Whispers in the Darkness

By SmudgeTheWolf

400 19 0

Antisepticeye and Darkiplier (not Dark Septiplier). Not set in our world (for the majority of the story), has... More

Part 1: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part 2: Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

25 2 0
By SmudgeTheWolf

Luna's POV:
I saw him, it was him again. What happened to me something took over me something has still taken over me. "Luna!" Mum shouted at me. I shook my head. "Snap out of it." She said sternly. "Don't you listen to him he is trying to take you away from us. He is trying to take you to the Darkness. He is trying to get you to the Prince of Darkness."
"Why would they want to take me to Jasper?" I asked.
"Its because you can both control Elemental and Adapt powers just like Mark and Jack can. He wants you for his power. And how do you know the Prince of Darkness's name?"
"I don't know I just do."
"Don't listen to Jack, Luna. Don't listen."
"Mum I'm not listening to him it's just kind of hard to not see your best friend and realise he is now different, darker, scarier."
"Exactly, darker and scarier. You don't want to become that do you."
"Yes," my head said.
"No." Mum sighed relief.
"Alright. Just don't go anywhere near the barrier at all. Make sure someone is with you all the time when going from place to place I don't want you walking out on your own.

I waited until it was dark the I snuck out. I went to Jack's old house. I opened the door which was unlocked. I saw a ghostly figure of Mark when he was 14 walking into the house with a large knife. I saw him strangle Jack's sister with the black smoke. "You loved her," I said silently to myself. I saw him kill Jack's entire family. Then I saw Jack run into the door as Mark left. He looked horrified to see the sight but slowly his mind changed and he grabbed a large kitchen knife walked out. I followed the ghostly figure to Mark's house it was close to the barrier. Mark stood outside with a knife and soon Jack walked out covered in blood a black smoke swirling around his arms. I looked at my own arms black smoke curling around them. I ignored it and walked up to the barrier following the two ghostly figures of Mark and Jack run out of it. I stood in front of the barrier I dared not to go through it. I still wanted to be here. Another ghostly figure of Jack showed up but he was 16 now. His face seemed a lot softer a lot kinder. He touched his hand to the barrier and I put my hand up to it. I closed my fingers around the ghostly figures and it disappeared smiling, but it wasn't the evil smile I saw it was the soft smile I used to know. I closed my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I opened my eyes again to see the Jack I knew now, evil smile, dark look in his eyes. He put his hand up to the barrier I didn't know if I put my hand up to his would he pull me through or would he just disappear. I put my hand up to his and this time he wrapped his fingers around mine. "I miss you," I said.
"I know," his face seemed to change to the soft look that I saw in the ghostly figure.
"Please don't go," I pleaded.
"I'll see you soon and not behind a barrier." He left in the dark smoke my hand still up against the barrier. There was still some good in his heart he didn't pull me through but he did say he would see me soon so maybe he was going to just not now.

Jack's POV:
"You let her go!" Mark shouted at me.
"I'm not going to pull her through!"
"Love makes you weak," Mark said in a dark menacing voice. "You have gone soft Jacky." He threw a punch at my gut. I launched myself onto him.
"I am not weak!" I shouted. We were both pushed back against the wall. Jasper walked out of the dark shadow in the corner of the room.
"You two idiots are both weak. Simply killing your parents isn't good enough. I want you next time her parents go out to kill them and when the time comes that she too is allowed outside of the barrier I want you to kill her too," his voice deep and even scary to me.
"I thought you wanted to use her?" Mark said. Jasper dropped us to the ground.
"Not anymore she has proven too hard to crack. You assholes were cracked within the first few days but she is still holding true to herself. She will be of no use to me because when she finally is allowed out of the barrier she won't be able to be converted she will be too old and know the ways of the Elementals too much and once she is dead maybe little Jacky over here will stop his little love antics and straighten up a bit." I glared at Jasper. "You two are my lieutenants, SO GET YOUR PUNY HEADS OUT OF THE DIRT AND GET TO WORK." Jasper disappeared back into the dark corner.
"Next time you see her again and she comes to the barrier pull her through. Don't let love blind you it makes you weak," Mark said. I balled my fists.
"I'm not weak."
"Then start acting like it." He disappeared outside.

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