Kellic One-Shots

By dwindledflame

44.6K 1.2K 625

Random Kellic one-shots to fulfill your gay for the day. (May contain triggers, smut, foul language, etc.) More

-happy birthday-
-The Stars Shine For You-
-Dr. Fuentes-
-Without You-
-The End of All Good Things-
-Daddy, please?-
-It's All About Making Her Feel Good-
-beauty comes from within-
-first snowfall-
-Secret Santa-
-Snowball Fight-
-Flower Boy-
-Touch Me, Not Feel Me-

-Christmas Carols-

1K 40 3
By dwindledflame

(Kellin's POV)

"Oh Kellin! It's so sweet of you to join us! I'm glad to see you're dressed warm." Helen greets, giving me an overly exaggerated hug.

I force a smile, knowing that I had to be polite. "Yeah, it's great to be here. When are we going around the neighborhood?"

"In about ten minutes. We just need to wait for Ms.Fritz and Scarlet." She smiles, patting my cheek gently before walking over to talk with Susie. I huff out a breath, the cool air making a small cloud around my face. My mother offered me to go around the small town, singing Christmas carols with the local church. Of course, like any other nineteen year old, I just wanted to enjoy my winter break from college and lay in bed with hot cocoa, but sadly I couldn't.

I wasn't nervous or doubtful of myself, I knew I could sing good, it was just freezing outside. How old people are doing this? I don't have the slightest idea. Shortly, everyone has arrived and Helen hands out the booklets of the songs we'll be singing. I've always liked Christmas songs, honestly.

"Okay guys, we're going to start on Elm and end on Hickory." Helen announces, a wide smile on her face. I sighed before following after the group of older people, my hands tucked deep into my coat pockets. The first house we come up to is just a small one story with an SUV in the driveway. A strand of lights line the roof, sparkling beautifully in the evening darkness.

We approach the house and Susie rings the doorbell. Soon, a young couple with a small child open the door. The woman gasps before a bright grin takes over her face. I sing along to 'Joy to the World', keeping my eyes downcast on my booklet. I knew a few people in this neighborhood. I just hope that we don't approach his house.

The young couple wish us happy holidays and we approach the next door. This step repeats itself, knock, sing, say thank you and wish a Merry Christmas. At this point I can basically feel my fingers freezing, despite the fact that I had gloves on.

We next come up to a two story family home, all the christmas lights outside were full out, small character inflatables, even a giant Christmas tree. I'm snapped out of gapping at the beauty of the lights twinkling when I hear Scarlett's voice.

"Kellin, dear, it's your turn to ring the doorbell." She gives me a kind smile and I force one back, refraining from groaning. I make way through the small group and stand at the front. I press my icicle of a finger against the glowing button, hearing the chimes go off inside.

"Oh, Victor! Get the door! There's Christmas Carolers tonight!" A woman's voice yells throughout the house. My face falls at the name. No, it can't be him, can it? I purse my lips as the door flies open, revealing an elderly couple standing behind...Vic. My whole face flushes, my heart beating faster at the mere thought of him being four feet in front of me.

Vic's eyes caught mine and he looked a little surprised before a shit eating grin took over his face.

"Kellin? I always knew you were nerdy, but hanging out with old people?" He whispered as the group started singing.

"Be quiet," I snap back in a whisper before taking a step back and joining the group with singing. I tried to ignore Vic's intimidating stares, my cheeks aflame in a huge comparison to the freezing weather. I couldn't help it when I stumbled over some words, my nerves running haywire.

The problem is, as much as a douchebag Vic was, I couldn't help but develop a giant crush on him. We're in college together and I've liked him since junior year in high school, and he found out at graduation. We've talked a few times, but every time we did he had to mention with his cocky and arrogant attitude that I like him. It was embarrassing as hell and now he'll be able to tease me for singing with a bunch of old people.


The songs are quickly over, fortunately, so I go to walk back with the group after the goodbyes and holiday wishing, but get pulled back by the sleeve of my jacket.

"I didn't know you could sing?" Vic asks, tilting his head to the side looking like an adorable, but stupid jerky puppy. I pull my arm from his grip and nod stiffly. "C'mon don't act like you don't enjoy the fact that you know where I live now." He teases, a sly smile on his face. My eyes widen slightly.

"I do not!" I exclaim quietly, trying to keep my voice down in case his parents were right there.

"Hmm, okay. Come over sometime and we can see the other things those vocals can do," he says somewhat suggestively, biting his lip. My whole body flutters with warmth. I know he was usually flirty but never this much towards me.

"In your dreams." I roll my eyes, turning and walking back to the group.

"Actually, Quinn, it's you with those dreams!" I hear him call behind me. I roll my eyes again but with a small, shy smile on my lips. I've got it so bad. I glance behind me and notice him still watching me. I shake my head with a bigger smile and wave slightly, earning one back.

I turn and jog back up to the group, joining their singing at the next door.

"You've got it bad for that boy, don't you?" Susie whispers, giving me her own smile. I blush deeply, shaking my head slightly before carrying on with the Christmas carol.


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