Sterek and Scisaac

By TooAttachedAsAlways

193K 6.2K 934

One-shots - mostly Sterek but there is always Scisaac present + actual shorts focused on Scisaac. If you wa... More

Soulmates No. 1 Sterek
Soulmates No. 1 Scisaac
Tap That Alpha Ass - Sterek
YouTube P1 Sterek
Do You Like Pina Coladas?
Fights and Battles? - Sterek
The Run
Soulmates No. 2 - Scisaac
YouTube P2 - Sterek
Coming Home - Sterek
Free Food - Sterek
A Little Too Much - Scisaac
This Is Serious! - Sterek
Nora - Sterek
Mr Don't-Leave-Me-I'm-Cold-And-Lonely - Sterek
Tripping For You - Sterek
Bad Influences - Sterek
This is La Vie En Rose - Sterek
Music to My Ears - Sterek
Bubbles and Bath Bombs - Sterek
Rinse It Out - Sterek
Anything But That Movie - Sterek
Innocence - Sterek
Philosophical Help - Sterek
Out of Control - Scisaac
Music to My Ears Pt. 2 - Sterek
You Asshole - Sterek
Boyfriend Tag - Sterek
Horror Game - Sterek
Late Night Shift - Sterek
What else? - Sterek
We're Onto You Pt.1 - Sterek
Influential and Wonderful - Sterek
We're Onto You Pt. 2 - Sterek
Vodka - Sterek
Ebenezer Hale - Sterek
For Now and Evermore - Sterek
Reunion - Sterek
Surprise? - Sterek
But I Still Want You - Sterek
Misunderstandings - Sterek
Habits - Sterek
Good Luck - Sterek
Pain and Promises - Scisaac
Forever - Sterek
Good Luck 2 - Sterek
Good Luck 3 - Sterek
Good Luck 4 - Sterek
Good Luck 5 - Sterek
Good Luck 6 - Sterek
Dance With Me? - Scisaac
Warm Up - Sterek
Follow-Up Author's Note

Soulmates No. 2 - Sterek

5.7K 232 32
By TooAttachedAsAlways

A/N So, I have written a different soulmate AU, where when you write on your arm it shows up on your soulmates. I'm not completely happy with Derek because he's a little OOC. Anyways, enjoy! 

In this universe, when we write on our arms, it shows up on our soulmates arm. It's common knowledge, and my best friend decided to be a complete dick about it. Literally.

"No more dicks Scott!" I exclaim, trying to quickly finish my new manuscript before I can do something more interesting.

He huffs and the two of us look down at his art on my right arm. It's covered in dicks, and I just feel complete embarrassment for my soulmate. What if they're doing something important?

"SON of a bitch!" I growl as I look down at my arm. "When I find them, I'm gonna kill them!" I'm literally minutes from being in an interview that is for my dream job, and there are goddamn dicks drawn all over my arm!

Whoever my soulmate is, they're immature idiots. Seriously.

"Derek Hale?" the current P.A. calls.

Yeah. I'm having an interview to be the new personal assistant for my favourite writer. He's incredibly popular, constantly putting out new novels and is on tour a lot. His current P.A. has been offered a new job and is now looking for a replacement. Fingers crossed I get this job.

"You have to go into the office tomorrow, don't you?" Scott asks me as we casually walk down the street, on our way back to our apartment from having dinner with the group.

I sigh and nod, puffs of air shoot out in front of me. It's nearly Christmas and the whole city is lit up with decorations for the happy season. "Yeah. Since Danny is now moving to work closer to Jackson I need to meet my new personal assistant tomorrow."

"I wonder if they're going to be able to put up with you like Danny could," Scott chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"It just means we have a new roommate since Danny is leaving."

"That's the one thing I actually like," Scott says. "Having the assistant live with us, because it means it's their job to get you up and fed while I can sleep in."

"Nice to know you care," I scoff, he just grins.

"Oh by the way," he starts and I look over at him. "Isaac and I are discussing moving in with each other. So you might get rid of me soon."

My stomach sinks. Isaac and Scott have been together for over a year now, ever since they found out they were soulmates. Of course Scott's going to move out at some point. I just want to prolong it for as long as I can, because then it's going to feel like I'm really alone, I'll only have my P.A. but it's rare to become close friends with an employee. Danny and I aren't particularly close but I'd like to say we're friends.

With a sigh I nod. "I know."

"You'll find your soulmate too, Stiles," Scott says, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Just be patient."

"They're pissed at me," I tell him, Scott just scrunches his eyebrows. I then show him my arm, written in clear, angry hand-writing, 'I'm going to kill you when I find you! You almost cost me my dream job at the interview I had today!'

I can see Scott trying to bite back a smile, which just results in him snorting, laughing his ass off.

"I swear to god, Scott, when I find my soulmate, I'm going to blame you," I grumble with a glare.

"Sorry, sorry," he says, still lightly laughing, wiping away a few tears. "That's gold."

With an exasperated sigh we walk into our apartment complex and up the elevator to our floor.

"You need sleep, Stiles," Scott tells me. "You have to take your manuscript in tomorrow too, don't you?"

I nod. "Yeah, I have to start the sequel too, so I'm going to be in the office for a few days until I get my mojo and then come back home. I'll make sure the P.A. moves in during that time too."

"Okay good," he replies. "Now sleep."

I wave him off and head to my bedroom, closing the door and collapsing onto my bed. Yeah. I'm tired.

I finish packing my things since I'm going to be moving in with Mieczyslaw (FINALLY HIS REAL NAME YO) Stilinski. But the thing is, no one can pronounce his name, so when they announce him on tour and even on the covers of his most recent books is just, M. Stilinski.

I quickly write a half-anger filled message on my arm to my soulmate before my phone rings. I look at the caller. It's Laura. With a sigh I answer. "Hi sister."

"DID YOU GET THE JOB?!" she screeches and I wince away from the phone. She can be absolutely brutal but also quiet avid on knowing everything about my life and being forceful about it no less.

"Shut up, Laura, you're too loud," I grumble. "And yeah. I got it."


"Is that all you wanted to call me about?"

"Have you found your soulmate yet?"

"No, but whoever they are, they're idiots."

"What do you mean?"

"They drew dicks all over my arm seconds before my interview."

"Buuuut, you still got the job."

I pause for a second, the silence dragging. "Shut up," I grumble, the only response is a cackle of Peter's laughter. "What the hell is Peter doing there?"

"Oh, he just stopped by," Laura waves it off like it's nothing.

"Sure," I say, suspicion filling my tone. "Well. I have an early morning as a Mister Mieczyslaw Stilinski's personal assistant."

"How the heck are you able to pronounce that name?" she questions.

I roll my eyes. "Practise and a bit of research."

She lets out an airy chuckle. "Well as long as you don't faint in front of your favourite author, I think you'll be fine."

"I'm not going to faint, Laura," I grumble.

I can tell she doesn't believe me, and she just huffs. "Well, you should get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow. Meeting M and all."

I nod. "Yeah, yeah." I rub my eyes. "Talk to you later sis."

"Seeya bro."

We hang up and I retreat to my bed, she's right sadly. I do need rest for tomorrow, it's my first day and I can't disappoint him.

"Stiles!" Danny yells from my bedroom door. "Get up, you're going to meet your new P.A. today."

I groan and roll over. "Go 'way."

He sighs. "I'm also moving out today, so Derek can move in right away." My head shoots up and I look over at Danny with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. His name is Derek, and trust me, when you meet him, you'll be doing everything he tells you from the get go."

I scoff, sitting up. "I'll take that as a challenge." I get up and pick out some random clothes for today. I decide to go with my classic red flannel and black skinny jeans with a pair of my new red converse.

"Better keep me updated on how that goes," Danny scoffs.

I have a quick shower, scrubbing off as much of the death-threat as I can before jumping out and getting changed.

Lydia should be happy with me bringing in the manuscript today. For once it's a day early, she'll definitely not hate me after this.

I hurry to the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to Scott, I know he's still asleep. Probably texting Isaac till the early morning.

I can't be bothered walking today so I go to the apartment's garage and getting into my beloved jeep that I've managed to keep running since high school. Seven years later and look where I am.

Famous author, and 100% single. (Like me... :( )

It's only a five minute walk to my office, so it's like a minute or so drive. What can I say? I can only exercise so much.

I jump out, lock the Jeep, and head inside feeling quite proud of myself for actually handing in my manuscript on time.

I hop into the elevator, pressing the fifteenth floor, quietly humming. I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. I have no idea why though.

I'm in such a good mood that when I get into my office I decide to write something on my arm.

My new P.A. isn't here yet, but I'm not worrying, I'm earlier than usual. I whip out a black sharpie and quickly write a message.

'I'm in a surprisingly good mood today, and I'm not shaken by your death threat, so just wanna say I hope you have a good day... I hope I meet you soon.'

'I hope I meet you soon.'
So do I.

I hurry into the office, it's just past nine. Mieczyslaw has weird working hours, but I don't mind. He doesn't have a usual job where you have to work for seven days, eight to five.

When I reach his floor I begin to get really nervous. I seriously hope I don't faint. I need to be professional. Apparently he's a handful too, so he's going to rely upon me a lot to get things done and manuscripts in on time. One of which is due tomorrow, so hopefully he's finished.

I greet Miss Martin first since she's the first person I've seen. "Morning Derek, first day, you nervous?"

I nod a little. "This is my dream job, I just hope I don't mess up."

"I wouldn't worry," she says with a smile. "Stiles is a very lazy guy, sometimes too lazy, he's not going to get mad at you for messing up. He still messes up and he's been a writer for five years. Trust me."

I visibly relax after Miss Martin's words. So she calls him Stiles? Well, it is easier to pronounce.

I then head to M's office to finally meet him. I knock and there's a muffled 'come in' from inside. I open the door and I'm taken aback. I've never seen him in person so it's a bit of a surprise to see him. His eyes are an amazing brown, something cameras haven't been able to capture perfectly.

"I'm Derek Hale," I start and he stands. "Your new P.A."

"Awesome," he mumbles, clearly checking me out and I blush. "Hopefully you know who I am."

"Mieczyslaw Stilinski," I immediately answer. "I like your novels."

"I'm glad you enjoy them. But just call me Stiles." I nod and he walks back around his desk. He's shorter than I expected. "You can move in today, if that isn't too soon for you."

I shake my head. "Today is fine."

"Okay good, I'm assuming Danny showed you the ropes yesterday?" I nod. "Great, could you call Lydia and see if she's in? I need to take my manuscript to her."

I'm about to walk off to the smaller office beside his, when I pause. "Shouldn't I take the manuscript to Miss Martin?"

Stiles raises an eyebrow. "Well, this time I'm giving it to her on time. It's not usual this happens, so I wanna see her reaction."

"She is in, I passed her on the way here."

"Oh good, come with me." He grabs the manuscript on his desk, hurriedly walking to the door. I follow behind him.

Something about him radiates 'too much energy'.

"Oh, and after this, I need you to get some Adderall from the pharmacy down the street, I ran out yesterday."

Adderall? So he either has ADD or ADHD. Guess that explains why he has a lot of energy.

"Will do."

We get into the elevator, Stiles presses the sixteenth floor button and the door closes.

"Give me your phone and I'll put in all the contacts you need," Stiles says, holding out his hand.

"I can do it," I tell him.

"It's easier if I do it. I have it all from memory, printing it out and giving it to you wastes time and paper." With a sigh I give him my phone. "Don't worry Derek, after today I will rely upon you for everything."

Hopefully. It feels as though he doesn't need me. But it is only the first day, we're figuring things out and setting things up. So I really shouldn't base the rest of my job here on today.

The doors open and Stiles hands me back my phone. There's ten extra contacts in my phone. "Let's go," he says, stepping out and immediately running into someone, spilling two cups of coffee all over his flannel shirt. "SON OF A BITCH!"

I hurry over to him and hoist him up from where he fell. His manuscript is drenched in coffee too.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Stiles!" the guy exclaims. "I-I didn't mean to!"

"It's fine," Stiles waves it off. "It's not like that manuscript is the only copy I have, and I can clean this flannel, easy." As he says this he unbuttons his flannel, sliding it off.

I freak out for a second before I realise that he has a white t-shirt on. The second thing I notice is that he has markings on his arm.

Reflexively I grab his wrist, pulling it forward. "Hey!" Stiles protests. "What are you - ?" I let go of his wrist and pull up my sleeve, showing the message on my arm.

There's a second pause, everyone around us stops, because they realise the same thing. Stiles and I have the same markings on our arms.

Yet. Finding out that his soulmate isn't the first thing that comes out of my mouth. "So you're he one that drew dicks on my arm yesterday!"


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