Terrified - Adopted by tøp

By SmolCoffeeBean

179 9 0

Spencer, a loud kid with an ear piercing spirit, lived in an orphanage all his life after finding his parents... More



24 2 0
By SmolCoffeeBean

After we finished with my phone, we decided to have fun with Josh's skateboards. We did weird stuff in the streets and Tyler and Josh took off their shirts and Tyler played a ukulele. We had a blast and Ryan came over for a few hours. We played some video games before we had to eat dinner. We went to a small diner and ate. The workers sang me happy birthday and it was really loud and embarrassing.

After dinner, Tyler went home and I smiled down at my last present of the day. I opened the small box to see a chain. It was a small chain, not really that thick, mostly looked necklace size. I picked it up to see a dog tag was connected to it. I read it and gasped.

Spencer Dun
June 21, 1999.
You'll always be something extra
— Joshie

I felt tears spill from my eyes. I used to call josh Joshie when he first got me because I wasn't used to Dad but I didn't like just to call him josh. He needed something more. So Joshie it was.

I slipped it on and smiled at it. I'll wear this forever.


The next morning was calm and uneventful. I awoke to no one being home, which surprised me, but shouldn't have. I mean my dad got accepted into a band.... go figure what he's doing.

I walked around the house bored before deciding to grab a glass of orange juice and turn on the tv. I watched cartoon networks Adventure Time. I love this show!

I watched all the shows that came on until josh came through the door.

I looked at him, but it was Tyler. I gave Tyler a weird face and he just smiled.

"Sup, dude." He said. I stared at him. "Where's your brother?" He asked me. I gave him a confused look, then realized.

I shrugged. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Not talking today?"

"He mostly never talks." Josh said walking up from downstairs.

"There you are!" Me and Tyler said at the same time. Josh chuckled.

"Can I assist you?" He asked Tyler, jokingly.

Tyler laughed and handed josh a paper. I sat on the arm of the couch cross legged and fiddled with my dog tag. They both sat at the kitchen counter bar thingie and talked about I guess the band situation. I got on my phone and fiddled with it, got cool games and apps and such. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I answered it and Ryan sat on the door mat. I gave him a raised eyebrow.

He stood quickly, wiping off the dust from his butt. (Hahaha so immature hahaha dude it's a body part deal with it) "sup dude" he said.

"Salutations." I said with my fingers crossed down the middle. Ryan laughed.

"Can you come hang?" He asked. I looked back at josh. He just starred at me. I looked at Ryan and nodded. I grabbed my bored  and heard a loud sigh come from within my house as I shut the door. We rode to the park and did some tricks. Ryan did a bunny hop, while I did a kick flip. I tried to do a 360 kick flip, but it turned out to be a 180.

"Sick." Ryan laughed. I laughed too. "Drinks?"

I nodded as we headed to a new gas station. "What's peace tea?" I asked. Ryan shrugged and I grabbed a peach tea peace tea. "Let's try these."

"Ok." Ryan said as he grabbed the green tea one.

We paid and walked out, skating/ biking to my house. We were gonna play skate 3. It came out last year, but josh got me an Xbox 360 yesterday for my birthday. Which I'm totally grateful for, seeing as I've been wanting one for a while now. We walked inside my house and I directed Ryan to my room.

"Yo, dude, can I get a cup for this?" He asked, opening his peace tea.

"Sure thing." I grinned walking down the stairs. As I walked into the main room, heading towards the kitchen I could hear josh and Tyler talking.

"That sounds like a great idea, but I'd at least wait a year." Josh said.

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"Well, seeing as your band is getting better and better almost every minute, having someone to look after might be much to handle." Josh said. What's he trying to say? Is Tyler adopting? Is josh.... no.... he wouldn't... would he?

"I guess you're right.... what gender?" Tyler asked quietly.

"I don't know, man. Up to you." Josh said, I could hear the smile. There was a pause. I'm guessing they were thinking or Tyler had nothing else to say. I took this as my chance to grab a cup. I walked in, seeing Tyler was about to say something. Damn it.

He shut his mouth quickly and they both turned to me. Josh had a raised eyebrow and Tyler looked panicked. I grabbed a cup.... then grabbed another for good measures. When I turned to leave they were both starring at me.

"What?" I asked.

They turned away and began quietly talking to each other. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I walked out of the kitchen and to my room.

I tossed Ryan his cup and he caught it, beginning to pour his tea. I copied his movements and we both took a sip at the same time.  I grinned as I sipped, but I heard a spit noice across my room. I looked at Ryan with tea going down his chin, and a disgusted look across his face. I laughed.... like really hard.

"That's so gross!!" He yelled. This made me laugh harder. Suddenly Ryan began to laugh as well. Suddenly josh opened my room door and saw the mess Ryan had made.

"What the-?" He said. Suddenly Tyler looked in and laughed. "Clean this!" Josh said with a chuckle, yet sternly. 

We all laughed a bit more before I felt something hit me, and knocked me back onto my bed. I looked and noticed a paper towel roll. I laughed more and heard josh, Ryan, and Tyler laugh as well. I grabbed a few things and tore them off the roll before cleaning up Ryan's mess on my hardwood floors. Lucky too, if it was carpet that would've sucked!!

I threw away the dirty paper towels and sat back down, seeing Ryan starting up our game. We took turns, seeing as it was a one player game. Soon the day was over, Ryan had to go home, and I sat bored, so I went to sleep.

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