Camp Creepypasta (Ticci Toby...

By katpad01

1.4M 46.8K 103K

Slendy needs more Creepypastas. So he takes Splendy's advice and makes a summer camp to train some chosen kid... More

Chapt 1: A Letter And A Strange Man
Chapt 2: Another Strange Boy
Chapt 3: The Bus Ride
Chapt 4: Hi! My Name's Toby!
Chapt 5: You're That Guy!!!
Ch.6: I'll Stay And I'll Learn
Chapt 7: First Things First, Weapons
Chapt 8: Leo's Partner
Chapt 9: Toby Tics
Chapt 10: Ticci Toby vs. Adam Night
Chapt 11: Tending To Toby
Chapt 12: FREE DAY!
Chapter 13: Jealousy
Chapt 14: Plan Gone...Wrong?!
Chapt 15: Plan Gone...Right?!
Chapter 16: I GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!
Chapter 17: Toby's Little Game
Merry Christmas
Chapter 18: Another Fight To The Death
Chapter 19: Why Did You Do That
Chapt 20: I'll Get Your Mind Off Him
Chapter 21: An Event?
Chapter 22: Camp Dance
Chapter 23: Caught And Taken
Chapter 24: The Culprit
Chapt 25: The Prison Where They Are Held
Chapt 26: No! Leo!
Chapter 27: Have To Get Out
Chapter 28: Um...My Face...
What's Happening Next? (Announcment)
Chapter 30: This Is Your Life Now (Last Chapter)

Chapter 29: Moving On

30.5K 1K 1.3K
By katpad01

Today was the day you buried Leo. It was the day you buried everyone. You and the others decided that everyone would be buried behind their cabins. You thought it would be a nice tradition if this camp even continued after what happened.

You really didn't do anything after that. You and the others were just absolutely devastated after the events that had occurred.

The last remaining days of summer played out. Nothing exciting really happened. You and Toby just hung around, getting to know each other better. You got to know the other Creepypastas. You even made up with Adam.

The weird thing was, BEN had taken Leo's 3DS, and you had no idea when you'd be getting it back. You would really like it back.


It had been days after the burial and it was now the second to last of Summer, and you and Toby were just sitting together in silence on his bed.

You really wanted to ask what would happen when the summer ended, but you chose against it. You just wanted to make these last couple days last longer.

You and Toby were about to doze off in each other's arms when you heard a knock on the door.

Toby laughed. "Can you guess who that is?"

"Who else likes to ruin our moments?" You said sarcastically as you got up and walked to the door.

You opened the door and yep. You guessed it. It was Splendy.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!!!!!!!" He cheered, waving his long arms around.

You laughed. "Hello Splendy! How are you?"

"I. Am. FANTASTIC!!!! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

That was good. After you had buried the campers, Splendy was very depressed. Noel had caught you up on the Creepypasta stories and Splendy's situation kinda reminded you of Laughing Jack's story. Splendy got so depressed that all his color basically left him, just like in L.J.'s story. He was silent, didn't speak a word, didn't laugh, and refused to move. It was like this for days.

But a while back, he seemed to be getting better. Everyone helped him get better. You, his brothers, the campers, and the pastas. Little by little, his color came back and he seems to be as cheery as every!

"My brother has an announcement to make!" Splendy informed.

"Right now?" You asked.

Splendy nodded his head. "Yes!"

"Alright. Toby's coming too?"

Splendy nodded again.

"Okay." You said, looking over your shoulder a Toby. "Toby! Slendy's making an announcement right now! Come on!"

You heard Toby yell. "Coming!" And was immediately at your side.

You walked together to the center of camp where Slendy was making his announcement.


Everyone was already there when you got there and Slendy was already standing on the wooden platform in the middle of camp.

You and Toby walked into the crowd and Slendy began his announcement.

"I'm sure you've all noticed, summer is coming to an end." Slendy's voice boomed over the crowd. "And this is a summer camp, so you all must be wondering what will happen when the summer ends. The whole point of this camp was to find new Creepypastas to join us. The way it was planned to work was one camper would kill the rest of the campers and that camper would become the new Creepypasta."

Murmurs began to muster from crowd.

"However!" Slendy continued. "I have decided to change that rule just this once. All the remaining campers will become Creepypastas."

The crowd cheered and Toby gave you a hug, happy that you would be moving on.

"I have a list here of all the remaining campers. It includes your name, descriptions, basically your entire life story, and a picture."

Luke raised his hand. "Question!"

Slendy sighed. "Yes Luke..."

"Yes. Hi. Luke here with a simple question. Where did you get all of that information?!?!?"

If Slendy had a face, he'd probably be giving Luke a 'are you stupid?' face.

"I watched you all of you for months. I know more about you than you know about yourself, Luke."

The Pastas laughed. Luke looked horrified.

Slendy lifted up a old looking envelope that was addressed to someone called MCP. He put the list containing your information in the envelope and held it up for everyone to see.

"I will be sending this to Mr. Creepypasta. He will write you your creepypasta story where it will then be shared through out the world, striking fears into people hearts. You will be one of us."

Everyone cheered some more and you looked up at Toby, giving him a puzzled look. "Mr. Creepypasta?"

Toby nodded his head. "Yeah! He's the one who copies down all our stories, even written some. He poses as this guy on that website YouTube to pass along the stories. He's pretty cool!"

You nodded your head, understanding.

"Alright alright! Settle down!" Slendy ordered everyone and continued. "I have one last announcement. Where you will be staying after the summer. You will be staying with me in my mansion. Now, you only have two more days left of summer, I would suggest you start packing. I congratulate you on surviving the summer and I will see you in two days at my mansion."

After that, Slendy disappeared.


After Slendy's announcement, You practically ran back to your cabin and started throwing your stuff in a bag.

You were half way done packing when Toby came up behind you, wrapped his arms around you, and lifted you into the air before spinning you around. You both laughed and when Toby put you down he brought you into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you made it through the summer!!! Now you get to come live with me forever!!!" Toby cheered.

"Wait?!" You asked, looking up at him. "You live in Slendy's mansion?!"

"Of course! Everyone does!"

You squealed and hugged him tighter.

Toby nuzzled into your hair, giving the top of your head light kisses, and sighed. "You get to move on (y/n). I'm so happy."

"I'm happy too."

Toby lightly kissed your lips. It had been awhile since you've kissed him. You missed it.

In two days, it would be the end of your Camp Creepypasta journey and you would start a new one as one of the brand new Creepypastas.

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