The Cursed Love | J.JK

By NaegaSwaeg

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"Toys can talk?!" In which a girl named Kim Wangbi, or known as Princess met a guy named Jeon Jungkook in th... More

Special Chaper: J-Sie ft. Yoonmin


711 32 6
By NaegaSwaeg

8 Days Left....

Even now, I still can't believe what I've learned. What I have heard, that is the truth. It just, it can't be. I thought my theories were correct and all the calculations are right, but I guess not every guess seems to be wild....


"Oh dear...." Granny gasped

"Why? What is it granny?" I asked

"I have encountered many spells in my younger days, and this one seems to be the worst...."

"Why?" Jungkook asked

"This isn't just an ordinary curse, it's limited to a very short time. It contains lies and tricks to avoid the solution, it can be very risky...." She said

"What do you mean lies and tricks to avoid the solution?" I asked

"Some of the instructions are very wrong and incorrect...."

"What? But it all says here...." I said as I showed her the book

"Oh no....." She said

"You've got the fake book!" She exclaimed

"What?!" Me and Jungkook said

"The Spirit Souls book, it was already banished a long time ago. It was hidden in the deepest part of the earth, no human being can retrieve it. Only a witch can bring it back....." She said

"Th-Then, everything we knew. Was wrong?!" Jungkook said

"Not everything, Abigail's history, The Wings of Affection, was the same as told. But everything else is a fake, the limited days, The creature. It's not the cure....." Granny said and caressed Jungkook

"Then please, tell me. I need to find the cure, I don't want Jungkook to be stuck in this forever. He has a life to live, so many things to discover and see. He has a sister to take care of, he has me who cares for him...." I pleaded

I clutched the necklace, it has grown attached to my as the time passed...

I realized that Jungkook had faced the hardest challenge in life, and I know that he's close to giving up. But I won't back down, he's my responsibility now. I can't just give up....

"Oh child, I can only help a little. For I have witnessed her first attempt, and she cursed me to never tell any living being. But I have a riddle, it may help...

Limit is Love
Love is limited
Find the cure
And be sure

I'll count to three
So you'll be free
But it's not always what we want
There's also a twist in the plot

Small wings
And heartfelt feelings
It's your passion
Not your vision

There's a clock
Tick tock tick tock
And a spark
Shall make it's mark...."


"How am I going to fix this?" I said, my eyes feeling a little watery

I clutched the necklace as I looked at the sleeping Jungkook, still tucked in bed. Even though he has a fluffy face, long bunny ears, he still resembled a human being.... At least to me, he still looks like one...

'I'm so sorry Kookie....'

Then suddenly, the necklace I was clutching glowed. I turned to look at it, but I felt a sudden pang of pain in my head. I closed my eyes tight and held a tight grip on my hair, trying to endure the pain....

That's when I didn't know, clear liquid was falling from my eyes. I was crying, not just because of the pain, but because of the fright of failing and loosing Jungkook....

I didn't know what happened next, everything suddenly turned so dark....

*3rd Person's POV*

The young maiden felt a spiky-like— soft at the same time— around her, as she fluttered her hazel eyes open... She saw nothing but darkness, her necklace was the only source of light, making the surroundings more familiar...

This time, she was afraid. Unlike before, she had a companion, now she was alone. She was afraid of the dark. Wait, no. She wasn't afraid of the dark, rather what was in the dark, especially when no one is there to accompany her....

'This was where I saw the glowing butterflies, so don't be afraid Wangbi....'

Then it suddenly tinged in her head...

"Jungkook?" She called

"Is anyone here?" She continued

"Princess?" A voice called out



"Jungkook I'm here!"

"I can't see you!"

"The necklace is glowing! You can see—"

Almost like an out burnt candle, the glow on her necklace disappeared revealing only darkness. This was enough to let out her warm tears...

Despite her being scared, she ran not knowing where to go. Afraid that something might pop up to her face, she closed her eyes, avoiding her to see anything....

Princess hit something hard while running, resulting her to fall on that certain object. Only to find out that it was a man's broad chest....


She automatically calmed down, knowing that it was Jungkook's voice. She sobbed and snuggled onto him, loosing hope....

"It's okay, It's okay...." He said and caressed her back

They were both surprised that they didn't push each other away. Jungkook gently pulled Princess's face to make her look at him....

That's when their world suddenly stopped, as they stared at each others eyes. Time seemed to freeze, and it felt like the universe only paid attention to them...

With their faces only inches apart, Jungkook's palm on each side of Princess's face, slowly drying her falling tears....

Jungkook felt his heart rate increase, his stomach having butterflies inside. He never knew that he was pulling her near, and as the necklace that was on her neck that was glowing, illuminated her face, making them see each others face clearly...

Princess, on the other hand, felt they same way. She missed it, she missed feeling safe, she missed being around someone who makes her feel... Happy.....

As they inched their lips together, but it didn't touch, not yet....

"3 days child, 3 days and it's all over....."

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