Searching for Ghosts--The Ro'...

By vyladsama

9.8K 309 144

Word spreads fast in a warzone. She should know. She's the subject of the rumors. ««»» Cassie is one of the... More

Very important! I say this a lot, but seriously, please read!
XVIII [Finale!]
200 Follower Special: Cassie meets Tenth!


517 16 17
By vyladsama

My heart races a mile a minute. I silently plead that they won't recognize the Jury of Nine emblem on my chest.

Unfortunately, they do.

"J-Juror," the guard says, pointing at me. "GENERAL! Come quick!"

Azlynn curses, but I aim and arrow at the guard. "Leave. Tell no one, or else you'll be dead within an instant."

The guard scowls, but not in a convincing way. He draws a sword. "Fight me, puppet."

Anger boils inside me and I fight to keep it under control. If it gets free, it might turn me into a monster—like when I was fighting Ivy.

I pull the bowstring back and release. I miss, on purpose. The arrow whizzes through the air and slices his cheek. I can see fear dance in his eyes.

"Not a soul," I growl.

The guard nods, trembling. He runs off.

"Do you think he'll keep his word?" Azlynn asks.

I shake my head. "Not in the slightest. He's got numbers on his side."

"Then let's run! What the hell are we doing, standing around here?" Azlynn mutters.

"Shush! I want to see if I can get some answers out of their general," I whisper.

Azlynn sighs and rolls her eyes. "What if he's a Shamen?"

"Then he's a Shamen," I retort. "Just shut up and wait."

We wait, for a long time.

"Maybe he kept his word," Azlynn mumbles.

I nod slightly. "But I need answers." The sun is setting rapidly.

"Not really," she mutters, doodling aimlessly in the soil with a stick. "You'll get your answers when the time is right."

"I'm going to find the general," I whisper, standing up.

Azlynn grabs my arm. "Do you have a death wish?!" she hisses.

"You don't even have to come!" I growl. "I'll be back within the next two hours."

"I'm not going to let you go," she says. Her voice is eerily serious.

"Azlynn, stop being difficult!" I hiss. "Someone will hear us!"

"So be it! When you die, it'll be my fault! I don't want your blood on my hands!"

"I won't die! Worst case scenario is I get captured and tortured."

Azlynn's expression hardens. "And you're okay with that?"

I shake my head. "Of course not! But this is important."

"Not as important as your life," she hisses.

"I won't die!" I rip my arm free from her grip. "If I'm not back within the next two hours, assume I was captured."

"Fine," she grumbles. "See if I care if you die!"

I feel awful for leaving her, but I have so many questions that only the general of this unit can answer. I turn around and creep down the hill without looking back.
My heart runs as my feet touch the cobblestone walkway. I hug the sides of the buildings in an attempt to stay hidden. I freeze as I hear footsteps.

"...Did you hear about the Jury member?"

I inch a bit closer to hear.

"Jury member? You mean, like, the puppets of the old ruler of O'khasis?"

"Mmhm. She was—"


"Yeah. It was a girl. Brown hair, green eyes. Pretty, from the way Ahren described her."

"And she had the emblem?"

"Right on her flat chest." The guards laugh.

Flat chest? My hands fly up to my chest in self-consciousness. I sigh quietly. He's right.

"So are we gonna look for her or what?"

"I'm not sure. General Lahané hasn't given anyone any orders."

"So why are we patrolling? We weren't ordered to."

"Cause it's protocol, dumbass."

"Oh, right."

The footsteps echo and get quieter as the guards continue to walk down the pathway.

I release my breath. Lahané. That's who I need to look for.

I glance on either side. Most of the guards are in pairs. There's no one who I could get to tell me where Lahané is. I spot a lone guard near the what looks like it was the old lord's house. Perfect.

I tiptoe over to the man, who has his sword at ready. I take a deep breath. I need the element of surprise on my side.

I dart behind a podium. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I whisper a quick prayer to Irene as I rush up behind him and put my bow over his head so the string touches his throat. I cover his mouth before he can scream.

I feel so evil.

I can't focus on that right now. "Tell me where Lahané is." I take my hand cautiously off his mouth.

"G-General Lahané? H-h-he's in the warship. J-just next to the d-dock."

"I see. Did you see what I looked like?"

"N-no ma'am. I have no idea."

"Good." I whisper a sleeping spell on the guard and he falls to the ground. I release my breath. I don't want any blood on my hands.
Getting near the docks takes longer than I expected. I load and arrow as I spot two guards on either side of the dock's entrance.

Dammit. Looks like I have no choice but to kill them.

I shoot them down silently. I'm surprised they didn't cry out and alert any nearby guards, but I'm not going to question it.

I load another arrow and creep into the ship.

"Oi! Who're—"

Oh my Irene.

"Ma Irene. Lookit who we's stumbled on," a huge beefy guard with large cheeks and bright blonde hair says to a smaller guard with orange hair.

"I see," the smaller guard muses. He has a strange accent. Actually—all of the guards have foreign accents. Possibly Tu'la accents. "Orders are to capture this woman, are they not, Stephan?"

Stephan, the large guard smile. "They is! We gets to steal a woman!" He begins to walk toward me with his arms outstretched.

I push my hair behind my ear and narrow my eyes. Gritting my teeth, I load an arrow.

"Stop!" A handsome voice calls from behind me. Something about it is familiar. I turn around to see who it is. I almost pass out on the floor.

It's Jasper.

I've been procrastinating on this chapter for so long, and it took a totally different turn. It was originally going to be the prince of Tu'la, but I dunno. I made it Jasper >:D

I'm almost done with BSD season 2 turn up


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