What about us? Jerrie

By JustAWriter4u

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What about us
Chapter 2- Why can't you see
Chapter 4- You should have told us
Chapter 5- Recovery
Chapter 6- Hospital Visits
Chapter 7- The Car Crash
Chapter 8- Time to play detective
Chapter 9- Real detectives this time.
Chapter 10- Don't leave me
Chapter 11- The unexpected Chapter

Chapter 3 A year Later

2.5K 72 1
By JustAWriter4u

Jade P.O.V

It has been a year since Perrie chose Charlotte over us, a year since my love was turned and now she doesn't talk to us, Charlotte changed her so much that she wasn't allowed to speak or see us. Me and the other decided to go to the same college, I don't know what happened to Perrie, I guess she moved away with Charlotte.

I wake up in my dorm room and see Jesy with Leigh in the same bed, I get up and change into some jeans and crop top with a loose jacket, I decided to take art, music and English. I walk over to the other two and smirk, "WAKE UP!" I shout, they jump out of bed and fall to the floor, "Jade" they groan and stand up, "Sorry but you looked so cute, someone had to ruin it" I laugh and sit on the sofa. They finally manage to get change so we walk down to the reception area and grab our timetables, I had art first but second period, "We should go find our lockers first then have a look around, we have first period off"  Jesy says, "Okay, they are this way" Leigh says running off, "Leigh that's the boys bathroom which it clearly says on the sign above you" I say, she looks up and laughs. 

We make our way down a hallway and see our lockers, I walk over to ours and start putting the combination, "Oh my god" I hear Leigh say, I look at her confused and see she is looking past me, I turn and see Perrie standing with Charlotte, she looked uncomfortable and fragile also weak, what has happened to her? She had longish blonde hair, her eyes had turned less blue and more grey, her lips paler than normal, she was wearing a long sleeved crop top so you could see her very thin waist and then shorts with a leather jacket. She doesn't notice us but Charlotte does, she drags her by the wrist over to us and stops her when they are in front of us, "Hey girls, haven't seen you in what? A year?" she says acting dumb, "Oh you know it was a year, you were the one that broke the friendship" I say. She stares at us annoyed and grabs Perrie's upper arm tightly whispering something into her ear, Perrie nods and looks down murmuring a sorry. "So Perrie, what lessons you taking?" I ask, she doesn't answer but keeps staring down, I look at the other two confused, "Perrie, answer them now" Charlotte snarls, "I am doing art, music, English, business and law, my family wanted me to do potential subjects, Charlotte was taking Law and didn't want to be alone" Perrie says still looking down, "Well I think it's time we went and got me breakfast since you are on that diet, don't want a chubby girlfriend" she giggles and harshly drags Perrie away. 

We watch them leave then turn to look at each other, "That was so messed up, she had complete control over Perrie, last time we saw her Perrie was completely free, I remember her being so happy and funny, what has she done to her?" Leigh asks, "I'm not sure, but then again I'm scared to find out what she has done to poor Perrie" Jesy says, "Even though she picked Charlotte over us, I want to help her" I say, the other two nod. 

I walk into my art lesson and see Perrie in the corner at the front without Charlotte, I walk over to her and sit down, "Where is Charlotte?" I ask, she looks down at a blank page in her art book, we all got one each, "Perrie, please answer me" I say. "Charlotte doesn't want me to talk to you" she says, "She doesn't have to know, I just want to speak to you" I say, she nods and bites her lip while looking up at me. "What have you and Charlotte been up to?" I ask, "Nothing much, she likes to go partying, I stay at home and wait for her. I make her meals while she sorts out going out with friends, we are doing fine" she says, "That doesn't seem fair, when did you go out with friend's last?" I ask, "What friends. When I started going out with her she won't let me have friends, I have no one except her" she says then starts the task we are set, draw how you feel? Cheesy or what. I watch her start sketching so I do the same, I let my mind pour onto the paper, after an hour we are told to stop. 

We have to stand up one by one and show them, there was rainbows, suns, beaches even a dog? It was my turn so I stand up and show a picture of me with Jesy and Leigh, we look upset and a figure in black walking away behind us, "Can you explain it?" the teacher asks, "Um I lost someone close and it upset me deeply as well as my best friends" I say, "Well at least someone has some creativity in here" she says looking at everyone, "Perrie,can we see yours?" she asks, Perrie stands up and shows us hers. It was a girl in the corner of a glass box crouching into the corner with bruises and chains around her, there was people walking pass but not looking at her. "Um, that's quite dark, it must have meaning" our teacher says, Perrie nods and looks around, "It is me in the box, I feel trapped and hurt, everyone knows I'm there but don't want to see me so keep walking to real important things, no one should waste their time on something that isn't worth it, hence why the people walk away without caring, there is nothing to care about in that glass box" she says and sits down. "Wow, see people this is what we need, we need you to show your feelings on paper, you have to put emotion into your work!" our teacher sighs and dismisses us. Perrie runs out forgetting a book, I walk over and see it was a note book, I open it and see amazing pictures, they were all dark based, always a girl wait Perrie? There was one of Perrie Charlotte happy at the start, I skip to the middle page and see Charlotte towering over a broken and balled up Perrie on the floor, the last page is of a grave and a priest, no one else there, it looked like a funeral service but with no one there, at the bottom was a sentence, "This is how it shall end, the only escape". I gasp and put it in my bag, I walk out and to the field where most people go.

I walk over and see Jesy and Leigh, I sit down with them and explain what happened in art, I then show them her note book, "This is worse than we thought, we need to find Perrie and help her!" Jesy says nervously, "I know, apparently she does all the work and Charlotte stays out with friends, she is scared Perrie will leave her so won't let her have friends, I bet you anything she cheats on Perrie when out with her friends" I sigh, "Probably, wait what is Charlotte doing?" Leigh says. We look and see Charlotte dragging Perrie by the arm to the bathroom, we quickly get up and follow them until she locks the bathroom door, "I thought I told you not to talk to Jade, well I guess I will just have to sort you out!" Charlotte shouts, I hear Perrie scream a little so Leigh kicks the door in. We walk in and gasp at what we see, I feel myself become faint at the sight.


This is a little short, I will hopeful update tomorrow though, remember to keep voting, commenting and reading xx :)

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