: Waiting
Chapter 27: Independence
Chapter 28 & 29: Fucking Insanity/Dark Side
Chapter 30: Like a Child
Chapter 31: Safe
Chapter 32: Panic
Chapter 33 & 34: Little Things/Stick To Your Guns
Chapter 35: Worried
Chapter 36: Clubbing
Chapter 37: Comfort
Chapter 38: Stages
Chapter 39: Pleasure
Chapter 40: Reconnection
Chapter 41: Threat
Chapter 42: Danger
Chapter 43: Zayn's POV
Chapter 44: Nightmare
Chapter 45: Zayn's POV {pt. 2}
Chapter 46: Safe
Chapter 47: Zayn's POV (pt.3)
Chapter 48: Over
Chapter 49: Moving on
Chapter 50: Forever
Chapter 51: Back For You
Chapter 52: Cooking
Chapter 54: Homecoming {Part 1}
Chapter 55: Homecoming {Part 2}
Chapter 56: Delusional
Chapter 57: Alphabet
Chapter 58: Sick
Chapter 59: Second Guessing
Chapter 60: Epilogue
Authors Note
Contact Me

Chapter 53: Good-Bye

13K 387 35
By Grey09x

Chapter 53: Good-Bye

As if David hated Zayn enough before, it didn’t help that at dinner Cassie, my older brother’s girlfriend, practically eye fucked Zayn in front of everyone.

Although, I couldn’t blame the poor girl; Zayn’s a hottie.

It wasn’t until another two days later that my fiancé and I were reminded of the real world.

“Hello?” I heard Zayn pick up the phone from the other room. I looked up at my Dad and Frankie who were busy trying to clean our dog’s ears out. The little mutt kept getting infections so it was a regular sight to see them trying to hold her back and stick cotton balls in her ears.

“Just take care of it.” I heard Zayn grumble. I don’t think he realized how loud he was being.

“I don’t give a flying shit HOW you take care of it, just get it done.” He snapped. I quickly looked up to my Dad and brother and was suddenly thankful that they were distracted by the dog because I did NOT need them to hear the conversation Zayn was having.

“Fucking hell, I’ll be home soon. Just handle it until I get back.” I watched my family members carefully to pick up on any sign that they could hear what was going on, but they seemed to consumed in the dog.

“Yes, yes, she’ll be with me. I know. Jesus, I KNOW, I already told you.”

There was a pause as the other end of the lined answered before I heard Zayn exhale loudly.

“I know all five of us have to be there and I WILL be there. Just hang on until I get back.”

I carefully stood up and began inching my way into the kitchen. I needed to put an end to this conversation before anyone else could pick up on the hostility and language use Zayn was using.

“Any day now.”

Zayn’s eyes shot up to me as soon as I entered. I motioned for him to hang up the phone but he waved me off.

“Yeah, yeah mate. She’s right here with me now and she’ll be with me then, too.” He reached out and tugged me into his side tightly.

“What? Of course she said yes. The fuck are you talking about?” I couldn’t hear what the other person said, but whatever it was made Zayn pretty mad. Before he could respond I snatched the phone from his hands and pressed it to my own ear.

“Hello?” I spoke into it, alerting the person that there was a change in ownership over the phone.

“Oh bloody brilliant, it really is you.”

“Told you I’d be back, Harold.” I smirked. I hung up the phone after that and slipped it into my back pocket. I didn’t want Zayn to be able to continue his conversation so everyone in the house could hear him curse at his gang leader buddy.

“I’m not in the mood to play around, Darlin’.” He threatened me. Whatever he and Harry were talking about got him really riled up.

“No, I don’t think you realize that I could hear you clearly from the living room. Next time you take a business call, how about you go outside?”

“Give me my fucking phone back.” I took a step away from him and crossed my arms over my chest. Ordering people around doesn’t do much for me, and in America Zayn has no power, so I felt the need to push his buttons and remind him I wasn’t some whipped puppy.

“What were you guys talking about?”

“You. Now gimme the phone.”

“Me?” I ignored his demand and pressed on about the conversation.

“Yes, you. Not all of the guys are 100% sure on you being a part of the gang so I’m trying to convince them to vote yes for my sake.” He sighed. I felt my whole demeanor deflate. Did his friends really hate me that much? Would we have to resort to begging?

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say and I couldn’t help but let the disappointment seep through.

Besides me and Zayn, the only people who knew of our unofficial engagement were the other members of One Direction and they weren’t too keen on it, to say the least.

“Now give me my cell phone.”

“Only if you ask nicely and you carry on your conversations somewhere else.” I responded bitterly.

Who the hell did his friends think they were? Fuck them. We were gonna get married anyway. Just watch.

“Darlin’, I’m going to say this the nicest way possible, but you’re going to start doing as I say or we’re going to have a problem.” He placed his large hands on my waist and shoved me against the counter gently.


“I know you’ve been through a lot, with Jay and then me making you leave, but that’s exactly why things need to change. I was too lenient on you before and you were loud and obvious and it made you a target.”

“I hardly call beating me senseless lenient, but-”

“Eleanor has never been threated because she’s quiet and blends in and does what she’s told. I can’t say the same for you. So here’s the deal, when we get back to London you’re going to obey me when we’re in front of my mates, in the public, in front of anyone or outside the comfort of our home. Kapiche?”

“Zayn, I can’t just-”

“Yes you can, and you will. I love you and I need to keep you safe and healthy and if that means being stricter and acting as a disciplinarian then so be it.”

I looked up at him in utter shock. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. Zayn had been so sweet up until the kidnapping and even afterwards, before he made me leave. I thought we were over this whole dominant/submissive thing.

“So you’re basically saying that it’s open season for me when I step out of line?” I snarled at him.

“Not necessarily. I have ways to sort you out without resorting to violence like I used to, but don’t push me, Hannah.” His warning was low and serious and to be frank, it sent shivers down my spine. What the hell?

“Zayn.” I put on my best reasoning voice and looked him dead in the eye.

“You WILL do as I say, Hannah. I’m not kidding around.”

“Whatever.” I grumbled, knowing that when the time came, I’d be able to fight with him on it more.

“And we’ve moved. After you left, I bought out a house and moved there. My apartment wasn’t as safe as I thought it was since you were literally taken from right under my nose.”

I felt a sense of melancholy at this. Our apartment was my home and now I’d be returning to some random and vacant house? I liked his apartment. It was nice and not too big. We fit there. We wouldn’t fit in a house.

“Jesus Christ.” I muttered, a little overwhelmed by the fact that the house I’d be coming home to wasn’t my home at all.

“I know it’s a lot, but I thought I’d tell you everything off the bat to get it over with.” His dark eyes pierced into mine and I could tell he was searching for a reaction of any sort. I suppressed the need to cry out and just stared back at him.

“And we have to return to London tomorrow.”

“WHAT?” I gasped. How was I going to just up and leave like that? I couldn’t do that to my family. I couldn’t abandon them again.

Zayn didn’t allow any argument on that matter, so after many attempts, I was forced to drop it.

That evening we had to announce to my family that we were returning to England. We told them it was because of a sudden business thing for Zayn and we would have to eventually, so might as well go then.

The conversation resulted in tears from not just my mother, but my father too. My younger siblings didn’t seem too concerned, but David was livid.

“I won’t have my baby sister going across the world with that douche.”

“I won’t have my baby sister getting hurt again.”

“I won’t stand for him treating her like shit.”

“I won’t stand for her being with such a bad guy.”

His excuses were endless, but no one would listen to him. My parents were happy for me, but they just didn’t want me to be so far away. All in all, it was a teary good-bye.

I think the worst part of it all was that it was so sudden. I knew that my parents, my siblings and even I thought we had more time together. I guess I should have expected to leave at the drop of a hat with Zayn around.

I was also afraid of Zayn becoming too angry with the things David said about him and cause a scene (which he had done countless times before with other people), but that didn’t seem to be the case. I could tell Zayn was becoming increasingly affected by my brother’s harsh words, but he tried his best not to let it show.

I was thankful for his self-control around my family because I knew if David hadn’t been my brother, he would’ve already been dead.

With an hour of more tears and good-byes and promises of phone calls and letters I knew I’d never be able to keep, Zayn and I finally made our exit the next morning when a black Range Rover pulled up in front of my family’s small home.

How typical.

I guess even though Zayn was out of his element, hell, he was out of his continent, he still held some power and brought his men with him on this trip.

He loaded up the trunk with our suitcases while I made my way to the backseat of the car.

My family stood at the doorstep waving to us. I watched as Zayn offered them another wave good-bye as well as a warm and thankful smile before he joined me in the backseat.

I slid as far away from him as possible.

After our little conversation the night before, I wouldn’t exactly say I was pissed at Zayn.

No, I was furious.

Of course, I didn’t want to raise any panic or suspicion so in front of my family I acted as if everything were fine. In fact, Zayn didn’t even know something was up until we were alone in my room and I slept fully clothed and wouldn’t let him touch me.

We didn’t get much time alone after that, with all the good-byes, so he hadn’t gotten the chance to confront me.

I hoped that the two men sitting in the front would be enough of a buffer to hold of our argument, but for some reason I didn’t think that was possible.

“Are you alright, Darlin’?” Zayn asked me, reaching over to place a comforting hand on my thigh. I grabbed his wrist and yanked his touch off of me before turning to look out the window.

“Mmhmm.” I hummed in response, providing him with an answer to his question with as little contact as possible.

“I’m sorry you have to leave your family, but I can assure you we’ll see them again soon.” He spoke again, a hint of desperation in his voice to try and pull out why I was acting so cold.

First of all, I could tell he thought I was depressed about leaving. I mean, I was, but that wasn’t why I was mad at him.

Second of all, I wanted so badly to call him on his bullshit. We wouldn’t be seeing my family again soon. In fact, I could’ve bet you another year would go by before I would get any contact with them again. Him lying to me only further increased my anger.

So I gave him no response.

“Hannah, what’s wrong?” He demanded again, this time his voice having more of an edge and less softness.

“I’m fine.” Code: I’m not fine. Leave me the fuck alone, asshole.

“You’re clearly not fine. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what the fuck is wrong.”

“You wanna know what’s wrong? This. Us. You.” I turned to give him a quick, but harsh glare before returning my gaze to the window.

Zayn’s hand grabbed me and yanked my body towards his. His plan didn’t work exactly because I was being constricted by the seatbelt, but he was successful in turning me back to face him as well as undoubtedly leaving bruises on my upper arms from where his grip was so tight.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He snapped at me. I could tell that the two men in the front were very nervous to be in the car with an angry Zayn Malik, but it was nothing new for me, so I played it how I always did: by pissing him off even more.

I stuck up my middle finger, right in his face.

He quickly grabbed my wrist and yanked it down, pressing it into my lap so my crude sign language was no longer visible. But that’s ok, I was sending him the middle finger through the intense glare of my eyes.

“What is wrong with you?”

“I can’t believe you think you can just tell me that things are going to change when we get back to London and expect me not to be pissed? If you seriously thought that then I should be asking what’s wrong with you, not vice versa.”

His eyes narrowed at me considerably before he let out a sight and released his tight hold.

“You know I’m only doing it to keep you safe, Darlin’.” He commented. His large hand went up to brush against my cheek softly but I jerked away from him. I knew why he was doing it, he already told me, that didn’t mean I had to like it any more.

“I fucking know that, but you don’t have to be a dick about it all the time.”

“Well, maybe if you fucking listened to me and followed my rules I wouldn’t have to be a dick.”

“This isn’t the fucking medieval times. You don’t own me. You can’t tell me what to do.” He let out a long sigh at my response and just shook his head. His eyes turned to look out his own window for a moment and I could see his lips move with numbers up to ten as he tried to calm his breathing.

“We’ve been over this.”

“Yeah, and for some reason you still can’t get it through your sick head that I’m not some dog. I’ll behave if I want to but I won’t stand for you treating me like your bitch.” His eyes shot back to me in an instant and I could tell I really pissed him off.

His hand grabbed my jaw roughly and forced me to look at him. I tried to resist the urge to wince in pain at how harsh he was being with me and instead chose to glower at him.

“That’s enough. Shut up and keep quiet. I don’t want to hear another fucking peep out of you until we arrive at the airport.” He let go of me and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes watched me carefully, daring me to disobey.

I went with the classy and sophisticated response of sticking my tongue out at him. Still, I complied with his command and turned to look out the window. Neither of us muttered a single word for the rest of the ride.

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