Every Second [COMPLETED]

By joymoment

2.5M 136K 36K

"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson... More

Dang! Check out that cast!
OH NO! 😱 Author's Note! Run for it!
Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"
Chapter 2 - "The last album failed."
Chapter 3 - "Is this even real?"
Chapter 4 - "I would look terrible with facial hair."
Chapter 5 - "I'm a cat lady!"
Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."
Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."
Chapter 8 - "Sebastian is not here."
Chapter 9 - "Who is this fool?"
Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."
Chapter 11 - "I believe in you and I'll wear ear plugs."
Chapter 12 - "Can I ask you a question?"
Chapter 13 - "He still has a girlfriend."
Chapter 14 - "You two are a bit too dramatic."
Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."
Chapter 16 - "What happened?"
Chapter 17 - "Do you want to throw on a shirt and we can get working?"
Chapter 18 - "You done?"
Chapter 19 - "Sebastian-"
Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."
Chapter 21 - "Would it help if I ran at you?"
Chapter 22 - "I've decided my only option is to go mad."
Chapter 23 - "How'd you escape?"
Chapter 24 - "I don't know why. Maybe it was my fault."
Chapter 25 - "You're forcing our friendship?"
Chapter 26 - "Hey Farewell!"
Chapter 27 - "And welcome home, I guess."
Chapter 28 - "How many girlfriends have you had?"
Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."
Chapter 30 - "I just forgot that, he's Sebastian Colfax."
Chapter 31 - "I didn't want to look too eager."
Chapter 32 - "Show offs."
Chapter 33 - "Say something."
Chapter 34 - "I did the right thing?"
Chapter 35 - "Dance with me."
Chapter 36 - "Smooth. I give it a ten out of ten for tact."
Chapter 37 - "Aims, I don't want you to get hurt."
Chapter 38 - "I never wanted this!"
Chapter 39 - "I can't! You don't understand. I can't do this!"
Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."
Chapter 41 - "What are you doing here?"
Chapter 42 - "Five months isn't that long."
Chapter 43 - "Priorities change."
Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."
Chapter 45 - "I actually don't believe you."
Chapter 46 - "Don't forget me."
Chapter 47 - "Only forty days left until I see you again."
Chapter 48 - "Was it worth waiting five months?"
Chapter 49 - "Aims. I have a confession to make."
An Honest Thank You!
When Amelia Met Will (Deleted Scene)
Amelia's Final Work Day with Sebastian (Deleted Scene)
Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)


58.5K 2.7K 1.1K
By joymoment

8 years later

Muffled voices floated out from behind closed doors, joining Amelia as she walked down the empty hallway. Sebastian's voice drifted out of an open doorway to greet her.

"Gentlemen," Sebastian said, "you have to remember you are the frame, the ladies are the master piece. That is not to say that you are useless. No, without you the ladies would not have the support they need."

Amelia paused just outside Sebastian's dance class and leaned against the door frame. Gangly teenagers coupled together, waltzed in small circles, rotating in a large circle. Sebastian stood off to the side of the dance studio.

"So with that said, you both need to find the strength in your core, because without that support you end up looking like a bunch of floppy worms. And who really wants to look like that," he said.

The room filled with chuckles as the students straightened their spines. Sebastian tapped a couple in front of him.

"Fred, step aside for a second." Sebastian took Fred's position. "See how there is this strength in my hold. It's like a relationship, Abby has to know that she can lean on you and you with help her. It's not just for good posture, but it also makes it possible for you to guide and direct her without telling her what to do. Observe," Sebastian said.

He moved backwards gently pulling Abby with him. Amelia shook her head, as she watched Abby's eyes stay locked on Sebastian, with barely contained giddiness.

"Fred, try it again and remember, your girl will only stay with you if she knows you got what it takes, if not, she'll find someone else," he said.

Fred blushed slightly and stepped up to Abby, taking back his position.

The bell rang out minutes later and couples broke apart. Amelia moved out of the way, as students trickled from the room. Her gaze fell to the little boy beside her, his blue eyes watching the forest of legs, one small hand clutched in her's.

"Is it really fair to call your students floppy worms?" Amelia asked, stepping into the studio.

Sebastian spun around.

"Bear!" Sebastian called out.


Two dimples pierced the little boy's cheeks as he went racing across the room into the arms of his father. Laughing, Sebastian hugged the boy tightly.

"What did you learn today Bear?" he asked.

"Momma let me play on the big drum set today, and I was great. You should have seen it..." Words tumbled from the boy's mouth in a rapid fire, syllables and phrases tripping over each other. When he seemed finished, Sebastian turned to Amelia, his arm slipping around her waist. He kissed her.

"Robbie played the big drum set. I hope for the sake of his ears, he wore earplugs," Sebastian said.

"I did! Big headphones that covered my ears, like this," Robbie said, placing both hands over his ears to demonstrate.

"Is that so?"

Robbie nodded.

"Bear, what do you say to letting me dance with your mommy?" Sebastian asked.

The little boy's expression went thoughtful.

"If you go into my satchel I might have something for you," Sebastian encouraged.

Robbie wriggled in Sebastian's arms. Laughing, Sebastian lowered the squirming boy to the floor and he raced to the satchel. A small hand pulled out bag of m&ms out. Amelia turned a questioning expression onto Sebastian.

"So I'm not above bribery to get a couple minutes to dance with you," Sebastian said.

"I just half expected it to be kale in there instead of m&ms."

Sebastian laughed, wrapping his arms around Amelia.

"I tried that but he didn't go for it."

Soft waltzing music floated through the air as they danced together.

"How was class today? Your freshmen students enjoying your humor?" Amelia asked.

"I think they are getting used to it."

"The girls I can already see are pretty smitten with you. You seem to still struggle with that problem though you haven't performed in years."

"Ah, but at least this is something I have had a lot of dealings with and know how to act around it."

Amelia laughed as Sebastian spun them in a fast tight circle.


A short, hazel eyed girl with cork screw curls bounded over to Robbie.


The two little kids collided in the center of the room."

"Alright counselor, how about a hello to your Aunt Aims," Charlie said.

His dimple winked at Amelia. Ellie skipped to Amelia, who embraced the small girl.

"How's my favorite niece?" she asked.

"I'm going to be a big sister, Auntie, a big sister," Ellie said.

Amelia's gaze dropped to Natalie swollen belly.

"How are you doing?" Amelia asked.

The kids scampered off to a distant corner of the dance studio.

"Let's just say I am ready for this one to come. He seems eager to meet his sister, can't stop kicking whenever she's around," Natalie said.

Sebastian arm slid around Amelia's waist.

"He is a Dawson and those siblings tend to have a stronger bond then most," Sebastian joked.

"Just because you and Renee aren't as close does not mean it's something weird," Amelia said.

She looked to Charlie, but her glance traveled past him.

"Robert Miles Colfax, what have I told you about playing the drums on the floor?" she said.

The head of brown tangled hair jerked up, his face flushing with guilt, the small drum sticks poised in his hands, hovering above the floor.

"Not to," he mumbled.

Sebastian whispered into Amelia's ear.

"I believe I recall a time where you strode into my apartment and started playing on my floor," Sebastian said.

"Yes, well when he is working for a international rockstar, then he can do has he likes but I'm not spending the next 15 years with him making dents in our floor."

Charlie chuckled.

"So what do you think the big news is with Poppy and Will?" Natalie asked.

"I say baby, for Will's sake. I've never known someone who wants a kid more than him," Sebastian said.

"That's true, but Poppy is still dancing, I know she doesn't want to have a kid until she's finished," Amelia said.

"Maybe's she's done then," Natalie said.

"Maybe, I guess we will find out tonight."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Charlie looked to Natalie.

"You ready to head back to the house, I don't want this one standing for to long, it was a long flight," Charlie said.

"I wouldn't say no to sitting down," Natalie said. "Eloise, it's time to head to back to the car, sweetheart."

Ellie jumped to her feet and raced into her father's arms.

"What do you say counselor, want to spend the weekend at Robbie's house?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, your honor," Ellie said.

"Charlie! You're terrible. When do you plan for her to take the bar, in two years?" Amelia asked.

Charlie looked at her, the face of her father staring back at her, the lines of laughter growing as Charlie smiled.

"I become a lawyer two years faster than most, I figure she'll will do it four years faster."

"Of course she will, she is your daughter. We should start heading home. I know mom is dying to see Ellie. And Bash and I can get everything ready for tonight," Amelia said.


Autumn leaves lazily danced in the breeze, their bright forms like clusters of confetti lost in the late evening sky. As they stepped into the warm confines of the house, Lilly hurried forward, her dark brown hair streaked with silver and gray.

"Ellie," Sebastian's mother said, pulling the grinning girl into her arms. "How are you doing, beautiful?"

Lilly moved back to the family, followed closely by Robbie.

"I'm going to take Nat upstairs and get her settled," Charlie said.

"Stay with her, mom can look after the kids and you look tired yourself," Amelia said.

Charlie guided Natalie up the curved staircase, talking in a low voice to her the whole way. Sebastian followed behind, carrying the suitcases. Amelia moved into the family room.

"Mom, are you okay watching them, Charlie and Nat are going to rest?"

Lilly could only briefly nod, her attention stolen away by Ellie's bright exclamation. Amelia smiled and turned away. She pushed through a swinging door into a large kitchen. She hit play on music and moved about. The counters were covered with beginnings of dinner by the time Sebastian joined her.

"You said Poppy and Will got in this morning?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes and Danny and Haley got in last night. I told them five, so that should be here soon. I knew we were bound to go late, so I figure the earlier we started dinner the better."

"Did Renee say whether her and Nate were going to stop by at all?"

"Not tonight, she is still working a shift at the hospital and won't get off until very late. But she did say she would stop by tomorrow."

Amelia nodded. Music swam around them, sending their hips swaying. Sebastian's gaze fell to Amelia. A small laugh slipped from Amelia's lips as Sebastian's arms wrapped around her waist, his lips brushing her cheek. Wordlessly, Amelia dropped her knife and spun around to face him, their hands meeting. They slowly danced about the kitchen, lost to the music and each other. 

The front door opened and a warm tenor voice called out, followed by a sweet soprano. Will pushed the kitchen door open and both him and Poppy smirked at the sight.

"And here I thought you too would be busy making dinner," Will said.

Amelia and Sebastian broke apart, moving to embrace the couple.

"How are you? How was the flight?" Amelia asked.

"Fine, everything was good. Your grandparents say hello. We had dinner with them the other night. Eleanor is throwing another party, of course. That woman never tires."

"No she does not."


Everyone turned to see two blurs racing over from the family room, colliding into Will's out stretched arms.

"There are the two biggest troublemakers in the world," Will said.

He stood, a kid braced in each arm. Amelia rested her head back on Sebastian, his arms encasing her, as she watched the light in Will's eyes grow as he talked with the hurricane of words.

"Do you too need help with food, since is seems you have danced the time away?" Poppy asked.

Amelia nodded and they left Will to brave the streams of conversation with the two 3 years olds.


The front door opened again and a cheery hello echoed through the foyer. Amelia rushed over, smiling as Danny's and Haley's wide grins greeted her. Amelia's gaze dropped to the two bundled forms in their arms and she reached for one.

"Hi Miguel, how are you handsome?" Amelia asked, relieving Danny of the dark haired toddler.

Sebastian pushed through the swinging door and smiled. He walked over and shook Danny's hand, then kissed Haley on the cheek, before taking the round faced girl from her arms.

"Hi Maddy." Sebastian said, smiling down at Miguel's twin.

Danny laughed.

"It's like you haven't seen a kids before. Speaking of kids where's that rascal of your's? Robbie!" Danny called out.

Robbie's little form came pelting from the family room.


He was snatched up, his dimples a perfect match for Danny's wide smile.

"Hey kiddo, have you been causing trouble and breaking hearts?" Danny asked.

Robbie nodded proudly.

"Good, I would hate for Aims and Bash have an easy life," Danny joked.

Charlie and Natalie came down the stairs, joining the welcoming party in the entryway. Poppy stuck her head out of the kitchen.

"Dinner's ready. Charlie can you please find my husband, I have the feeling he's being held hostage by your daughter," Poppy said.

Charlie kissed Natalie's cheek and went searching through the house, as everyone else moved to the elegant dining room table.


The table was empty, plates and wine glasses scattered over the top as everyone relaxed back on couches, curved around a roaring fire place.

"So tell us, what is the big news?" Amelia asked, looking to Will and Poppy.

They exchanged a quick glance.

"This season is going to be my last with London Ballet, because I'm pregnant!" Poppy said.

Congratulations and happy sentiments flew around the room, stirring inquiries and pleas for more information.

When the noise and rush of conversation subsided, Charlie looked at Natalie.

"I guess this is as good of time as any to the share our news," Charlie said.

"If you're going to tell us Nat's pregnant then save your breath, we kind of figured that one out already," Danny said.

Laughter rolled over the room.

"We've decided that after the baby is born, we're moving. We want our kids growing up together and so I have decided to open a law firm here in Indiana and settle beside you too." Charlie said.

"Charlie, are you serious?" Amelia asked.

He nodded and looked to Danny.

"Danny and I have already talked it over. I'll find a great replacement for Colfax Records. I know with all the private art schools here I can easily start up a law firm specifically for musicians and do well. We've already found few homes down the street for sale."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. Robbie and Ellie will be able to go to school together." Amelia said.

The siblings exchanged long, meaningful glances.

"On that good note, I want to put in that Colfax Records just signed their 18th artist," Danny said.

This got a lot of cheers from the group and brought on a new around of questions and answers.

"Dodger wants to bring in his daughter onto the writing team soon. She's only 8 and writes better than some of our other writers on staff," Danny laughed.

Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, letting out a quiet wow.

"I remember the day she was born," Sebastian said. "It was only a few months after our wedding. Man, I feel old."

This got a laugh out of everyone and Amelia cupped his cheek and kissed him lovingly.

Miguel shifted in Danny's arms, his pudgy little fist raising to his eyes and rubbing furiously. Everyone knew what this meant and stood. Poppy and Will moved back to the table cleared, as Charlie helped Natalie up.

"Will, Poppy, we set up the first floor guest room for you," Amelia said.

"And Danny and Haley, the guest house is ready for you," Sebastian said.

Both couples thanked them.

"Alright time for bed, Ellie," Charlie said.

"I object," she said.

"Over ruled counselor, come on." Charlie scooped her up. "We have to go to bed because in the morning I'm making pancakes."

Ellie rested her head on Charlie's shoulder.

"Night Aims, we'll see you in the morning," Charlie said.

Amelia placed on kiss on Ellie's forehead and gave Charlie a one armed hug.

"Sleep well. I'm so happy you're going to live here."

"Me too."

He put one arm around Natalie, leading her back towards the staircase.

"I'm going to take Bear up and give him a quick bath. If he was at the university with you today, he'll need one," Sebastian said.

He cradled the small sleepy boy in his arms, carrying him up the stairs. Amelia joined Poppy and Will in the kitchen sharing talk about their plans for the baby as they cleaned.

Will and Poppy said goodnight and headed down the hallway, Poppy's head settled on Will's shoulder. Amelia climbed the staircase and paused at the open doorway to Robbie's room. She leaned her head on the door frame, a smile playing on her lips. Sebastian sat on Robbie's bed, a book opened between them, the boy curled beside him.

"And it was the best day Allen had ever had. The end. Time for sleep Bear," Sebastian said, kissing the top of Robbie's head.

He moved off the bed, holding the covers up as Robbie slid beneath them.


"What's up Bear?"

"Will you sing the Goodnight song?"

"Of course." He raised the covers and tucked them securely under Robbie's chin, and started singing, his voice warm and comforting as it filled the space.

"Goodnight to the boy
With eyes of dark blue
Goodnight to today
For tomorrow brings adventures anew"

Sebastian kissed the sleeping boy, before backing out of the room and shutting the door.

"Hey," he said, as he turned found Amelia.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"The fire is still going, join me?"

"With an offer like that, how could I refuse?"

They walked back down the staircase and settled into the arm chair closest to the fire place. Amelia sat on Sebastian's lap, her body resting against his. His fingers found her's.

"Do you ever regret not staying in New York and running the label?" Amelia asked.

"No, starting Colfax Records was one of the best things I ever did. I needed a transition from performing and touring all the time to doing something else and it helped. But when you got pregnant with Robbie, I knew I wanted Robbie to grow up close to his grandmother and I didn't want it to be in New York. Besides, Danny and Dodger are doing an amazing job running it and so I know its in good hands."

"I agree."

They fell into silence the fire's hypnotic sight, pulling them in, stealing their thoughts and wiping away the need for words. Amelia's eyes drifted closed, the warmth of Sebastian's arms around her lulling her into sleep.

Only embers lay in the grate, when Sebastian spoke.

"Aims, you want to head to bed?"

Amelia barely stirred, his voice coming from a long way off. She managed a vague, hmmm and Sebastian smiled. He shifted his arms, and lifted her. Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck, as he carried her up the stairs.


Amelia jolted awake, sitting up, her eyes staring into a sea of blackness. She listened wondering if she had heard Robbie's cry, but heard only Sebastian's heavy breathing beside her. She rested her head on her knees. Her dreams stirred and she tried to calm her breath, her parents image floating to the forefront of her mind. Sebastian twisted beside her, his arms instinctively reaching out for her but finding air instead. He pushed himself into a sitting position.

"Hey, you okay?"

He shifted closer to her, his hand running over her back. Amelia nodded, still trying to calm her breathing.

"Dreams?" he asked.

Amelia nodded again. Sebastian pulled her close to him, laying back down. Amelia rested on his chest, his arms bringing her closer.

"It's been awhile since you've had them. Do you want to talk about it?"

Amelia didn't respond for a moment, the sound of Sebastian's heartbeat, calming her.

"They were meeting Robbie for the first time and my father was teaching him the guitar. They looked so happy to be with him."

Sebastian's lips brushed the top of her head, his hold tightening.

"I'm sorry, Aims."

Amelia only nodded, the images so clear in her mind. Her father's laugh as Robbie bounced on his knee. Her mother's patient voice talking soothingly to the little boy.

The silence wrapped around them and slowly erased the images from Amelia's mind; the dream melting into the stillness. A small creaking sound broke through the quiet as the door was pushed open. A shaft of light spilled to the room, only to be blocked by a small form.


Both Sebastian and Amelia sat up.

"What's up Bear?"

Robbie stepped further into the room, his moments nervous.

"I had a bad dream, can I stay with you?"

"Of course, come here baby Bear."

Robbie scurried across the room and climbed onto the bed, snuggling into Amelia's arms. They all laid back down. Robbie was cocooned between his parents, his head nestled beneath Amelia's chin. Sebastian's arm draped over Amelia's waist, as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Aims."

"I love you, Bash."

They let the night absorb them, the rhythmic breathing of their son pulling they back into sleep.


Can you believe it?! It's finished!!

So everyone is married and has kids! Crazy how time flies! Robbie is named after Amelia's father and Ellie is named after her mother. Sebastian wrote Robbie his own lullaby. Amelia works as a university teaching drums and Sebastian has taken over running the arts division of the high school he went to! Just in case all of that wasn't clear. Tell me what you thought of all the cuteness!

Vote, comment, follow! Stick around for deleted scenes!

If you haven't already, go find romance with Lennon and Kade in my completed book A Second Chance!
Or find adventure, romance, zombies and a hot guy in my other completed book Beyond The Barrier!
Or discover the romance that is tangled up in sarcasm with Mr. Write also completed!
Or you could check out A Secret Service about a girl, raised by a navy seal, being the social outcast at a school with the President's son.
Enjoy! I promise the books have better synopsizes than these ones. 😄

Till the next book!

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