That Damn Purrfect Kidnapper

By FanFicMaddyG

271K 6.8K 5.1K

@ fish_withapencil made the cover! Marionette A girl. A normal girl. She wasn't out of the ordinary or anythi... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chpater Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
The End
Pay attention

Chapter One

12.5K 286 415
By FanFicMaddyG

After about an hour of me sinking down in my chair and hiding the bell rang and I darted out of class with Alya.

"Girl slow down! What's the rush?!"

I pulled her around the corner and drew in my breath. "That A hole! The Agreste was at my bakery this morning being a total jerk!"

"O-M-G!! YOU HAD HIM IN YOU-" my eyes widen as I scrambled and covered her mouth.

"Alya people are looking" and of course they were looking cause she was fricken yelling! "And yes before you can ask he came in with a fricken smoke in his hand! Like who does that indoors?"

"An Agreste" she said seeming to be dazed. I snapped my fingers in front of her face and got her out of her trance.

"He's a no good, smoking-" I felt someone's hand then go around my waist making me freeze.

"Didn't know you found me that attractive Marinette?" The mans voice was close to my ear and I pulled away.

"I didn't mean that! Wait-how do you know my name?" I looked at Adrian as he smirked at me, his hands in the back of his jean pockets.

"Your the bakers daughter remember, and you have participated in class a lot, good for you" I narrowed my eyes at him crossing my arms.

"What do you want Agreste?" I said my voice stern, I glanced over at Alya who looked like she was about to explode. I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to him.

"What? I wanna get to know you" he shrugged and his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Who's the friend?" He looked at Alya and she was about to soar out.

"I-I'm Alya!" She squeaked out. His face turned emotionless.

"You mind if I talked to Mari here?" He said, his voice slick at the tone. My eyes widen as she nodded, she started to walk and stopped next to me.

"I'll be with Nino" she whispered and she hurried away.

"No don't lea-" I sighed and I immediately felt him behind me, wrapping his arms around my hips.

"Marche avec moi" his voice was low making me shiver and I nodded. He smirked. He pulled away and started to walk to the back doors of the school. I pulled my sketchbook closer to my chest and walked fast after him. He led me outside and then sat down on a bench, sitting as if he was at home. He then reached into his pocket pulling out a pack of smokes and taking one out, lighting it.

My nose scrunched up as I sat on the bench across from him. "How long am I going to be here? I have to go to my next class"

He chuckled bringing the smoke to his lips and then blowing out rings. I cleared my throat. "Answer?" He gave me a glare leaning up in his seat, blowing the smoke in my face.

"When I'm done with my smoke obviously" he then motioned it to me. "Wanna help?" I narrowed my eyes at him and sat back in my seat.

"I don't smoke thank you" he shrugged taking it into his mouth again.

"So tell me about yourself"' he leaned back, his arms spreading across the bench top.

"Why should I?" I snapped and he tilted his head, chuckling in amusement.

"Is it such a crime to get to know someone decent at this school?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"It's a crime for smoking on school grounds, and decent?"

"Technically it's not a crime if your not caught bugaboo" he then got up moving closer and taking another inhale of the smoke. "Everyone else in this school have a problem with them like they were dropped on their head when they were little, but not you"

I rolled my eyes turning away from him as he sat next to me, I then raised an eyebrow. "Bugaboo?"

"Mhm, you are wearing spots, like a lady bug. Plus your stubborn as a bug. And a pest like a bug so bugaboo" I turned away from him more and the bell had rung.

"Listen I really have to go, I'm already late" he put a hand on my shoulder making me turn to him and he grinned.

"Bugaboo I'm not done" with his free hand he waved around the smoke in hand and putting it to his lips again, blowing out.

"So tell me about yourself Bugaboo" He continues to tease.

"I don't tell my life story's to complete strangers, no matter who you are" I spat and his eyes brows raised in amusement.

"Fine. Let's get familiarized" Adrian moved a bit closer, inches away from me. I felt my cheeks tint red at the distance he was at.

"Adrian Agreste. I'm a senior here at the age of nineteen. I missed seventh grade having to do it again. I have a job, as you know model. My dad barely has anytime for me and makes me run errands for him. My best friend being a guy I've known my whole life named Plagg.My favorite color is green and black and my favorite animal is a black cat, girly animal for me but who gives two damns. Your turn non stranger" he smirked and I scooted away.

"Fine. Marinette Dupain-Chang. Senior. I didn't even miss a grade thank you very much at the top of my class. I work with my parents in their bakery earning a monthly allowance. I prefer to stay home then go to a party. My best friend is Alya. My favorite color, err rather pattern would be like a ladybug. Ladybugs are also my favorite animal" 

The place seemed to be empty as I looked back at the school. "Is that all? Can I go?" He nodded throwing the smoke down and crushing it with his foot.

"I'll walk you to class" I got up trying to rush away and he grabbed my wrist pulling me back and wrapping an arm across my shoulders.

"Let me go!" I said through gritted teeth. He shook his head.

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'.

You have got to be kidding me.

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