The Lost Blood | P.J

By Hetalichin

20.5K 1.1K 298


✧ Act I
✧ Act II
✧ Act III
✧ Act IV
✧ Act V
✧ Act VI
✧ Act VII
✧ Act IX
✧ Act X
✧ Epilogue

✧ Act VIII

1.4K 90 35
By Hetalichin

Setting my foot on the ground, Jimin lent me a hand to get off the carriage. We have finally arrived at the courtyard of the huge and magnificent castle; the cold night embracing the tall topiaries and flowers casting long shadows around the vicinity. Still linked to his arm, we proceeded to the great hall where the ball is held. Arriving at the front of a large mahogany door, a man stopped us and asked for our invitation. Miraculously, Jimin handed a scroll, which the man did unroll the paper and read what's inside. The man nodded to us in acknowledgement and gestured us to enter inside. I don't know how he got the invitation scroll but kudos to him for getting us inside without being suspicious.

When the doors opened, I awed at the glittering chandeliers looming over the lavish banquet filled with glamorous guests and a buffet of delicious food, followed by musicians playing beautiful and harmonious music engaging them to dance. As we walked onto the center, I noticed some few guests staring at me and girls with the same age as me slightly gaped to my presence probably because of my unique ballgown making them to be envious.

"Let's dance shall we?" My thoughts were snapped by his voice and looked to his face plastered with a warm smile. I nodded and we positioned ourselves, still linked to his arm and slightly lifted the skirt of my ballgown. We gracefully took a step forward and backward twice in each then we circled around each other following the sweet music filling the hall. Our feet moved in perfect sync to the beating of my heart and our gazes remained locked.

The music suddenly ceased causing us to stop our dance as well and took our attention to a youthful lady beside the throne chair in front of us. She has blue eyes and golden locks of hair with a silver crown placed on her head.

"Ladies and gentlemen who are present here, I would like thank everyone for coming this evening and celebrate my birthday. That's all and enjoy the ball!" The queen said, beaming us a smile when the guests clapped their hands in glee. After that, she left and went to the spiral staircase going up not far away from here. The music resumed and the guests started to dance again while some were just socializing with others.

"Lisa, I need to go somewhere just stay in there alright?" Jimin said to me, not taking his eyes off to the departing queen.

"What? Where are you going?" I asked confusingly, discerning the stern look he has.

"Doesn't matter, just don't ever follow me. I will come back later." I watched him scurried away and lost sight of him when the dancing guests blocked his figure. As for me, I decided to go to the buffet table and drink a glass of wine while I wait for him.

|Jimin's POV|

When I reached the upper floor, my eyes landed to a dim lit corridor nearby. The noises from downstairs were diminishing as I went further through the corridor. Only the moonlight streaming through the glass windows were my source of light to search the room where the queen might be. At the end of the corridor, a door which is slightly ajar with bright light pouring out caught my attention. I sauntered towards the door and gently push it as I saw the queen sitting on a chair next to the fireplace.

"I didn't expect a witch especially from a noble family will attend my ball." She commented, gazing at me with a sly smile. Her alluring face yet has sinister aura compelling me to stay vigilant as possible. I closed the door behind me and leaned on it as I crossed my arms. From the moment she appeared a while ago in the great hall, the instant our eyes met we both already knew the identity we hide from the humans and also found the ring I've been looking for.

"You're not really a queen, are you?" I arched my eyebrows in suspicion. The queen responded with a soft hum and rested her chin to her palm with amusement written on her face.

"Then what do you think I'm?" I neared towards the queen, narrowing my eyes down to her.

"You were a changeling child was left in place of the real blood-royalty child and the former King and Queen had no idea their child was stolen and got switched with you in other words, a fairy stealing the benefits of royalty and the title as a queen." I revealed. She cackled with laughter and stood up.

"You're right and I'm glad the former King and Queen were already long dead and I inherited this intangible power. So, what brings you here witch?" She queried with a look of disdain.

"I know you have it."

"You mean this?" The queen raised her hand showing the back of her hand with the ring inserted to her finger. "One of my suitors gave this to me as a gift. He had no idea what this ring holds." She giggled and stroked the ring.

"How did you know about the ring?" I asked. The queen tilted her head and gaped at me.

"Are you really ignorant? Ever since the disappearance of the phoenix and the existence of this ring, news spreads like wildfire not just to the witches but other creatures as well. They were crazy about it and lusted after the ring. We know that we don't have the power against your mother to steal it but somehow, this ring unexpectedly fell to my hands. I know you want it but I won't give it back that easily, witch." She sneered in contempt. I rubbed my temples in exasperation for her greediness and heaved a sigh.

"What do you want in exchange then? I will give anything you want."

"Anything?" She repeated, noticing her face lit up and curved her lips upwards deviously. The queen took a step forward to me and neared her lips to my ear. "Well you look handsome and I kind of like you so," She caressed my cheek and trailed her fingers down to my chest. "I want you."

|Analisa's POV|

Finishing my third glass of wine, Jimin still haven't come back and took him too long. The guests in the great hall were starting to decrease until only a few merchants are left, probably having a discussion of their business deals and some servants began to clean the area. Running out of patience, I decided to look for him and went to the spiral staircase first because of my gut feelings. I noticed a corridor in the upper floor and walked through in, hearing the clicking sound of my heels. And then, a moan of a female reached my ears coming from the end of the corridor.

Out of sheer curiosity, I placed my ear beside the door and abruptly my eyes widen as I felt my cheeks so hot; hearing an indecent sound of non-stop ecstatic moans and countless times of mentioning that bummer witch's name. Aghast, I took a step back and sensed a constricting pain in my chest. I didn't even notice the door suddenly opened revealing the witch himself.

"Lisa is that you?" He asked in surprise. I shot him a cold glare and crossed my arms.

"W-were you making out with the queen?!" I spat.

"Didn't I tell you not to follow me here?"

"You're dodging my question Jimin!" The witch frowned and shook his head.

"Not really, I just only put a spell of illusion on her that we were making out just to get this." Jimin raised his hand with the ring between his fingertips.

"Oh well glad you have it." I remarked and turned my body around, my back facing him.

"Why are you so mad at me? Are you jealous?"

"W-what? Why would I?" I exclaimed in denial. Afterwards, I heard light footsteps heading towards to me and got startled a bit when Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, clasping me close to his warm body. I could feel his hot breath against my neck sending a tingle down on my spine.

"You know Analisa," He purred in my ear and continued, "You don't have to be jealous because I can make it real with you if you want." Then he gave me a light nibble on my ear lobe, feeling my body burning feverishly and bit my lip to suppress the pleasure.

"Um Jimin, I think I need a little break here." I excused a lie and thankfully, he released me from his arms. I took a glance to his upset face and sprinted away going down the stairs. Oblivious to my surroundings, I arrived to a fountain at the back outside the great hall and took a seat on its ledge. My thoughts were messy enough and couldn't stop thinking what happened a while ago. I put my hand to my chest and felt my heart couldn't stop racing so fast even till now. At the corner of my eye, I noticed a tall and well-dressed figure approaching me.

"Excuse me young lady," A person's deep voice shattered my preoccupied mind. I looked up to a guy wearing a masquerade mask on his face with his hand offering to me. "May I have a dance with you?"



So who do you think is that person at the end? 😀 I forgot to add that a changeling is a creature found in folklore and believed to be a fairy child that had been left in place of a human child stolen by the fairies.

Gladly accept any critic comments and votes

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