Loving Marydale

By xxjustarandomgirl__

1.9K 123 49

Marydale Entrata, known as Maymay, is a quirky 17 year old girl who, despite of all the troubles in life, fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

267 22 8
By xxjustarandomgirl__

We were heading towards our next class with Edward and Marco whispering to each other behind us.

"So how do you like Edward?" Kisses asks, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

"He's alright, I mean you know he has an attitude but he's alright," I smile.

"Sure, he's just alright," she laughs.

"What're you guys talking about?" Marco asks.

"Oh nothing," Kisses and I say in unison and Edward glares at us.

Marco arrives in his class and waves goodbye before walking in. We walk a little more before reaching our class with Edward just behind us. Kisses and I took our usual seat up the front whilst Edward gets stopped by Mrs. Rodriguez in front of the class to introduce himself.

"Do I really have to?" He sighs out of boredom.

"Of course you do," she gives him a stern smile.

"Well my name is Edward and I hate school and my parents just freaking forced me to be here right now," he says before smirking at the teacher. "Was that good enough for you?"

"Watch it Mr. Barber," Mrs. Rodriguez tells him just as he takes a seat down the back.

"So we're starting today with choosing partners for our next assignment," our teacher begins and everyone cheers. "No, you won't get to pick your partner," she continues and the whole class groans in annoyance.

"I will begin to work around and see who'll be great partners and I should be able to tell you by the end of this class," she explains. "The assignment is pretty simple," she says while walking around and giving everyone their task sheets.

She places one in front of me and I immediately pick it up to read it. The heading caught my eyes which said in big, block letters, BIOGRAPHIES.

"As you all can see at the top of the page, we're learning about Biographies. Don't ask me why we're learning about this because if you ask me this is for grade five students," she says and everyone laughs.

"Anyway, as I have said before the task is simple. Follow along on your sheets please. The task is really quite self-explanatory, in this assignment, you will be required to write the life story of someone else. As you all may guess, that someone will be the partner that I will be assigning you later on. By the end of this, you guys should know a lot about each other. You can read the rest of the instructions to yourselves."

I picked up where she left off and saw that we had to present our biographies to the class. To get to know everyone even more. We had a month to this and by the end of the month everyone will be presenting with their partners. After presenting, we will have to give the teacher our biographies and she will be making questions up to quiz us about our chosen partner.

This task IS really simple. How hard could this be?

A few moments later Mrs. Rodriguez stands up again with an A4 paper in hand.

"Alright class, silent!"

Everyone's conversations slowly died down until no one else was talking.

"Okay, so I will begin by saying the names and then I want you to move next to that person and that will be your seat until this assignment is over. Understood?"

A chorus of 'yes' was heard throughout the classroom.

"Let's begin with Abigail and Draymond," she says and I see Abigail blush. "Kisses and Cassie," I look over at Kisses and she smiles before walking over next to Cassie. "James and Cory, Carla and Brenton, Alisha and Trent..." a few more minutes later everyone's names were called out and it was only Edward and I left. "Marydale, as you can probably have guessed you're with Edward, principal Pines made it clear to always make you guys partner as you're helping him out or something?"

I just nod and she gives me a small smile before speaking to the class as a whole. I shot up from my sit and walked over to where Edward was sitting, texting on his phone.

He takes one glance at me and rolls his eyes before ignoring me.

"So when do you want us to start working on this?" I whisper.

"There's no us-"

"Well I can't be doing all the work, can I?"

"Of course you can. Aren't you the smartest girl?"

"I am but not smart enough to know about your details for this biographies," I state.


"So when?"

"I don't know okay! Just drop it!"

"Alright alright," I sigh.

"Okay class, you guys can start on it now! By the end of this term you will know everyone in this class pretty well!"


"Kisses I just don't know how I can do this, I'll probably fail! Edward just won't cooperate with me!" I pout as we walk out of the school to the pick up and drop off zone.

"You'll get through this May," she reassures me. "Edward is just being difficult but he'll come around."

"Speak of the devil," I say as we sit down on the metal benches as we wait for Kuya to pick us up.

"Marydale," he says sternly.

"Edward," I copy him.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted before alright? But I'll drop by your house later to do the biography if that's fine with you?"

"I don't know, Kisses will be there so that's just not fair for her and-"

"No it's fine, I'll just watch a movie or something while you guys do the assignment," she smiles.

"Sounds like a plan then," Edward sighs with an eye roll before walking away.

What would I do without Kisses? She's always been there for me since day one. I love her for that.

My phone rings and I fish it out of my pocket to see who the caller was. My eyes almost popped out of its sockets as I read his name.

"Who is it?" Kisses asks with concern.

"B-Benjamin," I stutter.

"What does he want now?" She groans.

I don't answer the call just to be left with a message from him. My hands were shaking as I unlock my phone to read his text.

"What the hell Maymay? Just answer the damn call!"

I show Kisses his text and she gasps. "What the hell is his problem! Now he's the one saying this!"

Benjamin Cruz is my ex. I thought everything was going well until the night I walked into the party, only to see him kissing a girl. It wasn't just any girl, it was Heaven, the girl who's had it for me for as long as I can remember.

After that night, I promised myself not to get hurt again. Not to get attached to anyone by any means. Nothing good comes out of a relationship is what I always tell myself.

"Maymay, Kuya Jerome is here. Let's go home," Kisses gives me a small smile before opening the car door and leading me in.

The drive was silent, but it was a comfortable type of silence. Kisses was just humming to the song by Shawn Mendez, Stitches. We ordered at Subway first before going home. I got my usual ham footlong in Italian herbs and cheese bread.

After finally getting home, we took off our bags and shoes just by the door and walked over to the kitchen with our food. We were never allowed to eat anywhere else but the kitchen. I was fine with it though because I don't wanna make any mess for my lola to clean. I would clean it myself but she insists on doing it.

We set down our food on the table and gave thanks first before devouring the yummy food. We threw the rubbish away and I finished off my double chocolate chip cookie before going to the theatre room to watch some movies with Kisses.


We were half way through 10 Things I Hate About You when lola knocked on the door, informing us that someone was there to see us whilst doing so. I paused the movie and Kisses pouted before following me downstairs to the door.

Once we get there though, no one was there. Must've been a prank, I think to myself.

"Lola, theres no one here po," I call out from the front door to the kitchen where my lola was making food.

She poke her head out the wall and raised her eyebrows, "that's weird. He was just there, well I guess he left." She shrugs.


I wonder who that was?



You guys can probably guess who that person is. Or can you? Hahaha.

This chapter had a lot of dialogues. Did you guys like it? 😂  This chapter is also unusually short, forgive me. I just really wanted to update for you guys! I swear the next chapter will be longer. Though, I don't know when I'll be updating next since school has started and I'll be really busy.


Hope you enjoyed reading this, until next time!

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