Two Lives Collide -- H.S.[com...

By foreverstarr99

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A Harry Styles Fan-fiction. Click the Start Reading button and read about Harry and Rydel's adventure. (: More

Sneak Peek!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Not an update.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 ~Part 1~
Authors Note.
Chapter 18 ~Part 2~
Chapter 19
Authors note. (:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors Note!!
Chapter 22 (Last Chapter!!)

Chapter 15

53 6 0
By foreverstarr99

Adult content in this chapter. Just a warning... (: If you don't like that kind of stuff, then just skip it.


We just sat there, I guess we fell asleep like that. 

I woke up before Harry this time, that's a shock. I checked my iPhone for the time, its a little after 12. I went upstairs to get dressed in shorts and a black long sleeve. Don't ask, I'm weird like that. 

Little did I know, the shirt was a One Direction shirt with their logo on the front, and then all their nicknames on the back. Even Josh's name was on the back. It was just his first name though. I loved this shirt because it actually had Josh's name on it. 

I got downstairs and Harry is now shirtless and already making lunch for us. He turned around and just laughed at me. "Nice shirt baby." I looked down and blushed. "Oh my God. I'm so embarrassed now." I started walking back upstairs when Harry pulled my backside against him. "I love your shirt." He whispered in my ear and started to kiss my neck. He started to slide his hands up my shirt. "Harry. Stop." I turn around and peck his lips, but of course he wants more. "Harry, no. Not now." I walk away getting out of his grip. "Come on Rydel. Please. You got me all excited, now I'm sad." He pouted. "Harry, we just found out we lost the baby. I don't want to right now." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Its fine." I smiled. "I'm going to go look for a job." I gathered my stuff, and walked out.

It was around 7 when I got home. I walked in after turning the car off and locking it. Harry was resting on the couch munching on pizza. "Hey babe." He said with a mouth full. I shook my head. I sat my stuff down and sat with him. He turned off the TV off and carried me upstairs. I laid on the bed  on my stomach while Harry gives me a massage. He bent down and kissed my back up to the back of my neck. He started nibbling. "Harry." I giggled. He doesn't stop. "Harold Edward Styles!" I said. He turns me over pinning me down by my wrists. "What? I thought..." He trailed off. I looked at him. "You thought what?"  "I thought you would've enjoyed this more." He's now like right on top of me smirking. "What?" I ask once more. "Your just so beautiful." He crashed his lips into mine. He jumped when his phone started ringing. 

H- What Zayn? Kinda busy.

I giggled. 

Z- Well, we all have to be at the studio for a meeting with Simon in like 25 minutes. So put it away and get down there. We are on the way now.

He hung up. Harry tried to kiss me, I wouldn't let him. "You have to go." I said. He managed to get a kiss from me anyway. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He pecked my cheek and left. The time is now 9... I'm hungry.


Its now 11. He has been gone for about 2 hours. I ended up falling asleep.


~Next Morning~ 

The sunshine is coming in from the window. Harry is asleep next to me. I didn't get up, I just laid there with Harry. He moved and pushed his body against mine, also wrapping me in his strong arms. I tried to get up, but he wouldn't let me. "Harry." "What?" His morning voice is deep, raspy, and really attractive. "Let me up." "Nope, we can lay here all day." He laughed a little. I turn and face him. "No." I laughed. I lean in but stop before our lips touched. "Kiss me Rydel." He demanded. H moved his one hand and was running his fingers through my hair.  "No." I said with a straight face. He moved his hand and grabbed my ass. "Don't tell me that." He kissed me, and I gripped his shirt to deepen the kiss. I got up before things farther. Before I got up, Harry whispered in my ear. "Rydel, I want you." I wanted him so bad but, I don't want to rush anything else. I got up and got undressed. "I know Harry, but I don't want to right now." I stepped into the bathroom as he went downstairs. 

I turned on the water and pulled the thing for the shower. I hop in and stand there rubbing my stomach. "Why?" I said. I jump when I feel Harry's large hands on my hips. I spin around and look up into Harry's amazing green eyes. He had his left hand trace my jawline, and his other hand at the end of my back. He pulled me close and kissed my temple, down to my ear and now my neck. Up to my jaw, my cheek and then my lips. I love this. I thought. I turned the water off and I pull away. "I'm hungry." I say. "Okay, let's go out this morning." I smile and he smiles back. We get out and get dressed. We down the steps, and when we get to the last one Harry stops and turns around. He places one hand on my stomach. "When can we have another baby?" He asks. "Soon I hope." I reply. We go and get out to the car. I get in first, then Harry. "I want a baby now." He leans over and puts his hand on my thigh, and moves up. He kisses me and I kiss back. He unbuttons my pants and then my blouse... "We are in a car Harry." He doesn't stop. "Oh screw it." I pulled him to the backseat. I take his shirt off, and he unbuttons his pants. Then, I slip off my pants. Harry then pulls my blouse off. He climbs on top of me and brought his lips to my neck. "Your so beautiful." He mumbled against my skin. He slowly pulled my underwear down, and dos the same this with his boxers. "You ready baby?" I nodded. He put his length inside me, I gasped.. He let one hand rest on the back of my thigh and the other in my hair. He thrusts his hips into mine. I gasped again. "Harry." "Shh, babe. You have to be quiet." He went a little harder. "Oh my-" "Baby, shh." He banged his one hand on the window. Then, he got faster. "Harry." I moaned. He grunted every time he thrusts. My body started shaking. "H-Harry." I moaned again. "Just a little longer babe." "Oh Harry." He thrusts again and again. "Shh. Babe." A throaty moan escaped his mouth. He slows down and then pulled out of me.  

We both tried to catch our breath. He laid on me with his head on my chest. "You... Are... Amazing." He said. I giggled, at least tried to. "Can we get dressed now?" I asked quietly. I looked up and saw the windows were foggy, you couldn't see out of them. I laughed. I found everything but my pants. "Harry, where are my pants?" He smirked. "Give them back!" I screamed. He leaned forward and puckered his lips waiting for a kiss. I made my fingers like lips and pushed them to his lips. I opened his eyes when I pulled my fingers away. He fell for it because he gave me my pants back. 


We went to Starbucks and he bought me coffee and a cookie. We stayed there for a bit, then went shopping around the square. 


We got home around 7. We went shopping to get wedding stuff. I went upstairs and put everything away for now. 

Harry and I got dressed into sweats and laid on the bed with me laying on him. Harry is currently singing in my ear to help me sleep. "Your so beautiful Rydel. I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back. Then, he started to stroke my hair. 

We just laid there for the rest of the night. 

I want everything to work out this time. I want a baby. 


Oh, I forgot to mention. Management knew that we lost the baby, so we didn't have to go in for the meeting. That really surprised me. They are usually so harsh with me. Oh well, might as well like it while it lasts..... Because who knows how long it will last. 

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