FNAF Last Chance Jack's POV

By NinjaSOwlStudios

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hai im Sean, but you can call me Jack as i test out a new game with mark. As i get we get emails from the pro... More

Skype /w Email
Hotel/ Lab
Night 1
Bob, Wade and Jelly Yami
Choas Incoming part 1
Choas part 2
Wades pov (death)
Emotions of Night 4
Night 5....the Night of are Lifes
Save Mark and friends
Its always my fault
(not story)
new book

Going home....to LA?!?

121 1 12
By NinjaSOwlStudios

(Ninja pov )

(the surgery ends and Jack lays asleep with stitches and i walk out of the room. I take off my bloody gloves and put on fresh ones and i saw mark was there)

Mark: Is he okay?

Ninja: he's ok now. He still asleep but you can go in there now

Mark: Thank you 

(then he started running into the room and i screamed)

Ninja: Just be careful of the stitches on his head

Mark: Will do!


(Felix pov)

(i was watching Doctor Cry until i hear mark yell)

Mark: Fe!...... Felix!

Felix: sup-

(I ran into the room and i saw mark siting by jack's bedside)

Felix: im so sorry mark

Mark: he's not dead 

(he narrows his eye at me. Gezz i was just helping)

Felix: still.... i wish i could help. I didn't know he had a tumor.

Mark: no one really did. So it's not your fault

Felix: but the real question is..... are you ok mark?

Mark: Me?

Felix: yes..... last I heard you where sappost to be leaving the game with Jack and then you go missing

Mark: But am i the one bed written?

Felix: Im just saying..... the game could of done a lot of things to mess with your mind

Mark: Answer my question... am I the one bed written?

Felix: well your doing fine........ but jack..... i don't know 

Mark: Exactly..... so don't ask how I am if someone else might be worse

Felix: sorry gezz

Mark: sorry.... i just cant help but think it's all my fault he's like this.... he told me he felt something bad was gonna happen

Felix: Mark its ok 

(i go and hug him)

Felix: we all make mistakes but doesn't mean we hold them out on guilt...... Jack might have had a bad vibe but we will learn next time

Mark: But what if there won't be a next time!

Felix: mark...... Jack is still here... he's not dead.....

Mack: Doesn't mean he will be here for long

(Why is he worrying so much for Jack like this?)

Felix: Mark...... do you like Jack?

Mark: Of course! Why else would I be so worried!

Felix: oh 

(i should of known)

Felix: i just never knew there was something between ya two... I thought all the Septiplier jokes where all false and funny

Mark: At first that's what they were..... I used them as jokes but I used them to hint at how I felt..... but he wrote them off

Felix: oh....... 

( i sighed. Mark must really feel guilt knowing someone he likes was .... key word "was"..... dying)

Felix: i will leave you two alone 

( i nod my head and i left the room )

(jack pov..... interesting)

(i heard voices.....and someone leave the room)

Mark: .......I should have listened......

(wait... that was mark....... where am i? i tired to move but only got my tips of my fingers to move. But i felt im on a bed and the bed dip a little)

Mark: ..... i'm sorry.....

(Then my voice started working again but broken)

Jack: it's ...... ok

Mark: ....... Jack?

(I fluttered my eyes awake to see mark look at me with such worry)

Mark: Jack! 

Jack: hey marky

Mark: your alright!

(He smiles his most beautiful smile)

Jack: of course...... nothing can beat the boss 

( I started laughing and coughing and i saw mark chuckle as well)

Jack: what... happen?

Mark: well we left the game and passed out

Jack: ok

Mark: Thank god your okay

Jack: well i'm glad your save and ok

Mark: are you kidding.... I thought I was gonna lose you

Jack: what?? 

(i had to lie)

Jack: i had nothing really wrong with me.... your the one that got trapped in the game as Springtrap

Mark: your the one that almost died from a tumor

Jack: oh........the tumor doesn't matter

Mark: Like hell..

(i just sighed and mark came and hugged me)

Jack: its ok mark... really... to be honest I thought the animatronics where gonaa kill you

Mark: Well....

Jack: and mark

Mark: Yeah?

(i went and kissed him and i felt him kiss back and smiled.)

Jack: i love ya mark

Mark: I love you too jack

(i smiled at Mark until my head pounded a little. So hold my side of my head in pain)

Mark: Jack?

Jack: ya?

Mark: Are you okay?

Jack: ya... just my head hurts a little but it's slowy calming down

Mark: okay

(then nurse Ninja comes in)

Ninja: Oh your awake already?

(i just nod...was i still sappost to be asleep?)

Ninja: Just don't do much as your stitches are still healing and don't think much as well

Mark: I think he knows

Ninja: well i will be back in 30 minutes or so to help check the stitches and his condition if he is even alright to be awake


(Ninja pov)

Terra: Ninja...

Ninja: coming 

(I left the two love birds and went to nurse terra)

Ninja: sup?

Terra: his report... 

(she goes and closes the door)

Terra: For the most part it's good

Ninja: yes... he just can't over think or he will trigger something that might hurt him 

Terra: Well for now... he doesn't need to work hard. WE will try to re-write the game. But in the future..... we might need to send them back

Ninja: what do you mean?? wait.... wheres sam?

Terra: that's the other thing.... your program is still in the game

Ninja: fuck..... but still... why send them back?

Terra: They are the only ones that know the game and we know they survived the risks

Ninja: ya but they finally got out... why send them back when they finished the games

Terra: Well we wont send them back now... again Dr. Cry has to fix the programming to make sure it stays. we will try to get the S.A.M program out but if we can't we will send them in... the process should take about a month or two

Ninja: fine.... but I program S.A.M to protect and serve for JAck

Terra: Again.. we will send them in again is about a month or two when the new coding is up. That way if they have to go in... Sam will protect them on the way out

Ninja: fine... but i still don't think its a good idea to send them back in a month or so.... i'm gonna check on jack's charts

(terra nods)

Terra: Ill go talk to jack. You have Mark check his charts

Ninja: Fine


(jack pov)

(Nurse terra walks into the room)

Terra: Mark..... Nurse Ninja would like to speak with you

(Mark nods and leaves the room. I look sad watching him leave but I saw Terra get closer to me)

Terra: so...

(she then goes to the table)

Terra: I might need to take a blood sample from you to make sure that all of your vitals where the same when you came in

Jack: ok

(Terra then uses a needle and takes some blood(

Terra: we will not be sending you guys into the game anytime soon

Jack: thank god

(but what she said next surprised me)

Terra: but... in about a month or two we might need to send you and Mark back in

JAck: what?

Terra: of Course Dr. Cry will fix the programing as much as he can and that's a short amount of time but.....

JAck: but what?

Terra: At least that will give you and Mark time to recover from all of this.... and give us time to make sure it's finally safe

Jack: ok

(then i sat up on the bed)

Terra: also you might want to take things slower

Jack: ok

Terra: Just need to maker sure you don't hurt yourself.... if you think to hard that tumor might come back

(i sighed knowing that mark would be upset if i  got it back. Plus mark would also be over protective knowing his personality and how he just yelled me over the tumor)

Jack: ok.... anything else?

Terra: the program S.A.M might be helping you out in the next few months if she hasnt be corrupted

JAck: ok

Terrra: hopefully that doesn't happen

JAck: ya

Terra: let's see here..... 

(then she goes to a microscope as i just sat on this bed.... Now im miss marky)


(Ninja pov)

(i saw mark come towards me)

Mark: Terra said you want to see me

Ninja: yes i wanted to talk about your's and jack's condition

Mark: okay

Ninja: ok your charts seem about normal... just more higher stress levels then normal.... buts not as really high so it doesnt really matter

Mark: how about jack's 

Ninja: well.... ever sense jack's tumor has been fix.... someone has to watch him and make sure he doesn't over think, stress out, starve himself, or pushes himself to far. Something that might trigger his brain... and if he does well...

Mark: what....

Ninja: his tumor will come back and maybe stronger

(i saw mark looked down shocked and scared... maybe even worry)

Ninja: we need you to watch him... but in two months or so we probably would need ya guys back

Mark: wait what, why?

Ninja: well from what i heard... we might need you guys to re-enter the game as soon as Dr. Cry reprograms the game. Plus S.A.M will help ya guys out


Ninja: im sorry but im not the one making the calls


Ninja: sorry but there things I have to wrok hard for and not get anyone else hurt 

(like myself with a certain doctor)




Ninja: i understand... now listen

(he growls lightly at me. which i completely understand)

Ninja: you and jack signed up... now the only way out is though... project S.A.M will need Jacks help

(i cant believe i said Doctor Billy's usual saying)

Mark: we only wanted to test a game... not try to save the world like in some kind of Fanfic

Ninja: i get it mark... but please trust us

Mark: If Jack dies... it's on you guys

Ninja: i get it. Look you get to have some time alone with jack ok?

Mark: Can we just go home?

Ninja: let me go check on jack

(i walked into jack's room and started checking his charts )

Ninja: terra how are his vitals?

Terra: They are looking good

Ninja: ok... looks like mark and jack can go home


(jack pov)

Ninja: ok... looks like mark and jack can go home

(oh thank god)

Mark: JAck, if you want we can go to LA and you can stay with me for the two months

Jack: you sure..... (then i started remembering that i could be realy annoying) i mean i dont want to bug ya... ow 

(my head starts pounding)

Mark: yea i'm sure... the nurses said I needed to make sure you were alright anyways

Jack: ok

(mark was on his phone and i got clothes and went to the bathroom and changed and came back to mark. Off to l.a i guess)


(we get to Mark's house which is in L.A  and we go inside)

Mark: well... welcome to my humble little home

(i just giggle at mark)

Mark: um... what would you like to eat?

Jack: i dont know..

Mark: super helpful

 Jack: sorry

Mark: I'm just joking jack 

(he smiles and i  felt really dumb for not seeing a joke out of that and i feel really embarrassed about it)

Mark: whats up?

Jack: nothing

Mark: come on 

(he hugs me)

Mark: you can tell me

Jack: just a little embarrassed... nothing much

Mark: why are you embarrassed?

Jack: n-no reason..... im just not really hungry

Mark: Alright. well what do you want to do. Anything but play Five Nights at Freddy's 

Jack: thats for sure.... maybe GMOD?

Mark: um okay. let me go set it up

((hey guys its ninja...... btw i might have figured out my sexuality might be between straight and asexual. Asexual is that your not attracted to anyone. So ya i will see ya owls later))

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