No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

274K 11.6K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.5K 184 69
By MsChryssieE


"Uncle Kevin!"

Looking up from my phone, my niece was running over to me. Laughing at her joy, I got down to her level as she ran straight into my arms.

"Girl you gotta calm down on all that energy. You damn near killed Frankie." I took his carrier from her.

"He fine. Frankie strong." She took it back.

"Hey bro."

"Aye sis wassup." We hugged. "Y'all got everything?"

"Yup." She nodded.

Once we were all in, I left heading to my place.

"Uncle Kevin?"


"Did you take good care of Brody?"

I glanced at Keira, only to see her sitting their with a smile on her face.

"I did princess."


"Did she just hum at me?" I looked at Keira.

"Yup and I hope you did take care of him because she gonna be investigating." She laughed.

"Investigating what?"


"The hell is she gonna investigate?" I whisper yelled.

"That is August child back there, you're in for a surprise." She laughed.

Pulling up at the light, I looked at her like she was crazy. Looking at YaYa in the rearview, she was deep in her iPad.

"Speaking of August." I took off again.


"You spoke to him?"

"Yea before we left Cali. That reminds me, let me call-"

Before she finished her sentence, her phone rang.

"Now ya know ya was ta call long time right?"

"Daddy!" YaYa yelled as she heard his voice on speaker.

"Aye princess, I'a see ya in a bit ok?"



"What nigga?"

"Oh its like that. Aight, when I see you."

Laughing, she hung up the phone.

"You know he ain't been home since y'all wasn't there right?"

"Nah he has." She nodded. "Just the hours when he was."

"He told you that?"

"Yes Kevin. I don't think he would lie about not being home."

"Sis I been over there and shit ain't looked like anyone's been there all week."

"Ok and? August is a neat freak you know."

"Fine. I'm not gonna argue with you."

"Thank you."

Keeping focus on the road, I decided to leave it as is. I don't see what the big secret was about with him traveling and I know what I saw.

"How's my babies?"

"They good. Bash getting big and Nita is doing good herself."

"And what about ole girl?"

"Who Faith?"


"She came by a couple days ago, Nita and Sara called her over."

"Ans what happened? Nita beat her didnt she?" Keira snickered.

"No but she gonna beat her sister. Apparently Faith's daughter has lupus and the days when she had to take her to the hospital unexpectedly, thats when she asked her sister to fill in for her."

"So Wh didn't she just say that?"

"Because that how she lost her last job. The number of times she had to take off."

"Oh. That sucks."

"Yea so she said, she didn't expect her sister to set her up like that."

"Yet she was making passes and Anita?" Keira rolled her eyes. "Its the same game just different genders. They both tried to home wreck. She just figured because it was another female, it would be more, how to put it, acceptable."

"Nah, not with me."

"So what now?"

"Well they decided to give her her job back on the grounds of her being honest about shit."

"I understand, I guess. I mean her daughter's illness would require her to be employed."

"Yea so she comes back next week but Nita and Sara still wanna talk to her sister."

"As they should."

"You know Nita gonna throw them hands right?"

"Serves her right." Keira shrugged. "Sometimes you gotta make examples out of these hoes."

"So you would beat her if it was Aug?"

When she didn't respond, I looked over at her to see her staring at me.

"I'll take that as a yes." I laughed.

"I don't even know why you asked."

"My bad."

"Shut up and go get my dog!"

"Jeez why you gotta be so aggressive?"

Getting out of my jeep I went and got Brody and his belongings.

"Brody!" YaYa squealed as he got in and jumped on her.

"Nita said when you settled to pass by."

"No problem."

Leaving, I went up the block to Aug's place. Pulling up, he was out front washing down his range.

"I ain't know you did that?" I laughed as I got out.

"Shit sometimes ya gotta do ya own." We dapped.

"Kenya relax!" Keira yelled.

Hearing her, we looked at the back seat. YaYa was fighting to get out of her seatbelt. Once she was out, she ran over and jumped on Aug.

"Wazzmin princess?" He laughed.

"I misses you daddy."

"I missed you too love."

As they interacted, Keira came over to us.

"Hey baybeh." They kissed.

"Hi babe. Kenya come get cleaned up and eat please."

"Ok momma." She hopped down.

"You taking her babe?" She asked Aug.

"Yea, I'a take her."

"Where she going?"

"She got Martial Arts today."

"Oh right." I nodded.

As Keira got their stuff and walked in the house, I watched as Aug finished clean his car.

"So wassup woe?" He asked.

"You tell me."

Stopping, he looked at me.

"What you talking bout?"

"How come you ain't get them?"

"I had some business to see bout uptown, why?"

"You sure bout that?"

"Man what's this bout, because I ain't got the time for it."

"Man I saw you at the airport just before they came and I know you ain't been here despite what you told Keira, so wassup?"

We stood there staring at each other. I was ready to hear what story he was gonna tell me.

"Aight man look." He began.

"Daddy?" YaYa interjected.

She stood by the door telling him to come.

"Just now princess." He smiled at her.

"Can we talk bout this later or something?" He looked at me.

Not even bothering to reply, I just got in my jeep and left.


"So she's coming by today?"

"Yea and with her sister. Sara had to go back to California for a bit so that's why I need you here."

"You do know I have a meaner streak in me than you right."

"I know but."

"And you know I go crazier than you when it comes to Kevin right."

"I know Keira but I just need that support. Kevin has his radio gig at that time and my aunt is too caught up with Sebastian. "

"Fine but I will not be held accountable for my actions."

"Ok." I laughed. "Now, how was your trip."

"It was good. YaYa's shoot went great."

"I saw the pictures. She is so amazing at it."

"Yes she is."

Looking at her play with Brody, Kevin came in.

"Bad uncle Kevin." She waved her finger at him.

"What did I do?"

"You not take care of Brody properly." She huffed.

"What you talking about girl?" He laughed.

"You make Brody lose weight."

"What?" He looked at me.

"Don't look at me. I told you she's her father's child." Keira laughed.

"How you know Brody lose weight princess?"

"I not your princess."

"Really? So you don't want to be my princess?"

"No." She got up. "Come Brody."

Before walking off, Brody let off a bark at Kevin causing him to flinch, before he ran off to YaYa out back.

"What the fuck Keira?"

"My baby is going to be a vet one day." She laughed. "She weighs and notes Brody and Frankie's weight like every week."

"What kinda craziness is that."

"Like I said, she's going to be a vet one day."

"Whatever. I'm out." Kevin shrugged. "Love you babe." He kissed me then our son who was asleep in my arms. "Don't go crazy on ole girl."

"I'll try not too." I smiled.

"Sis, make sure she don't catch a case please."


"KENYA!" He yelled.

"She not here!" She yelled back.

"What the-"

Looking at Keira, she just snickered. As Kevin left, my aunt came and got Bash from me and took him to his nursery.

"Nita, I'm taking him for a walk when he gets up ok."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Kei you want anything?"

"I'll take something to drink but I need to get something for Miss. Thang out there before her class."

As we made our way to the kitchen, the door bell rang.

"Go ahead and fix her something, I'll get it."

"Ok. Kenya come here!"

"Coming momma."

Getting the door, I smiled and greeted August.

"Whea my baybehs?"

"Keira now going to feed Kenya."

"Ok cool. How you been? How's motherhood?"

"Exhausting but good."


"Aye princess. Gimme a piece."

YaYa sat eating her fruit and yogurt while Aug pulled out her uniform.

"I still can't believe y'all put her in martial arts."

"Believe it. My princess gonna learn how ta defend ha self. Ain't that right mama." He kissed her cheek.

"Mhmm." She nodded.

Looking at Keira, she just stood there quietly looking at them. It was the same thing I did when Kevin interacted with our son.

It's just something about seeing the man you love with the child you created from that love that just made you stuck.

"Stop eye raping me woman!" Aug spoke.

"Shut up." Keira mumbled.

"Bad momma."

"You keep out of grown people business and eat up."

When she told YaYa that, Aug gave her this look.

"Don't look at me like that." She turned round.

Once YaYa was finished, she changed and Aug took her to her class.


"I'm bout tired of waiting on this hoe." Keira rolled her eyes.

Faith and her sister were suppose to be here almost forty-five minutes now. My aunt had already taken Bash to the park and I knew it was to avoid any drama.

"There they go." I heard the door bell.

Answering the door, they both stood there. Faith smiled while her sister looked unbothered and that triggered something in me.

"Sorry we're late. I had a hard time getting my daughter settled with the babysitter."

"Ok. Come in."

Stepping aside, they came in. Her sister greeted me but in a dry manner.

"Shit." Faith whispered but not soft enough when she saw Keira.

"Hi Faith." She smiled but in an evil way.

"Nita, we just came to clear things up."

"I know and it can all go smoothly once everyone stays in line."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Her sister asked.

"It means." Keira stood up. "If you don't get rid of that attitude you will get your ass beat in this house."

"Ain't nobody beating me anywhere?"

"You want to bet money on that?" Keira took off her earrings.

"Char, chill because I will leave them to beat you. You put yourself in this shit."

Sitting, Faith introduced her sister, Charity, officially.

"I'm just gonna get straight to it. Why were you coming on to my husband."

"Because he's hot. Next question."

I looked at this girl like she clearly didn't value her life. Keira shifted in her seat while Faith just shook her head.

"You think I'm playing with you?"

"What's the reason for all of this because I have somewhere to be."

"You knew he was my husband and still was coming on to him. How could you not care about that or even about your sister's job."

"Look, if I see something I like, I go for it. At first I didn't know he was your husband but the when I found out it made him even more desirable. Shit you should know the man you got. Why you surprised I was checking him out. I bet other females do all the time. What you gonna try to fight them all."

"Other females do, but they look from a distance. You on the other hand took that shit to a whole other level and that's grounds for me to fuck you up." I stood. "Not only didn't you respect my marriage, you didn't even care about your sisters' livelihood knowing what she gotta deal with with your niece."

"You sound like you more want my sister than you are mad bout me wanting your husband." She laughed.

"You know what? I'm bout sick of you!" Keira spoke.

Before I could say anything, she was already fighting with Faith's sister.

"You too disrespectful." Keira slapped her across her face and hard too.

Faith sat there with her legs crossed not even caring that her sister was getting her ass handed to her.

Though she was fighting back, Kei had the upper hand because of her size.

"Keira! Chill!"

Pulling her off, They both were there huffing and mugging each other.

"You need to learn you fucking place in life!" Keira yelled.

"What the fuck this even have to do with you?" Charity wiped her bloodied lip.

"You don't mess with my family. Don't ever take God out your thoughts and do that because then you will have to deal with me and I'm worse that the devil himself." Keira got up.

Looking at her, she had a swollen, busted lip as well. Kei did her worse than she did Drica.

"Charity you know the shit you did was wrong." Faith finally spoke.

"Fine I was wrong and I apologize ok." She exhaled.

"Whatever. Just get th fuck up out my house. Faith I'll see you at work next weekend."

"Yes boss. Let's got Charity." She got up and helped her sister.

After letting them out, I went and check on Keira. Standing in front the mirror in the downstairs bathroom, I laughed.


"I'm sorry but from the moment she walked in, I knew it was gonna be either my hands or yours."

"Aug is going to trip when he sees you." I joked.

"I know, thats why this has to go down before he-"

"Before he what?"

Turning around, I was startled by his presence. Aug and Kevin stood there not looking to pleased.

"You beat the girl huh?" He asked.

"She was disrespectful. It was like she honestly didn't care that she tried to break up their marriage."

"Ion wanna hear it. Just know I'm not bailing ya as out. Now let's go."

"You're only saying that." Keira smirked.

All while Kevin had the same look on his face that he did when I charged Ashley with the knife.

"What? I didn't do anything." I shrugged.

"You two are on a ban from seeing each other." Kevin pointed at me.

"What?" Keira and I both said.

"Yea. Y'all two stay getting into shit together. Some time apart would be good." Aug added.

"But we had our time apart." I interjected.

"And look what happened. Y'all can't be ganging up on brauds like this."

"Well all the more reason to not keep us apart." Keira smiled.

"You hush." Aug pointed at her. "Now let's go. E, later man."

"Yea bro."

"And don't worry about YaYa, she'lol come around."

"Yea man." Kevin nodded.

As they left, I tried to sneak my way upstairs but Kevin caught me.

"How you gonna let Keira beat that girl!"

"I didn't she just did it. I was shocked and that caused a delay, but she needed it. She was talking too reckless, I feel bad for Faith."

"Well now that that is done, just leave it be please. I really don't want any more fighting."

"Yes baby." I tiptoed and kissed him. "We got some time till my aunt gets back with Bash, how bout we have some fun." I jumped on him.

"I can do that." He kissed me and walked into the bathroom.

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