Tonight I'm a Superhero (A Lu...

By Hemmings_Styles19

13.4K 218 48

Olivia Martin is a normal teenage girl, she like One Direction and is in love with Harry Styles. But when she... More

Chapter One; The Concert
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
Chaper nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen || If you knew.
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen.
Chapter seventeen|| Rocks And My Window.
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen: Johanna and Niall
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-One
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three: I think im falling apart
Chapter twenty-four (Important Chapter)
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven: You'll be alright.
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty!

Chater ten

439 8 2
By Hemmings_Styles19

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asked, I just looked at him

Did her really just ask me that. Did he know? did Ashton tell him?!

"Luke, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said and he smiled at me and then he hugged me.

Someone walked out and I assumed that it was one of the other boys and to be honest I didn't really care. all a knew was that I had a boy that I really liked hugging me and that was quite cool.

"What is going on out here?" Harry asked

"Oh um nothing." I said and I walked back into the room to get the bag with the dress in it.  I walked out with my suitcase and my dress. I then walked into the bathroom and I changed. Wow, I don't know why anyone of them would buy me such an expensive looking dress. I just don't understand. My phone buzzed on the counter. I looked at it. It was twitter. I smiled and read the new tweet. I realized that it was from Harry saying.

"So excited to go on tour, mostly to go around the world."

I smiled and walked out. I found my tennies and I put them on. I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror. I walked out and I saw Luke and everyone.

"We are flying out today." Luke said and I smiled.

"What time are we going?" I asked them.

"In about two hours." Harry said and I smiled at them and walked out the door.

"Hey were are you going?" Luke asked.

"I am hungry." I said and I walked away from them.

"Well here." he said handing me an apple. I smiled at him and just took a bite of it. I walked back over to him. "Well what do you want to do for the next couple hours?" he asked me.

"Well um.." I said and he brought me back into the room where I saw all of the boys in there again. How did they manage to get passed us.

They all started to sing a song to one of my favoirite songs. I smiled and looked around.

 "That's what makes you beautiful." someone said. 

"I love that song." I said

"Well, I am glad to know that cause you will most likely be hearing a lot of that song." Louis said and I hugged him then walked over to Luke and I hugged him as well. 

Oh my gosh i just hugged one of my idols he was standing right in front of me. This is amazing. I dont know what to do. I am fangirling just a little right now. Okay a lot right now.//

"Guys we need to go." Liam said.

Well here we go!


ok so next chapter should be up soon. i think that you may have  a suprise coming up soon. i really dont know what will happen. If you have any ideas please let me know so that i can get it written. Ok i want to thank you for reading and i am really sorry for the short chapter.

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