
By Jadegirl224

917 31 15

An Undertale AU where monsters are still currently trapped underground. It's been 6 months since Frisk has be... More

Fallen Down
The Ruins
Old Home
Into the Snow
Caves and Discussions
The Capital
Secret Lab
Secrets Out
Training in the Snow
My Fault
A Loving Family
To the Void Again
Blueprints and Golden Petals
Science Stuff
Little Brother
Hopes and Dreams
Broken Barrier


29 2 0
By Jadegirl224

     "W..what?..... that can't be right..." I looked up at her, my heartbeat racing. Alphys was quiet as she turned her attention to the screen again. 

          "I'll be back, stay here." Alphys said before turning and leaving the room, the door sliding shut behind her. My breathing speed up as I begun to hyperventilate. I didn't know what to do... I ripped off the bands connecting me to the machine and stood up, grabbing onto the table as my leg reminded me I couldn't go anywhere. Spark came over, noticing my distressed and whimpered slightly, drawing my focus to him. I hugged him tightly, it wasn't the most comfortable thing since he was a skull but it was reassuring. Spark gently picked my up so I was now sitting on him and I laid down, trying to process exactly what was happening. Gaster hadn't been able to block the machine..... at least not with complete success. 

              "....what do I do." I said rolling over slightly and rubbing Spark's skull. He seemed to like it... was he?... purring?.... I couldn't help but giggle as I realized that. Gaster blasters were incredibly strong and deadly weapons, no doubt about it, but they could also be the sweetest pets to ever live. "We'll be ok.. right Sparky?" I said trying to convince myself. Spark rapidly nodded in response sending me into the air and almost making me fall on my face multiple times. "Ok! Ok! I get it!" I said through laughs. I sat up as my eyes landed on the door again. I could run but then again I had been running so much since I got here, the only real break I got was when me and sans talked...

        "I think he's curious about why your soul is different."  Flowey's voice ran through my head. What if Flowey was right...... what if Flowey was right! If Sans was curious about my soul he must at least have a basic knowledge of how they worked, after all he was the son of W.D. Gaster..... but Sans had been gone every since we had eaten, where could he have gone? 

            "Spark, can you find sans?" I asked glancing down at the blaster. He lightly nodded as to not throw me. "Ok good, I need you to take me to him... but it needs to be a surprise, we can't let the others know I left alright?" Spark nodded again. "Then let's go."


          Getting out of the lab was pretty easy. It seemed Alphys had left after viewing the results on the machine and everyone else had been gone for a while. As we entered Hotland I looked at the two directions we could go, left towards the Core and the Capital and right towards Waterfall and Snowdin. 

         "Alright Sparky, lead on." I whispered, gently patting his head reassuringly. Hotland didn't have many places to hide so we had to fly under the land bridge to keep from having anyone see us. As impossible as it might seem it was even hotter down there despite the shadow the land cast over us. Once we reached the end of Hotland Spark lead us to the edge of the land letting me glance over to see if anyone was there before continuing into Waterfall. We hid in the echo flowers, silently breezing by and catching a piece of a conversation here and there. 

            "I still don't trust her, there's something off about her." Undyne voice rung through Waterfalls. I laid flat against Spark as he got low to the ground, letting the echo flowers surround us. 

             "Aw, come on Undyne, Frisk says we can trust them, besides they are her sister." Papyrus answered back. A hint of guilt pierced through my soul as I comforted Spark, keeping him quiet. 

             "That's the only thing keeping me from stabbing her and freeing us all but that doesn't mean I trust the girl." Undyne growled, stomping past us as I held my breath. Papyrus stopped, looking over at where we were, his eye glowing again. "..huh? Papyrus something wrong? Your eyes glowing and what not." Undyne stopped looking back at him. 

         " it's nothing...." He said quietly before catching up to Undyne. 

      'I'm sorry Papyrus.... I'll explain everything soon...' I thought. We gave them a good 5 minutes before continuing on. Normally I'd wait a bit longer but Paps and Undyne were fast and competitive so by now they were probably nearing Hotlands. A familiar wave of cold hit me and I shivered, rubbing my arms as we entered Snowdin. 

           "Guess this is where Sans is huh?" I asked Spark as I rubbed his head gently. Spark nodded before speeding off to the skeleton brother's house as the snow fall began to pick up.  

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