True Mates

By emilyheartred

39.2K 338 54

The first day of grade twelve was when Melissa Cruz saw HIM for the first time...Justin Andrews. That one nig... More

Stupid actions cause stupid problems
Surprises...pleasant and unpleasant
Happy times?
The Search
His Apartament
Sleep over!
Perfect Moments
The Forest
Fun Times
Back to School
My Bloody Secret
The Truth
Fooling Around
I think.....
The big surprise
The Pack
Mom's House
The Hospital
The Talk
The Walk Through the Park
First Kicks
Heart to Heart

Another Threat

1K 12 1
By emilyheartred

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like this chapter!!!! Comment, vote, fan, and like please!! I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, but it would be nice.:D


Chapter 14

After we were done the make out session, I rolled my eyes.

"Man, you are all tongue, aren't you?" I asked him, but smiled. I sounded so wierd. That was a really awkward question. He just smiled.

"Yeah, bitch! That's how I roll! And don't be accusing me, you're always acting like you are giving my tongue a massage."

"Um....ew. You couldn't have kept it G-rated here?"

"No, I don't do G-rated arounf my mate." He replied casually, and I surprised him by pouting. He stared at me, expecting an explanation for my sadness.

"But one of my favorite shows is G-rated!" I blurted, and then blushed. He smirked.

"Yeah? What's your favorite show?" He asked, laughing. I blushed. Me and my stupid big mouth. But I tried to make it sound as cool as possible.

"Franklin, bitch!"

He just laughed at me. " do realize we're in grade twelve.....right?"


"Okay, then. Franklin is on in an hour, if you want to watch it." He said casually as if it were an everyday normal thing that we talk about.

I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "How do you fucking know?" I asked with humor in my tone. He must watch it to know that kind of stuff.

He blushed and looked away. "I saw it on the guide every day...." He told me, his lame ass excuse making me giggle.

"Fuck face." I blurted without thinking. He smirked. Wow, a lot of smirking going on here.

"I thought we were trying to keep it G-rated."

"Fuck that."

"What if I want to keep it G-rated?"

"Okay, then, we can't make out."

"Fuck G rated."


He smiled at me and hugged me close to his chest. "I have to get the mail."

I smirked. "What is this, the 1800's? There's something called email, you know." I explained to him like he was a six year old.

He just shrugged and got the mail. When he came back, he had a confused look on his face. He handed me a letter, and my face went identical to his.

"For me?"

He just nodded, curiosity in his eyes. I opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Melissa Cruz,

Yes, I know your full name. I'm so creepy. I'm warning you, stay away or I'll kill you.

From:Again, none of your business. Hhah. This is becoming childish, isn't it? Passing notes. Huh. Well, it's almost time. Very soon now......

I quickly read it over four times and then realized that Justin was reading.

Oh, shit.

I didn't want him to worry, so I put it in my pocket casually. But it was too late.

"Who was that from?" He asked, his eyes turning black from anger. His wolf wanted a say in this, I could tell.

I shrugged, and he held out his hand, indicating for me to give it to him. I reluctantly did, and he read it over a few times.

"Is this the first one?"

I shook my head silently, and went to my jacket to go get the other one. I put it in my pocket when I first recieved it, thinking it was just a prank. But this isn't a prank. This is just creepy. I gave him the first one and his eyes turned jet black from fury.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?!?!?!"

"I didnt want you to worry." I said quietly, sounding weak.

"You didn't want me to worry? YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO WORRY?!?!?! WELL, GUESS WHAT? I AM WORRIED!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted angrily, and I flinched.

"I'm sorry. Who do you think sent it?" I asked, trying the change the subject.

He brushed his hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't fucking know!" He shouted, but more nicely.

I hugged him, bringing myself closer to him. "I love you," I explained. "And no matter what happens, I always will."

He got mad at the last part. "Nothing's going to happen to my mate!!" He shouted. "But who would want to hurt you?"

I shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I've had enemies before, but nothing serious enough to make them want to kill me!" I recited, and started to pace the room.

"Mine." He said, and roughly grabbed my waist. "My mate."


OKAY, for those who have been reading my story from the beginning, you might know I had a Rated R scene in my chapter. But because that scene changed my book to Rated R, I made it a separate book. Just go on my profile and click it to read it!!

Comment, vote, fan and like!!

Thanks so much for the support so far!!!


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