The Pursuit

By WritingGals

951K 26K 1.4K

Bethany Bridges leaves the town she grew up in Washington to pursue her dreams of becoming an architect in th... More

Sneak Peek
Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One

Twenty Two

22K 734 47
By WritingGals


The following morning, Caleb and I checked out of our hotel room, getting ready to leave San Francisco. We stood in the lobby saying goodbye to his family. It was hard for me being right there besides him, especially after what happened last night. I couldn't bring myself to face his mother and older sister in the eyes.

"Goodbye, Ann!" Selene squeezed me in her arms. For a petite frame like hers, she had a powerful strength in her hugs. She looked me in the eyes sincerely. "Thank you for coming last night. I hope you had fun despite other events happening."

I broke out into a small fit of laughter. "I did. Thank you, and congratulations again."

"Mum." Caleb called his mother who stood before us.

Sophia had an unpleasant look on her face with her arms crossed tightly in front of her chest. Selene, no doubt, took after her mother in physical appearances. Sophia's hair was bundled up in a tight bun on top of her head. Her entire appearance screamed intimidation. I willed myself to not flinch from her intense gaze lingering on me.

"Caleb, why must you leave early? Hasn't your temper subsided?" She had to tilt up her head to look at her son in the eyes. "We've only seen each other for less than two days in months and you're leaving!"

Caleb squeezed my hand in his. "Mother, of course my temper is gone, but my disappointment and anger at your words last night hasn't."

Sophia's jaw tightened. "The feeling is mutual then." She flashed me an icy glare that sent chills through my body. "I'm very disappointed in you, Caleb. I've raised you better than that."

There was no question to what disappointment she was referring to. Me.

"Thank you for inviting me, Sophia," I spoke up to break away the tension that was quickly building in the room. "It was a lovely party. I hope that the next time we meet, we'll be on better terms."

Her eyes zoned in on me. "If we meet again, and it was such an excellent party before you created such a ruckus." Heat rose up my neck at the reminder of my clumsiness yesterday.

"Caleb, Ann, car's ready." Drake appeared, his cheeks looking a rosy red of color from the cold. He assessed the conversation at hand and stepped back respectively.

"Bethany, let's go," Caleb announced nodding his head at Drake who took one of our small luggages. He pulled me right behind him as we walked towards the exit, not sparing his mother another glance her way. 

I turned around with an apologetic look on my face directed at his family. Selene and their father, Larry, had kind smiles and waved. Georgina and Sophia stood side by side looking furious as ever. I looked away and let Caleb pull me out and into the safety of the car. 

This time, Caleb took a seat besides me in the backseat, his arm comfortably around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his chest looking up at him with a smile. "Thank you for defending me." 

"Always," he said landing a kiss on the top of my head. He cleared his throat. "Straight to the airport, Drake."

He looked at us with through the rearview mirror, a knowing smile on his face. "I see you two have made me the driver."

I felt Caleb's chest moved as he chuckled. "I'll repay the favor next time."

The car ride was silent and smooth to the airport. The process to getting on our flight on time, however, was such a hassle due to the long very lengthy security check lines. It seemed like everyone was on their way back home after a vacation in San Francisco or leaving home to go on vacation. 

Unfortunately, Caleb and I were ones to go back to reality in Seattle. 

The plane landed in Seattle, the dreary weather welcoming us back with open arms. I all of a sudden missed the much milder temperature of Vegas. Caleb and I ran back to where we parked his car in the long term area in a weak attempt to dodge the pelting rain. We both slammed the door shuts and were in hysterics as he started the car.

"Welcome back to rainy Washington," I muttered placing my hands in front of the vent in the car where it was letting out warm air. 

He laughed, placing his right arm around the back of my seat as he reversed from the parking space. "Don't you want to be back?"

I bit my lip. "If I had a choice, I would want to stay in that convention my entire life."

"I take it you had a wonderful time then?"

I smiled at him. "More than I expected I would, and it's all thanks to you."

"My pleasure." His entire face lit up, and I had no doubt he loved me. If a stranger was looking in, they wouldn't believe that a sweet guy like him could be related to such a bitter woman who was his mother.

Caleb took the familiar route back to my loft, and I dreaded coming back. He definitely has spoiled me with the best hotel rooms and room service. Now I would be back to my squeaky old bed and rowdy neigbors who recently moved in up above my loft. 

He illegally parked the car in front of the entrance, making a statement that he didn't want to leave soon. I unbuckled my belt but stayed rooted to my seat. 

"Ann, we can't keep ignoring the giant elephant in the room." His voice sounded hurt.

I immediately knew what he wanted to talk about. I plastered a smile on my face. "We're not ignoring it."

Caleb sighed. "I broke my promise to you. I'm sorry." His face looked as dejected as his voice.

I turned my body around and leaned over to him. I let the left side of my hand softly caress his face. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Yes, I'm heartbroken that your mother and sister didn't like me, but hopefully that could change over time."

"I didn't know my mother could be that brutal."

"Oh, you're overreacting," I said pinching his cheek slightly. "She said a few hurtful words. It's what women do, and I can tell she said that because she loves you. Sophia only wants the best for you, and I admire her for that."

He touched his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. "You're more than the best for me. I simply don't deserve you."

I smiled. Oh the irony. "That's funny because I've been thinking the other way around."

He cracked a smile, breaking free from his crestfallen look. I hated that look on him. "Hmm, so we must not deserve each other then." 

I shook my head kissing the tip of his nose. "No, I guess we don't." I played along with him.

He gently kissed my lips several times. "But I'm not letting you go."

"Neither am I. I love you."

He kissed me deeply on what seemed like the umpteenth kiss. He slithered his tongue in, exploring every inch of my mouth. My fingers had spread out across his shoulders, tightening in a silent message to continue his assault on my mouth. The two of us had never kissed this intensely as before, and he pulled away remembering I had to breathe to live.

"Go on inside," he suggested but the look on his face said something different. "You're back working tomorrow, aren't you?"

I nodded. "Unfortunately." I pulled away from him. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then?"

"I'll be right here to pick you up."

I grinned. I already couldn't wait. "All right. Goodbye, Caleb."

He kissed me one last time and let me go. "Goodbye."

I insisted on getting my stuff from his trunk myself and hauled it inside the uninviting lobby of the building. I walked passed by a middle-aged woman who seemed to have seen better days in her lifetime. She blew out a ring of smoke, eyeing me with red eyes. It hurt to think that this was my mother before.

I hurriedly took the stairs to my floor and unlocked the door to the loft I called home for the moment. I sighed, left my small suitcase by the door, and walked into the kitchen to find something to drink. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and gulped down a quarter of the water. I would have drank more to quench my thirst if it wasn't for my phone blaring out my ring tone in my purse. 

"Hello?" I successfully saved the call from going to voice mail just in time. 

"Hi sis," Ben's familiar, deep voice resonated through the line. "How are you? How was the convention?"

I sat down on the couch. "Hey Ben. I just got back to my loft right now actually. It was great. Really great."

I could sense him smirk on the other end. "The convention or Vegas with your boyfriend?"

"Both." I didn't deny it. It was true anyways. "How are you doing? Is everything going smoothly with your transfer? You did talk to Dad, right?" Ben and I agreed that he would seek financial help from our father. I was also hoping it would remedy their broken relationship. 

"Yeah, it's going as planned, and I did. I'm glad you talked me into doing it."

I smiled to myself. "So you're admitting I'm right?"

"I said nothing about that. Anyways, that's not what I wanted to talk about."

"What is it?" I was getting curious.

"I went to see Mom earlier today."

The facility said that the first few weeks of Mom's rehab weren't open to visitors. The rule has been lifted only a few days ago, and I'd been meaning to plan a visit as soon as I could.

"How'd it go? How's Mom?" I fired question after question at Ben concerning the welfare of the person who gave birth to us. 

"She's doing real good, Ann." His voice was laced with pride and happiness. My heart warmed at his words. My brother wouldn't lie about something like this. "She actually hugged me first."

I became on edge. "Are you saying she's become a real softie?"

Ben chuckled loudly on the other end. "Of course not. She's still the hardheaded mother we know just minus all the cigarettes and alcohol."

"Do you think this will stick once she's out?"

"I don't know, Ann. She still has a few more months to go. We never know what'll happen once she's in the presence of alcohol. Maybe the temptation will get to her, maybe it won't, but right now, I'm just enjoying how she is. I told her that the house got sold, hope you don't mind. And I informed her about my decision to go to college in California. She asked how you were doing too."

I waited for him to continue, but when he didn't, I got irritated. "Go on Ben!"

"I told her you were holing it up with the homeless in Seattle."

"Ben." I had not one ounce of amusement in my voice.

"Yeah, she didn't find my joke amusing either. No I told her you were living your dream in Seattle becoming an architect. I didn't tell her about  your boyfriend though, thought I'd let you tell her that yourself."

I stayed silent on the phone mulling over his words.

"Ann, she's really proud of you."

I felt the happy tears forming. I wiped away the unshed tears from my eyes. "I'm glad to hear it."

We talked more on the phone, before he had to go help Em with the grocery bags in the car. I was sure that she was taking advantage over his strong arms by ordering him to do labor around the house. 

This weekend might have not been the best concerning Caleb's family but mine was going in the right direction. For now, that was all that mattered. I had time in winning Caleb's mother over as well as his sister. Right now, I felt content with having a guy like Caleb right by my side for whenever I would need him. 


As I went to the office the next morning, I could tell something wasn't  right. The ever bright and friendly atmosphere of the architectural floor wasn't present. I walked the same path to my desk and found the usual staff in their offices watching me as I walked and whispering to one another. It reminded me of the night at Selene's party. 

I scrunched my eyebrows and kept my head high. Surely there wasn't something on my face? I looked at my dim reflection on the computer screen, and it was clear. I moved the strands of hair framing face behind my ear and booted up the computer. 

While waiting for it to start up, I grabbed the file folder on my desk with work usually being left by Luis. It was always full, and I could never finish the tasks he had for us in just one day. So I was quite startled to see it empty. Frowning, I peeked over at Jeff's table to see his folder filled up. I made a mental note to ask him about that once he comes in.

Several minutes passed by, but still Jeff was a no show. It was way after nine am. Once he did show, however, he wasn't alone. Luis followed right behind him as if they'd been walking together. His face was a huge contrast to Jeff's smug and smiling expression.

Instantly, my guards went up. 

"Miss Bridges." Luis' tone of voice was not pleasant. "I need to see you in my office."

Jeff's sardonic smile only grew wider. 

I stood up quickly from the chair and nodded. "Sure." 

Luis turned away before I could say anything else. I glanced at Jeff who failed at hiding his smirk or purposely put on a show. I shot him a scowl and walked past him to follow Luis to his office which used to be Caleb's. The door was left inches open, and I walked right on it after a warning knock.

Today seemed to be full of surprises for when I entered, Scarlet, one of the department director, and Tanya, the assistant director to Luis, accompanied him at his table. They looked up from their silent conversation at me as I walked in.

"Please sit, Miss Bridges." Luis pointed to the chair from across his desk. The two other women in the room were sat on either side. 

My pulse started racing. This didn't seem like a friendly chat by the stern expressions on their faces. 

"How'd you find the convention?" Luis approached the oncoming discussion with a cordial question.

"It was excellent." I mustered up a smile. Although I knew with everything in me that this wasn't about the convention at all. "I really enjoyed it."

"Did Caleb enjoy it as well?" He asked the next question with innocence.

I narrowed my eyes. What was this? A trick question?

Well I wasn't going to fall for it. "I'm sure he did. I think everyone that went did. I heard it was better than last year's."

He nodded slowly as if he was inspecting my words. "Do you have an idea on why I called you in here this morning?" 

I shook my head. "I'm afraid not."

He clasped his hands and placed them on the table, leaning closer to me. I suddenly felt small under his gaze. Luis had never been this antagonistic before. He'd always been an amicable old man. I wondered what changed.

"We've gone through the applications for this intern positions. We were planning on finding another applicant to fill in for Mr. Oliver Hansworth's position." 

I felt beads of sweat starting on my forehead.

Okay, Ann. Just breathe deeply. Maybe this conversation won't head towards the direction you're thinking... 

"We've found a fault in your application," Tanya spoke up zeroing in on me with her eyes.

I couldn't say anything. I was too speechless to do or say anything. They couldn't... No.

"It seems you haven't completed four years of university with an architectural program. Work experience wasn't necessary, but the four years were a requirement for this intern position."

My mouth was dry. I ran my tongue around to try and salivate it. "I admit I don't have my bachelor's degree." Saying that out loud reminded me of the humiliation I went through just two nights ago for it. "But I am a hard worker. I learn fast. I- I'm good at what I do!" I looked at each of them, pleading for them to understand.

"We don't underestimate your skills, Bethany." Luis ran a hand over his face as if he was conflicted. "The things we've been doing recently requires a degree. You and Jeff have been working on official contracts for this department. We are going against the law by letting you handle all the affairs."

I was enraged. Yes, I was at fault in this too, but they were as well! "If you would have just looked at your applications carefully, rejected me, none of this would have happened."

"Only you would have twisted that as well," Scarlet said in her deep voice for a woman. "It was up to Mr. Wilkes to choose the applicants. It's too much of an error for he to overlook your absent degree." She cocked her head to the side. "I heard you and Caleb are quite close."

I gritted my teeth. "My relations with Caleb have nothing to do with the matter at hand." 

"Doesn't it?" She asked.

I casted my eyes from her and to Luis. He seemed to be agreeing with Scarlet.

"Are you implying that I'm using Caleb for this position?"

Luis put both of his hands up in the air to silence the both of us. "Bethany, it's hard for us to not see it that way. This violates the company's policy!"

I shook my head vigorously. "No it doesn't! We started our relationship after you took over. I didn't use him for this position. But that's right besides the point! I admit I started this entire internship wrong, and I know I deserve the repercussions that come with it." I let down my strong frontier. "But please. Give me another chance."

"I believe that chances won't be given," Luis replied crushing my heart as he said those words.

I had let my body deflate and closed my eyes. Nothing wasn't going the way I planned. I jolted in my chair as the four of us heard the door slam open against the wall. I turned around, and my heart lifted at the sight of Caleb storming in.

"What's going on Luis?" He demanded coming to a stop right in front of the desk and besides me. 

I straightened my posture on alert. I didn't need for him to witness all my failures.

"Mr. Wilkes. This is a closed meeting."

He waved it off. "It's not closed to me when I'm part of the discussion!" His eyes connected with mine as he looked at me. "You can't punish her for my wrongdoings. You can't take her internship away."

"And why are you so interested in her?" Scarlet asked with menace lacing her tone. 

He blatantly ignored her question. "Look. This is my fault. Punish me. Fire me for all I care."

"No Caleb!" I stood up shaking my head. "Stop it. You're making things worse." I couldn't have him in trouble for me.

"You very well know I don't have the authority to do that," Luis explained looking troubled. "There's nothing the two of you can do. The three of us has made a decision." He focused his attention on me. "Bethany, we are revoking your internship here at British Airways. All hours you've earned for your IDP will be unaccountable. Please take all your belongings and leave right away."

It felt like my whole world was crumbling around me. I felt the stinging in my eyes as tears threatened to free fall, but I couldn't do that here. That would be unprofessional. 

"Luis!" Caleb didn't back down. He even seemed angrier than before. "Let's talk about this. You and I."

"I'm sorry, Caleb. I'm now in charge of the internship, and our decision is final."

I gave up. Like he said, there was nothing I could do. "I'll be gone right away." 

Turning around on my heels, I left the room and was out the door. Thank goodness Caleb didn't follow me. I hurried to my desks and grabbed the things I brought in with me this morning. I didn't have things that I left here. Only my dreams.

I eyed the empty folder. I guessed there was an answer for that now. 

Before I left, I confronted Jeff. "Are you happy now? You got what you wanted. Congratulations."

A hooded look passed over his eyes. "I couldn't let a woman beat me. Besides, you brought this on to yourself."

"I have my reasons!" I exclaimed feeling all of my fury within me lash out at him. "This internship was my only way out of the hellhole I've lived in for years. I finally thought I would have a shot at living my dreams." His rigid stance softened slightly as my words cut to him. "I only had one chance, Jeff, and you know I've been playing fair in everything."

"Like shacking it up with Mr. Caleb?" He snorted. "Sure, Bethany, like that's fair. You used him for your own good."

My heart clenched at the thought of Caleb still defending me in the room. 

"Now what happened? You've lost everything."

I shook my head, feeling smug of all feelings. "No, Jeff. I haven't lost everything. You may have this excellent profession handed to you on a silver platter, but love is something you have to work hard to get with your despicable personality. At least I have something that you can only dream of having."

After one more look at him, I went to the elevators ignoring the looks I got from the staff as I passed. Word must have already gotten around even before I knew what was going to happen. I stepped into the empty elevator and stood in the corner. I held my tears long enough to pass the lobby with the dignity I still retained and until the taxi cab safely dropped me off in front of the building.

Once alone in my loft, I broke down on the floor letting out all of the hurt and anguish I'd gone through in the past few days. Life really did like to challenge me.


And tskkkk. Ann saw that coming huh or maybe not...

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