Locking up my heart (boyxboy)...

By myparadise15

142K 4.7K 333

The sequel to I hart you too starring Zac and Alex. Alex is in his first year of university Amelia. Alex's... More

Author's Notes
1. Orientation Day
2. First Look
3. The Coffee Cup
4. Date Day
5. Disappeared
6. Lost Spark
7. Boy of his Dreams
8. The Photo
10. Next to you
11. I remember you...
12. This isn't real
13. Reading all the answers
14. A possible confrontation
15. Bonfire Night
16. Punch time
17. Distracted from the truth
18. Thoughts...
19. It was inevitable
20. A long time coming
21. I figured it out
22. Good News
23. Road Trip
24. You mean so much to me
Update: Smut!

9. A Glimpse of Mystery

4.6K 165 11
By myparadise15

Hii :D Ok so i kinda failed at updating according to my update schedule.

But i just started school again, my last year. Which is pretty important which i'm so screwed for but i'll survive i hope. Well my updates from chapter 10 onwards will be kinda random since i'll have less time to write. But hopefully you guys will stay on with this story and keep on reading it. I think i'll be able to write while i'm on camp, so ill try to do as much as possible and do the rest when i dont want to study.

Thank you for 650+ reads :)) Please Vote and Comment to help me live through school. 


Chapter 9

A glimpse of mystery

Alex’s POV

That photo was still on my mind, I couldn’t think about anything else. I wanted to forget about it, because it was just one photo. I was only a part of a small fraction in the photo. It shouldn’t mean anything, but I just couldn’t let it go. It stood out to me out of all the pictures on the wall, that was the one that caught my eye.

I was laying down on my bed, I stretched my arms above my head. I glanced at the black scribble on my arm and opened my eyes completely to read it. When I took a closer look I realised that it was Kentin’s phone number. I ghosted my fingers over it and checked if i could still read every number. 

I picked up my phone and copied the number into my phone. I saved it and named it accordingly. I had class today, an early one so that’s why I was up so early. Yes, I was still lying in bed but that was because it was really comfortable. 

I shook myself from those thoughts and got up from bed. I winced as my feet touched the cold floor and padded towards the bathroom. I looked back and Leigh was still asleep. I should probably wake him up, he has class too. I’ll wake him up after I finish in the bathroom so he doesn’t have to wait.

I grabbed a few clothes and placed them on the rack. I showered and changed into my clothes once I was dry. I came out of the bathroom and went over to Leigh’s side. I got my wet towel and threw it in his face. He woke up spluttering and tossed the towel off his face. His hair was all messed up and his eyes were half open in a daze.

I walked to my desk with a smirk facing away from him. I heard a groan of annoyance from him and he fell off the bed. I could hear his curses then he gave me an annoyed glare and flounced off into the bathroom. I apologised afterwards and he tackled me in a hug, easily forgiving me. 

My first class this morning I shared with Leigh so when he got out of the bathroom we walked to class together. Class was almost the same as any other day, boring and uneventful. One thing did happen though I got a text from Kentin during class. Ok and as luck would have it my phone wasn’t on silent.

My face reddened and I fumbled with my phone to get it to turn off. But within that time three more texts came in and my notification sound was a lot like a robot. So that was embarrassing, the whole class was giving me strange looks and the teacher was giving me a look of disappointment.

I shrunk into my seat and begged for class to finish quickly. When it did I raced out of there, leaving Leigh behind. I sat on a bench opposite my next class and texted Leigh telling him why I left so abruptly. He replied a few minutes later telling me he was going to see Peyton in before his next class. I read the texts I got in class:

Do you want to hang out today?

I don’t have classes until 3.

My room, the door will be unlocked so come straight in


I texted back telling him about what happened, god that was embarassing. 

Sorry I didn’t know you were in class ):


I told him it was fine and that I would see him in a few hours as I still have classes until noon. I stuck my phone in my pocket and walked into my next class which I shared with Milly. We chatted idly while taking notes as the teacher gave us a long lecture. The class ran past normal time and I was a few minutes late for my next class.

I apologised to the teacher profusely and took my seat. This class was alright, it was mostly practical so we were in groups to take interesting photos of the campus. We had a double lesson of this class that ran till 12 so we had heaps of time to get it done. We only had today to do it because next class we were going to be editing the photos we took and in about a week’s time we would get our grade.

This was probably my favourite class compared to the other ones which was just theory work. This required a lot more skill than just notes and questions. I was in a group with two girls and one other guy. I wasn’t really close with them but we got along ok albeit the silences that we often shared.

We had a lot in common yet we just didn’t move up to the next stage of friendship. The other guy  was actually quite distant but he took really great photos of the simplest things. He was really good at lighting and camera angles. I was happy to have him in the group. His name was Josh. 

As for the girls they were best friends, they usually talked between themselves and I heard that they were ace at editing and had their own tumblr and instagram accounts where they posted their edits. I planned to check it out after they told me about it earlier in the day. They were nice enough people so it was a pleasure to be able to work with them. Their names were Nina and Candice. 

Our task wasn’t especially hard, we just had to take five pictures which could be of anything we wanted that we thought represented the school. We brainstormed for about half an hour before we ran around the school finding the exact objects we needed.

We ended up taking a picture of an artist’s paint palette, a camera’s lenses, a writer’s notebook, an architect’s blueprint and a designer’s mannequin. We decided to base our photos around the courses that were offered at the uni and in my opinion I think the photos turned out pretty well. Thanks to the amazing camera we got to borrow and the work we put in to make sure it was the perfect shot.

 It was a bit of a rush but we got all the photos taken in the amount of time we had. Though we did have trouble finding a picture of a notebook with words written in it that someone wouldn’t mind a photo being taken of it. Also we dropped a camera into the paint bucket we were spreading onto the palette. Thankfully it still worked or we would have to retake the other photos we had taken of the other items which would have meant we'd have run out of time for sure. 

After we packed up our equipment , class was dismissed. I waved goodbye to my group members and complimented them on their great work. Everything else went ok and I was happy I got to work with such a great group of people. I was starting to really like uni more and more each day. It was becoming better, it felt like a long time since I started here when it had only been a few months.

I didn’t go back to my room but to Kentin’s after I grabbed some lunch from the café across the road. It was pretty packed but after waiting in line for a few minutes I finally got to get my order in. I chatted with a few classmates of mine whilst I waited for my order to be ready.

I grabbed my bag and popped it in with my books whilst I got my wallet out to pay. When I was done I made my way to Kentin’s room which wasn’t located too far away, only a few minutes walk.

I was going to knock but then I remembered he told me I could just walk in and it’ll be fine. I pushed open the door and the room was dark even though it was the middle of the day. I felt around the wall for the light switch and flicked it on. When light flooded the room I looked across at Kentin’s bed and he wasn’t there. I felt something or someone move from the corner of my eye and I turned to the motion.

On the other bed in the room, someone was sleeping there. I could see a head poking out from under the covers and earphones was in his ears. He didn’t seem to have woken up from me. This was his roommate though, I wanted to have a closer look at the pictures today but I couldn’t if someone was on the bed. With my luck I would probably fall on him which wouldn’t be the best introduction.

 I glanced over at him for a few seconds giving him the once over. I wonder what his full name was because all Kentin told me what his name was Z. My phone beeped and I jumped startled. I looked up at the sleeping guy and he was snoring now. I chuckled and peered at my phone screen.

Can you meet me at your room instead, Z is sleeping and I don’t want to wake him


I told him I'd be there in a couple minutes. I shook my head bewildered, it’s a wonder that he hasn’t already woken up. I walked out of the room closing the door softly making sure to turn off the light as well. I walked to my room, slinging my bag properly across my back. When I got to my room Kentin was waiting outside my room.

“Hey, you’re here quick” he said as a greeting, clapping me on the back and following me into my room. Leigh wasn’t in, I think he had a full day of classes today.

“Yeah I was actually waiting in your room but then I got your text” I told him sheepishly.

He had his tongue sticking out of his mouth and then was smiling, “Well hopefully you didn’t wake him up, he loves his sleep” as he talked I watched his eyes turn happy then in a split second turn blank.

I shook myself out of it, I must have been imaging things, I dropped my heavy bags on my desk chair. I pulled out my collection of dvds and passed them to him. He flipped through them whilst I turned on the tv and player in preparation. I grabbed a packet of chips and two cans of drink for us.

He finally settled on picking an action movie, “Abduction” that was actually one of my favourites. I’ve only watched it twice though, once in the movies and when I got it on dvd. I sipped at my drinks as I watched the scenes play out like I remembered.

“I haven’t watched this before” I heard him whisper to me as he grabbed a few more chips into his hand.

“I’ve watched it twice, I love it” I replied in a low voice, eyes focused on the screen. When it got to the part when they kissed, I was halfway into a daydream. I remembered blurred images, memories I believe of kissing someone on a bed. When I blinked my eyes the images were gone and the movie had already gotten to the climax of the movie.

I glanced from my peripheral vision at him and he was watching the screen intently, not making a sound. He saw me watching and grinned at me, shooting me a cheesy thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He shushed me and I hit him playfully on the shoulder.

When the movie ended, Kentin had to leave to go to his next class. “Bye, I’ll text you after class” he waved exaggeratingly and I couldn’t help but smile at his dorkiness. I turned off the movie and threw out the empty cans and chip packet.

 Leigh came back and we played xbox until dinner. We got Peyton to buy some and bring it to us, since she was going to come around anyways. When she arrived we dug in hungrily having not eaten for hours. I heard my phone ringing from the side of the room, I glanced at the screen, my mouth immediately turning into a smile. I walked out of the room pointing at my phone in explanation to my friends. I leaned against the wall outside my room, talking happily to her.

 We talked for a total of an hour and a half and I didn’t stop smiling once that night. Just hearing her voice, when I closed my eyes I could imagine she was right next to me. Love is hard, but it’s all worth it in the end, if you love someone that much.

But the last thing i thought about before i slept was; that i saw this roommate of his, I got one glimpse of him even if it was only for a few minutes. What was with all these guys at this university. They all had a mysterious side to them, why does everyone have to be so complex?


Hope you liked that :PP Chapter 10 i'll post up on the weekend, I've already finished it but i have to edit and do all these other little things before its ready to be seen by everyone.

Next update will be next week i hope. If not on the weekend sometime. 

Vote and Comment if you want the next chapter asap and if you liked the chapter.

Love is so hard, so complicated, do you believe in love at first sight?

myparadise15 xx

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