replace. | dolan twins.

By hanbinplanet

5K 117 29

"I, myself thought I would never be able to get replaced by anyone... but somehow, you let go and replaced me... More

c o m p l e t e


172 4 1
By hanbinplanet


Ethan and I left at 4:45. Yeah we left early cuz we usually take photos for Instagram.

We finally arrive at the pier but we couldn't find any parking that is close to the place. So we parked further.

After a long time trying to look for a parking, we finally found one and started walking to go and meet Aaliyah.

We waited by the big water fountain and started taking pictures. ''Okay my turn'' I say as I pass his phone back to him.

''Give it to me'' Ethan says while placing his hands in front of me, signalling me to give him something.

I frown. "What?''

''Your phone?" He raises his eyebrows as I widen my eyes.

Oh sh— I left my phone in the car.

"Wait here. I need to get it in the car" I say as he frowns.

"You ass, you can just use my phone" Ethan responds as I scoff. "No. I need my phone for Aaliyah too so"

I tell Ethan to stay by the water fountain to wait for Aaliyah as I walk off, forgetting where the car is parked as I remember when suddenly, I bumped into a girl.

''So sorry miss'' I say, ruffling my hair as she smiles, walking off.

But suddenly I thought maybe I could ask her where Taco Bell is so I know how to get to my car since it was parked near there.

''Taco Bell? Not sure what the directions is but I can walk you there'' she says as I smile, nodding.

I turn to Ethan, shouting as I told them about what was going on as I walk off with the girl.


I finally arrive at the pier and start to drive around, finding a parking.

I don't know if I was hallucinating but I think I saw Grayson with a girl.

I felt my heart ache as I frown.

Is Grayson really hanging out with another girl? And then he's going to hang out with me? Wow. What a two timer.


I continue to wait for Grayson to come back and for Aaliyah to arrive.

Grayson was taking quite a while just to get his phone, suddenly I feel a vibration on my ass, seeing my phone ringing.

Hello? Aaliyah?


what's up? Where are you?

At the pier, we need to talk.

oh sure, I'm at the water fountain.


I wonder what she needs to talk to me about. As I was looking around to find Aaliyah, I saw her running towards me.

''ETHAN!'' She jump onto me as I feel her embrace me as I heard her sniff.

''Hey what's wrong? Why you crying?'' I ask, feeling worried as she sighs.

''I just saw Grayson with another girl ...''

What? Grayson? He wouldn't. Ohh ... I think I know ...

''Really? But he said he was ju -''
''I knew it. He doesn't love me anymore. His love for me is fading'' she says, cutting me off as I frown.

What is she talking about? Grayson just went to get his phone from the car and asked for help. I need to tell her it's not true.

''No, he still loves you. Grayson would never do that''

She looks at me and wipes her tears. ''Then why is he with another girl? Sometimes I feel like that's all guys do. When he doesn't love a girl anymore, straight away finds a new one. But hopefully that's not you. While Grayson hasn't been by my side, you've been there for me. Thanks for that''

As I was going to say another word, she kissed me on the cheek.

So she loves me now? Hmm ... If she does, is this my chance to be with Aaliyah? No ... But she's Grayson's now.

I smile at her softly as I felt my cheeks turn red. ''wow. That was... Thank you for that. I never expe -''


I look behind me. ''Grayson!''


I thank the girl who showed me where Taco Bell was as I ran back to the water fountain.

I felt so excited to meet Aaliyah again.

But Ethan's there, how should I—-

What the hell?


I walk towards Ethan, seeing him with his eyes widen as I threw a punch at him.

''GRAYSON WHAT ARE YOU DOING.'' I hear Aaliyah shout as I felt anger in me.

I ignore what Aaliyah said as I continue to frown at Ethan.

''I thought you promised me you'll never talk to her again''

I continued to throw punches til Aaliyah pushed me off causing me to stop.

''I thought you promised me that you'll only stay with me and never love another girl. So how come I saw you with a girl?''

I don't know what she's saying. ''wait what? What are yo—"

I saw Ethan try to sit up. ''Grayson, trust me I was just trying to help—"

''oh shut up Ethan. Leave me alone.'' I shout, frowning.

I look at Ethan, bleeding everywhere as he touches his lip. "I didn't do anything to Aaliyah"

I just didn't know who to believe. ''just shut up.''

Ethan scoffs. "why are you not trusting me?''

I look at him with annoyance. ''because I could see from your eyes you love her right now and you promised me you wouldn't love her again.''

Ethan looks at me with a scared look on his face. ''Grayson.. Listen to m—"

I had enough with Ethan. My anger can't stop me from punching Ethan.

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