Satan's Secrets

By XXrogueXlucyXX

44.1K 2.1K 118

With Red Claws no longer needing Derik through the contract and Miss. Selkze dead things have somewhat calme... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23:
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:
:Chapter 37:
:Chapter 38:
:Chapter 39:
:Chapter 40:
:Chapter 41:

:Chapter 8:

1K 48 5
By XXrogueXlucyXX


'We got to drive Isabella home!' Ash had been cheering that. Making it hard to watch the super bowl. All my brothers had gathered downstairs with our Dad and Mom and Kadan's family along with Alana. Mom had made all sorts of snacks, from pretzels to nachos and wings. Hey Mom was feeding a bunch of hungry werewolves. 'Least the food is good.'

Ash still though football was pointless. "I bet the patriots are gonna win." Kadan said brushing aside his strawberry blonde hair. Alana was leaned up against him munching away at his nachos. 'Least she is eating something while she is carrying a mini Kadan. Well a girl Kadan.' Alana was having a girl, they still hadn't planned names yet though. 'Very mature. I already have names planned for Isabella's and I's children.' Uh, ok? Ash was very strange.

Isabella wasn't here she was at home with her brothers. I don't know if they watch the super bowl or not. Isabella found it pointless. 'Just like me! A match made in heaven!' 'I have stuff in common with Isabella.' 'I know which is why Isabella and us are a match made in heaven!' Ok. Mom had walked in with another tray of nachos and set it down on the table. Whitney, Kadan's Mom was also helping my Mom with the food.

I reached forward and grabbed a cheese covered nacho and bit into it. My Mom's cooking was great, she could both make tortilla chips or buy them. Soon everyone was going at the nachos and wings. Mom purposely skipped dinner for this occasion. 'The food is good.' Delicious. I grabbed myself a barbeque wing before focusing o the T.V. that was on. 'You know everyone is going to be talking about this tomorrow in school right?' 'Yes now quiet for I can watch it.' Ash rolled his eyes before letting me watch it.
"Told you the patriots would win." Kadan said meeting up with me in the hallway. "You said this yesterday." I told Kadan glancing at him. 'He screamed it yesterday.' We were in the last period which for me was a free period. I was at my locker sorting through it looking for my math homework. Also for my wallet. I planned on going Valentine's gift shopping. Today was the day that I hope is where I don't get jumped by some sort of demon.

Last Valentine's day a Helkin named Vee jumped in the parking lot of Walmart. 'I hated the demon. So mean.' She told me that my alpha puppy self needed to go find another mate. I wasn't finding a new mate anytime soon. Plus I didn't have another one, Ash gave the ok on Isabella.

The werewolf mates was very complicated then it seems to be. You can have tons of mates but your wolf will only select one that they see fit. Lets say their is an Alpha with fertility problems and a Omega with some Alpha blood, like Andrew. Your wolf would select the Omega to mate with despite status. Similar to females, the female wolves have to ok the mate too. This is why wolves tend to be more close to each other then their human halves are.

An example would be when Kadan and Alana first met. Alana was reluctant because of trust issues. Jessica, Alana's wolf was all about being Randall's, Kadan's wolf. 'Isabella doesn't have a wolf.' 'Isabella is a special case.' Human and werewolf mating's were rare but not impossible. Like Akira and Audrey. Most werewolf and human mates could be a sad story due to werewolves longevity and humans not having it. Most werewolves would have something done to prevent that though.

I found my homework in my science binder and my wallet behind all the binders. I got everything into my backpack before closing the locker to give Kadan my full attention. Kadan looked a little worn-out, I could only assume it was from the fact that he was gonna be a Father. 'I'd be nervous and worn-out if I was gonna be a Father.' I wouldn't be shocked. 'You'd also be hiding from Ryne and Enyr.' Ash rolled his eyes but didn't argue.

"So how is Alana besides being very tired?" I asked. When a she-wolf got pregnant they'd usually be drugged so the wolf wouldn't come out since shifting could destroy the fetus. Only a few shifts can be done and that was pushing it. "Alright. Despite the cravings." Kadan said. Alana had chocolate and some weird cravings. Kadan ate with her to make her feel better but watched what he ate. 'Doesn't want to become fat like some Dad's do.'

I nodded. "More important question how are you and Isabella doing?" Kadan asked with a small smirk on his face. "Well she's letting me over to her house." I told Kadan with a small smile. For awhile I had never really seen Isabella's house, she was always at mine. "I've seen Isabella's house. I was inside it when the hellhound hung the rogue in her house." Kadan said when I glared at him. 'I never understood that. Was it Gavial or that other hellhound dude the one that was the Father of Paris.'

I shrugged. Kadan nodded. I turned away and saw Isabella walking towards us, I didn't know why until I remembered her locker was right next to mine. "Move it loser." Isabella said to Kadan. "Maybe if you said it nicer." Kadan said still standing in front of her locker. 'It's about to go down.' Isabella grabbed Kadan's arms and began trying to forcefully trying to move him. Key word try. "Move you freaking hippo." Isabella said.

"A please would be nice." Kadan said. Isabella glared and I bit my lip. "Please move out of my way." Isabella said her voice all cheery then going dark. Kadan rolled his eyes but moved for Isabella. Isabella opened her locker then got out some things. 'I think Isabella is in a mood.' 'You think?' After Isabella got her stuff she slammed her locker door shut.

"Dalton. You are to come over to my place to work on our history project." Isabella said before walking off. Kadan looked at me confused. "What history project?" I asked. Isabella simply ignored me and kept on walking. Kadan raised an eyebrow. "I don't know." I told him.

"Well you will find out when you got to her house." Kadan said patting me on the shoulder. With that he walked off leaving me alone in the middle of the hallway. 'Maybe we could go after Isabella and ask her.' At least it gave us something to do.

1107. Short chapter, well sorta. Could of been longer but I was running out of ideas. But how are you enjoying Satan's Secret's so far? Comment what you think. Do you guys want to hear something funny. Ok so my cousin said the table was pushed in. I went to pull it back and she said I wasn't Supergirl. Then I pulled it back and she said never mind and walked off. Yeah. Until next time Supermarshmallows.

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