Country's Her Middle (Luke Br...

By 69TwerkingWithMahone

86.1K 1.7K 423

What happens when you fall deeply and madly in love with your best friend? What happens when he loves you bac... More

Country's Her Middle (Luke Bryan Fan Fiction)
Prologue *Edited*
Chapter 1 *Edited*
Chapter 2 (Outfit on the side)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note!!!
Chapter 6 (Picture of the club on the side)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note!!!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Quick Question For Y'all
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 part one...READ AUTHORS NOTE!!
Chapter 15 part two
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 17 PART ONE
Chapter 17 PART TWO
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 - Re-posted
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
IMPORTANT Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Guess what??

Chapter 5

2.9K 51 4
By 69TwerkingWithMahone

Song/Songs of the chapter
Kiss You by One Direction
Kiss Kiss by Chris Brown
Up by Justin Bieber
Music Sounds Better With You by Big Time Rush

"Alright I'll see you later." I smiled as I opened the passenger door of Maria's car. "Bye! Call me!" She exclaimed as I began to walked to my apartment door. "Kay!" I simply replied. I opened the door and walked in the see Luke sitting on the couch watching some movie. He is just so cute. I shook my head before I began heading to my room. "Wait!" Luke called making me turn back around. "Yeah?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Do you want to go out for dinner to tonight?" He asked. "Yeah I'd love to." I smiled before turning around and heading to my room.


"Ready?" Luke smiled as I walked out of the bathroom wearing the orange tank top I had gotten today and a pair or short with my boots. "Yeah." I smiled as he held the door open for me. "Thanks."I smile. "You're welcome. Are we taking your car or my truck?" He asked. "My car, we always take you truck." I laugh. "Hey! My trucks my baby!" He exclaims making me laugh.

"Whatever goofball! Come on!" I pulled his hand as I walked to my car which was a black 1969 mustang. I got into the drivers seat while Luke got in the passengers seat and we began to drive to a small pizza parlor near by our apartment. "So how was school today?" Luke asked as we began to get out of the car. "As good as school get I guess, you?" I ask as we walk towards the doors. "Boring." He sighed dramatically making me laugh.

We walked up to the desk to be met by a women in about her early 40s who was giving us a welcoming smile. "Hello how may I help you?" She asked. "Yes uh we'd like a table for two." Luke smiled politely. "Ok right this way." She spoke as she escorted us to a small table that was basically in the center of the room. "Do you know what you'd like to drink?" She smiled. "I'll have a Pepsi." Luke smiled. "Me too." I smile making her nod as she writes both of our drinks down. "Alright I'll be right back with your drinks and then you can order." She spoke walking away.

"So I thought maybe I would call Cale and see if he'd surprise Maria for her birthday." I brought about my idea to Luke. "Who's Cale?" He asked as confusion etched his face making me roll my eyes. "That's Maria's boyfriends!" I exclaim in disbelief, boys. "Well I don't keep track of everyone's boyfriends, it's to confusing." Luke defended himself. "Ok whatever." I laugh as the waitress comes back with our drinks. "Here's your drinks, have you decided what you'd like to order yet."

"The usual?" Luke asked making me nod. "I'll have two pieces of pepperoni pizza and she'll have one." He spoke making her nod. "Will that be all?" She asked. Luke looked at me as if asking "Do you want anything else?" I shook my head as he did the same. "No we're good but, thanks." He spoke as she smiled and walked away. "I do think it's a good idea though." Luke starts from where the conversation ended a second ago. "Thanks." I laugh. "So when are you going to ask him to?" Luke asked. "Probably when we get home because Maria's birthday is Friday." I speak making him nod his head. "That's really nice of you." He smiles. "Yeah I guess so." I laugh lightly

"Are you excited to see your mom and dad?" I asked. "Yeah, you?" He smiled. "Yeah." I sadly smile. I really am it's just every time I'm down there all I hear is my parents fighting or comparing me to my sister Monica. Monica did this. Monica did that. Why can't you be more like Monica? Fuck Monica! I'm sure that sounds bitchy but, after hearing that almost everyday since I was younger it gets old. They even compare Zayn to her and he's older and has accomplished way more. "If you don't want to go--" Luke began to speak as worry filled his brown eyes. "No, no! It's not that it's just--I don't know. Every time I go down there they always compare me to Monica, they always fight, or worse, we fight." I sighed as I rested my head on the palms of my hands.

"It's going to be ok Linz." He soothed as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I promise." He spoke into my hair making me not and relax into his arms. Someone cleared their throat making us turn to face the women from before who was just awkwardly standing there holding our food. "Here's your food." She smiled sitting the plates in front of us. "Thank you." I smile. "Welcome." She smiled as she walked away. "So what's going on with you and Josh?" Luke curiously asked with pure interest. "Uh--I honestly don't know, I haven't walked to him since the day we uh-"

"Kissed." Luke finished my sentence for me with a huge grin on his face. "Yeah." I spoke as a blush appeared on my face. "You know I really meant what I said." He spoke softly. "What do you mean?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow. "When I said I've wanted to do kiss you since homecoming and honestly I still want to, so badly." He spoke as he starred down at my lips making me bite my bottom one. "Then why don't you?" I spoke as I gained confidents. I don't know if this is a good idea or not but, it honestly feels like it is. Luke smiled before he leaned closer and his extremely soft lips met mine in a passionate kiss making shots of electricity run through every part of my body. Oh God...I just keep digging myself deeper and deeper into trouble.

"Listen Linzey, I know you probably still love Josh and all but, just remember I love you and that no matter what I'll be here for you." Luke spoke as my head laid on his lap once again and his hands ran through my hair. "Thanks Luke." I smile. Tell him you love him too and that you want him not Josh! My subconscious screamed and even though I extremely wanted to I ignored my own thoughts as I pushed them to the back or my mind. I'm sure you're probably wondering what happened, right? Well after we kissed Luke told me he had extreme feelings for me and I told him that I didn't know what was going on and Josh and I's relationship so he gave me time to think about what I wanted. I wanted him but, I couldn't ruin are amazing friendship. "Night Linzey." Luke smiled as he grabbed my hand kissing it softly. "Night Luke." I smiled softly as my eyes began to shut and dreams began to fill my mind, sometimes I wish dreams could be reality.

*****Luke's POV*****
I starred down at Linzey's sleeping body intently from her lips that were the perfect shad of red to her long lashed and even her nails that were painted a neon green. "So beautiful." I whispered as I brushed my thumb over her soft lips. I honestly loved anything and everything about this girl. She definitely wasn't perfect but, I excepted her for her every flaw because they made her well herself. Sometimes I wish I would have made a move on her early and maybe I would have her instead of Josh. I still remember the day they started dating, the day that shattered my heart, cliche I know but, it's true.


Our usually group which consisted of Linzey, Josh, Maria, Ashley, Talia, Martin, and, myself was all hanging out at the carnival watching the fireworks displayed in several different patterns of colors and Josh and Linzey had been super close making me super pissed if I'm honest. I really didn't like Josh and I definitely didn't want him and Linzey getting any closer. Josh kept whispering stuff in Linzey's ear making her perfect laugh fall from her mouth and me roll my eyes. I suddenly looked over to see Josh and Linzey's lips meet in a deep kiss making anger boil through me. "You o--" Talia started but I cut her off my pressing my lips to hers and even though it wasn't Linzey it took my mind off of her for a second.

*****Flashback Ends***** (I know that sucked but I'm tired as fuck and I just added this to the chapter because I wasn't happy about how short it was)

Sorry this is so freaking short and this shit is going too fast!!!! :( Ugh! I promise I'm going to make this better on the next chapter :) Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!


P.S. Please comment, vote, and, follow!!! :*

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