The Rotten Fruit

By mariannasank

27.6K 1.2K 165

Damien Smith lived a high life. He was a wealthy man who owned a successful business and lived a life filled... More



1K 49 3
By mariannasank

We were now heading to the mall after that weird confrontation at DMD.

", you ever had a girlfriend?" Damien asked breaking the silence between us.

I looked at him but then I turned away,

"Not really."
"How come?"
"I'm not really the social type, I rather keep to myself."

A confused look appeared on his face.

"How about you? I'm sure you had a lot."
"Well I had a few but not so much."

I laughed. It was obvious that he was lying. I never really took much interest in girls because the girls back at my school thought that I had too much problems and plus I wasn't really mentally and emotionally really for a relationship either.

"You're my son, I'm sure your flirting skills are as good as mine." He then said.
"Is that how you win over my mother?"

The laughter in the car suddenly died. Damien's expression changed into great sadness, he kept his head straight on the road as if to hold back a few tears that covered his eyes then a small smile appeared on his gloomy face as he said,

"You're mother was something special. She was different, the way she spoke and how she acted. She was a strong and independent woman, everything a man could've ever wanted. My flirting skills couldn't even catch her attention, I had her yet I stupidly let her go.."

He shook his head. Even though Damien wasn't there for me somehow I felt the pain in his eyes and he was right, my mother was a strong woman and that was something I had always admire about her. She didn't let anything or anyone prevent her from what she wanted.

"It wasn't your fault, people do stupid things when they're young right?"
"All the time."
"It's just our responsibility to know what to believe and who to trust."

He glanced at me with a blank expression but I didn't even look back at him. I kept a straight face until we strolled into the parking lot of the mall. Standing outside were two ladies and a man with glasses. Damien got out first and greeted them as he explained something to them. I slowly walked towards them.

"So Jes, this is Anna and Macy. They basically shop and buy my clothes for me cause well..I'm not really the shopping type so they'll help you choose your clothes and then we'll go over to Caroline. Okay?"

I looked at the two ladies who were smiling down at me. They look like those kinda girls that would scream out in pain if Forever21 didn't have their size in the hottest dress. I sighed then nodded. This is gonna be a long day.


It's been almost 3 hours that we've been in this mall, I'm sure we've probably been in every store and I was getting frustrated with the constant trying on clothes then taking it off, it was hella annoying. I haven't even seen Damien either, and I was losing my patience.

"Okay, I think that's enough shopping for today. Thank you ladies so much, anything else you find just drop it off at the house." Damien said.

"Sure no problem sir, it was nice meeting you Jesiah." Macy said.

I gave her a half smile and left with Damien. I sat in the car and closed my eyes, shopping isn't fun at all. Damien looked at me and laughed.

"That's how I looked the first time I went shopping."
"That's not the worse part, Macy and Anna are so damn annoying plus I'm starving and where were you!?"
"Easy tiger, I got you a sandwich and I went to do some business stuff..aye and don't say that about them, they're actually really nice once you get to know them.

~~~~~Damien's POV ~~~~~

I watched as Jesiah ate his sandwich then I turned away and started the car. How am I supposed to tell him that Caroline is pregnant? He already knows that he's permanently stuck with me until whenever Amanda returns but he seems so close to this girl, it's like she was his big sister or something.

I was suppose to meet up with Caroline today anyways, so those 3 hours that I went for was basically to talk about the reason why he's with me. I don't see the cruelty in it but she should at least tell him besides the fact that he looks up to her, hiding it from him would just make him more angry but of course I wouldn't know since my life was filled with hatred and not the family love he gets.

"You okay?" Jesiah asked pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Um yea, I'm fine. Ready to go?"

We parked in front of the hospital and we got out. Jesiah had a puzzled look on his face.

"What's wrong?"
"This hospital looks a bit familiar."
"What you mean? You've been here before."
"Yeah I have,.. with Caroline."

I didn't respond. I had an idea of where the conversation was going  and I didn't feel like opening up right now especially at a hospital. We walked in and I went up to the secretary and asked for Kathy and she told her we were coming, I knew where her station was, I've been here a million times..well I use too.

"How long Kathy been working here?" He asked as we step into the elevator.
"I'm not to sure about the number but I know it's a good few years."
"But if she's a doctor and she's always here, how come y'all became friends?"
"That my boy, is a very long story."

He looked at me with curiosity but I just smiled. Some things are left unsaid.

Hey guys ((: here's another chapter! Sorry I didn't update..kinda busy with school. This chapter is kinda long but it's worth it! I'll try to update another chapter this weekend. Forgive me if there's any mistakes, didn't get the chance to edit but I'll try to. Love y'all!! xoxo

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