Vampires little secret

By RossLyncsIsMine

2.5K 125 55

Brooklyn Lee was a moody teenage girl, just like any other moody teenage girl Brooklyn had a secret. Her secr... More

~Bluer than the ocean~
~Wheres blood, theres a murder~
~Your little secrets out~
~"Friends" with a bloodsucker~
~Blood stained hands~
~ Story of a Bloody Christmas ~
~Law breakers~
~Living on blood ~
~Bloody Holiday~
~Champagne & Feeling~
~Blood Suckers Tale~
~Bedded In Blood~
~Blood Market~
~Revenge A Dish Best Served Bloody~
~Love or Lust?~
~Welcome Back~
~Blood On Snow~
~Dead By Dawn~
~The Brood~
~Blood Children~
~Blood Bound~

~Keep your lips shut~

405 12 6
By RossLyncsIsMine

"Brooklyn Lee" My best friend Amanda clicked her fingers in front of me.
"Sorry" I Signed "I'm just tired" I combed my fingers through my long red hair. I was too tired for conversations, I wish I was tired because of no sleep, But no, I haven't fed in almost 8 months. It Isn't easy to hunt when the prey is a deer that has had it's nutritions and was able to out run you even if you where a thing people told stories about in Romania... I was getting weaker by the hour. Hunting took time and effort that I lacked on most days. Having heightened senses and strength helped in a way, but running around in the woods just raised questions in most people. And I wasn't going to start robbing hospitals for my monthly dose of red liquid. And normal food just didn't do it for me anymore. I needed to hunt even if I didn't want to, even if it made me feel so guilty afterwards. I always loved animals, small, big it didn't matter I would feel guilty killing and watching the life drain from them as it slid down my throat. But the itch within me was stronger then my love for them...

Amanda popped a piece of grape in her mouth and offered me a piece, I gently shook my head and looked around the cafeteria to see if Scarlett came back yet. 
Scarlett and Amanda where my two best friends, although the past year or so I've been feeling more like a third wheel, it had nothing to do with them being bad friends but more because of me, becasue I keep things from them, I keep secrets and it builds a wall between friends. They still loved me, and I loved them, it just felt like they've got closer after my turning.

"Have you missed me?" Scarlett plopped down in the seat beside me. Stating a statement more than asking a question.
"Course I did" I winked at her and she flipped her blonde hair behind her, proud of the fact she was loved.  She was beautiful, everyone knew she was the prettiest out of the three of us, her long golden hair and big blue eyes radiated even more of the barbie energy that she loved. Amanda too was very pretty, she loved wearing oversized clothes and the blue in her hair complimented her blue eyes. I always felt a little ugly compare to them, even if I didn't really care for being beautiful. The three of us were very different in both personality and looks. I was just below average height, had blood red hair and green eyes, wore mostly dark clothing. I was the moody one. Amanda was the cheery one and of course Scarlett was the pretty one. Somehow we all clocked though, not common interests wise but humour wise. We all loved dark and sarcastic jokes. I sometimes questioned why we where friends, I've known them for so long I've expected us to grow apart once we hit puberty. I questioned if I was cool enough to hang out with them sometimes too. Sometimes being insecure was more of a problem than being a blood sucker.

"I heard that there was a new guy in our class." Amanda changed the subject way too quick, she was fixing her short blue and brown hair in her pocket-size mirror as that sentence left her mouth.
"Oh, Is he hot?" Scarlett asked with a huge smile, she was always up for some gossip.
"Jeez, I'm surrounded by horny teenagers! I rolled my eyes with a small smile and Amanda and Scarlett giggled, knowing that I hated talking about intimate things, such as sex. I wasn't a snow flake or anything, I was just bored of talking about "who is the hottest guy in school was" or who "would you sleep with" it just felt too shallow to me to care... It didn't help that I also wasn't good at the dating thing, the only guy I've ever kissed was my childhood best friend and family friend Sam, that kiss was years ago now but it was still the only intimate thing that I've ever done.

"At least we get some action" Amanda teased as she elbowing me in the stomach.
"I don't need action , I got better things to do in my spare time"
I explained, kind of annoyed at the fact that we where still on this subject as I elbowed Amanda in the ribs as payback.
She rolled her eyes and went back to what she was really taking about. Obviously disregarding my slight discomfort.
"I heard that he is super hot, he's got black hair and beautiful blue eyes."
She explained enthusiastically as she combed a finger through her short black and blue hair.

I rolled my eyes and gave her a not so amused look.
"What? Don't look at me like that!" She pushed me gently "You should really talk to him!" She ads on. Trying to get me out there and into dating again. I wasn't interested in most guys in our town. They where boring and bland. Not to mention the fact that I was not going to start dating a human. The only person who I was every slightly interested in was once again, my childhood best friend and first kiss. Sam. But I was not interested in dating. Amanda on the other hand tried to play match maker every so often.
"No way" I replied as I stood up to put my leftovers in the trash.
"Why?" She followed me "He's dark and mysterious just like you" She argued and bit her bottom lip. Like she could convince me to do what she really wants to do. I wasn't interested in a stranger in the slightest.  I was rather focusing on getting to my locker without being squished by the crowd coming from the opposite direction.
"Is that a compliment?" I finally asked when we arrived at the lockers and looked at Scarlett, asking for her to back me up.
"She's right" She shrugged as she pointed at Amanda.
"Scarlett?" I raised my voice as I looked at her, offended by her betrayal.
"What? Amanda's  right, you Need to get laid" She leaned against my locker as she reasoned.
"See? Even miss perfect thinks you need to soften up" Amanda opened her locker too as she put her sport bag away, while I rolled my eyes at both of them.

"Guys, stop, I'm not going to date a random new guy I've never met, and I'm definitely not give my virginity to a the same random new guy who joined our class ok?" I raised my voice and slammed my locker shut.
As I turned around I was met by the face of a guy smiling, smiling at my stupidity and conversation topic most likely. He had really dark black hair, with one piece kind of in his left eye. His eyes were bright blue , almost looked like there were glowing or shining. 
I heard Scarlett and Amanda holding back their giggles, I was so kind of embarrassed! Is he the new guy? Is this my introduction to a guy who I'll be spending the next year in class with?
Way to go Brook. This is how people will remember you, the girl who talks about her virginity in a busy hallway...
"I gotta go" I smiled like nothing has happened as I hugged onto my biology book and turned back around to get out of the situation as fast as possible, and walked to class before the girls could say anything


Where the fuck did he come from? That's the only thing I could think about in class. Amanda still couldn't believe that I said all that in front of  the new guy. She was laughing for at least a solid minute straight. While Scarlett wished she could film the look on my face while we where walking to class. I was trying to tell myself that it wasn't as awkward as I remembered but the two of them didn't make that easy with their hyena like laughter and poking fun at the way I handled the situation.
What was I meant to do? He heard me specifically say that I don't want to give him my V card, Who does that?
"You guys are so helpful" I thanked them  sarcastically and put my head down on the table, trying to forget the whole conversation.
"Aw, Brook it's fine, he will probably forget you don't want to sleep with him in a couple of weeks" Amanda teasingly reassured me as she started doodling on her note book.
"If you guys wouldn't push me to"get laid" than maybe I wouldn't have said those thing. " I said in a fake sad voice, It wasn't their fault I spoke so quickly but  the whole "get laid before high school ends" Is getting on my nerves. It was the last thing I was worried about, I'm more worried about blood, literal blood, I was feeling myself become weaker and tired, I needed to feed within the week to make sure that I'd have enough energy to last me.
"You'll be fine!" Scarlett pushes a chunk of hair out of my face. "He'll forget it!" She added and turned a page in her book.
As she slowly turned the thin pages in her biology book, her finger slipped too fast and she cut it, the thin slice wasnt deep enough to let out any blood, but it let the scent out, the sweet smell of blood hit the air and made my throat feel hot and itchy as if I've woken up in the middle of the night needing a glass of water, but this was no normal thirst, I knew I could only get rid of it with the one thing that I've craved all day. Blood. I never got used to the tough of it, Me a seemingly normal high school girl is a blood thirsty monster.

My pupils dilated, like in the dark expect they covered my whole iris, no colour, no whites, just black. It was my vampire creeping through, my pupils dilated like that when I was hunting, got thirsty, or sometimes when I got angry.
"Ahh crap!" She said and put her finger in her mouth.
I slowly got back to my  "normal" form and looked towards Scarlett as she removed her pointing finger from her mouth and I gulped in relief. She got rid of the smell, and without the smell I didn't have the undying urge to rip someones throat out. 
"Are you alright Brook?" Amanda shook me out of my focus!
"Yeah I'm alri....." As I was about to confirm my well-being the new guy stepped in and I didn't know what I thought would happen when he saw me but I didn't want to risk any more awkward situations so I cover my face with my notebook, covering half my face so It would look normal, leaving my eyes to be seen. I watched as he sat down at the desk in front of us.
"You saw that??" Giggled Amanda "he totally just checked you out!" She whispered.
"Shut up!" I elbowed her "he did not"
She and Scarlett giggled and I was imagining the ways I could escape this prison of sex talk.
"Brooklyn! Would you like to share what's so funny with us?" my biology teacher looked at me and caused everyone in the room to direct their attention towards me!
I should just keep my mouth shut for the rest of the day...


"Ahh! The new  guy is so dreamy !" Scarlett plopped down on my bed.
"You don't even know his name!" I rolled my eyes at  her while pinning my hair up.
"OHH like you do??" She stood up  and folded her arms.
"I do actually" I put my tongue out to tease her.
"Really?" Amanda's tone turned really exited as she pushed herself up in a sitting position.
"His name is Aidan" I said and sat next to Scarlett on my bed.

"What?? How did you find out?" Scarlett questioned in confusion.
"I just read his name of his notebook when he walked into the class.
I explained with a simple smile on my face while the girls where either confused or curious as to why I looked at the new guys notebook.
My eyes are  better than theirs are because of "what I am" but I couldn't tell them that.
"I was just happened to look at his notebook!"
I pulled my fringe Behind my ears and looked at the girls for a response.

"Yeah! You "happened to" look at his notebook" Scarlett air quoted me as if she was annoyed.

"Whatever" Amanda said. "I gotta go, I got a lot of French homework to do" she looked at us and heads towards my door. She turns back for a moment and says "good night , see y'all tomorrow" she winked and I smiled back at her.
"I better go too" Scarlett sighed and stood up. "See you tomorrow" she heads to the door too
"See ya" I shout after her.


I throw myself back in my bed just after the girls left to look at the ceiling! To look at every little imperfection in it. Just think about myself . Every thing has something wrong with them Scarlett , Amanda and even the ceiling! Except him... Aidan! He was perfect, so was I. Could that mean he was one too?
He's  probably just good looking ...
I can't tell, maybe there more of them than I know about, it could be the neighbour or the shop keeper down the street, it  could even be my biology teacher! literally... anyone!

I know one thing! No one wants people to know! It's a secret that you have to take to the grave , if you ever go to the grave that is...
It's something that we can only think about when we hunt. Well here I am looking at the ceiling thinking about them,me ,We!
About what would happen if I tell someone?
Thinking , questions! No answers!
I might never find them!

I shook my head , shaking these crazy thoughts out.
I headed to the window so my mother  won't see me leave the house, just like I always do...I jump out and run through  the garden till I hit the forest. The wind is getting in my hair and I rip the hair band out so now my hair can fly free in the wind.
I smile to my self feeling the wet ground beneath my bare feet.
I run till everything turns into colourful blurs and lines and I only see my prey in front of me , miles away from me. The smell of blood hits my nose and I smile to myself. My eyes gone black and dilated, I see every little detail on a tree that I just past.
I lick my dry lips before I climb up to a tree and get ready to jump on the old wolf who's got a bleeding wound on it's left leg .
I was ready, I was exited and thirsty, I licked my lips once again and swallowed the saliva left in my mouth, ready to attack...

I got ready, I got close to the edge of the branch, I got into position, but before I knew it a person in a black hoody attacked and ran away with MY pray in front of me. I jumped of the tree feeling the little tree branches under my feet and the mud on my hands.
I was mad! I've been getting ready to attack for at least 10 minutes now and some idiot comes and steals it right under my nose. I ran after them with the wolf under his arm. He or she was really fast, faster than me! He looked back at me and I saw him wearing a beanie under his hood . I was now sure that he was a he.

We were running faster than a sport cars, I had my hair flowing behind me red like fire. He didn't look at me for even a second , he was so confident running a half meter in front of me!
I can't run anymore    I havent  drunk any blood in 8 months. My body was still strong but I knew I can't waste it, I gotta hunt for something smaller if I wanna be able to make it till next week. He on the other hand was really strong, and he knew that! He must have drunk human blood because he was running with a wolf under his arm. Others would have drank it  right where they found it, at least I know I would have. He's probably taking it to someone who's too weak to hunt on their own.

I gave up! I dropped on the muddy ground and saw him looking back, I gave him w thumb up showing him that he won. He ran off in the speed that we both ran a moment ago.
I stood up making tired noises , my hair flew  every where, I blew it out of my face and stared at the space in front of me , where that person stood a moment ago.

I didn't lose , I had fun! I know that must sound weird but we ran across the forest and running is the only thing that lets me  "release the beast" in me.
My legs now were covered in dirt my hands were  muddy. There where leafs in my hair and my lips were dry again.

I started to smell blood once again and ran in that direction. In the end I found an injured  deer. which gave me enough strength to survive for a couple more months before I convinced myself to kill again...

I got back to my "normal" strong form and I could run fast again. When I got back climbed up my window and I was about to take a shower when my mum stopped in front of my bathroom door.

"Jesus Brooklyn! What happened to you??  She touched my face
"Nothing mum! I went for a run" I said and pushed her out of the way
"You always say that Brook" she cries "you always come back looking like a drug addict" she pulls a leaf out of my hair. "And you always go at night! Why can't you go in day light?" She asks with her worried face "mum I'm fine! I like to run at night that's all! And I just fell and got muddy that's all" I gave her a kiss on the cheek
"Brook I'm worried about you!" She says seriously
"You're, not on drugs are you baby??"
She folds her arms
"WHAT!?? Mum NO! I'm not on drugs! 
"Are you going to parties at night? That's why you climb out the window!!??" She asks again and points to the window!
"No mum I'm running! I just didn't want to bother you guys!
"Ahh sweetie! You never bother us! If you want to  go running or to a party just tell us!" She said giving me a big hug and kissing me on the forehead.

I took an ice cold shower to get the dirt of my body and mud out of my hair.  when I finally got to bed I fell  asleep in no time, even though I just fed, a good night sleep was needed!

Heyyy, I just updated this part because it was full of mistakes and the wording was really not right 😖!
I also didn't right an authors note for this part so here we go :p

This is obviously just the beggining so it is a little lack luster for at least 6 more chapters and then I started picking the speed and exitment of this book up! Brooklys story gets exiting, so I really hope you enjoyed this part and that you'd like to keep reading! If you enjoyed you could leave me a little star ⭐️ I'd really appreciate it!
Thank you and enjoy the rest of Brooklyn's story 😊😊

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