My One and Only - A CaptainSp...

By sunnypak

77K 2.5K 2.1K

I smiled sweetly. "I just wish I could relive the nineteen years I've wasted and smush them into six months b... More

Chapter One - The Steps of Living
Chapter Two - Getting Ready
Chapter Three - Meeting Him
Chapter Four - The Ring
Chapter Five - Dreamland
Chapter Six - The Look
Chapter Seven - The Meeting
Chapter Eight - Park Encounters
Chapter Nine - Wedding Dress
Chapter Ten - 1K SPECIAL
Chapter Eleven - Arguments
Chapter Twelve - Encounter
Chapter Thirteen - The Pool
Chapter Fourteen - Back to Santa Barbara
Chapter Fifteen - Two Months Later
Chapter Sixteen - Back Together
Chapter Seventeen - I'm Not Gonna Be There
Chapter Eighteen - Everyone Except For You
Chapter Nineteen - The New Condo
Chapter Twenty - Let Go
Chapter Twenty-One - Rule Number Two
Epilogue - One And A Half Years Later
Bonus Epilogue II - Wedding

My One and Only - A CaptainSparklez FanFiction

9.5K 164 217
By sunnypak


Ellie's POV

"Ellie, honey, you're getting married," my mother finally said once me, her, and my father sat gathered around the small kitchen table.

I made a confused face and opened my mouth slightly. After a few moments I burst out into laughter. After catching my breath I added, "Mom, I don't even have a boyfriend."

My mother and father exchanged worried glances. "We know that, honey," my father said, looking straight into my eyes.

My smile immediately dropped and I stared back at my mother and father's blank expression.

I cracked a smile and laughed forcefully. "What?" I asked quietly, taking in the meaning behind those words. "What do you mean?"

"Darling, we've met a wonderful boy and his parents--" my dad began, standing up as I stood up out of my seat.

"No, Dad!" I began, backing away towards the door, still facing them.

My mother scrambled out of her seat and rushed over to me as I grabbed my jacket from PacSun that was hanging on the coat rack.

"Honey! I'm sure you'd like him! Please! His parents and us already set a date and everything!" she said quickly, grabbing my free hand from my side.

"What the hell, mom! You can't just do that! Ever since Cassidy ran away you've never let me live a normal life!" I screamed, tearing my arm away, tears starting to form in my eyes.

My mother stopped in her tracks and swallowed. "Honey, you're 19 years old, that was 13 years ago, please--" she began before I cut her off.

"Yes! So fucking let it go!" I snapped at her, my voice shrill.

Both her and my father stared at me with surprised expressions. "Ellie, please. We already discussed it. You're getting married in six months. End of subject," my father said calmly, a hint of anger in his voice since I mentioned Cassidy.

"This isn't the fucking 17th century!" I screamed. "I want to like someone, get butterflies when I see them, and fall in love! Not have an arranged marriage with someone I don't even fucking know!"

They stood there quietly, and I didn't dare to move my gaze from their frozen faces. "Probably something Cass is doing right now," I accused in an angry voice.

I opened the door with so much force, I thought I heard the hinge snap. "Ellie Remy Quinn, do NOT turn your back on your parents," I heard my father bark.

I swiveled my head around to face them, a look of challenge splattered across my face. "Make me."

I stormed out of the house, now letting the tears pillowing up in my eyes create a waterfall. I started walking down the sidewalk, realizing it was oddly quiet.

For a moment, it felt like I was the only one in the world. All the other people inhabiting it were off having fun somewhere, with friends. Something I never had.

Even my sister left me.

When I was six years old, my older sister Cassidy ran away at the age of ten. It was my birthday, and I heard my mother's shriek fill the kitchen.

I got out of my bed, swung open the door, and promptly tripped over the present lying in front of where I had just stepped out.

I ran downstairs, ignoring it, and saw my mother and father reading a tiny note that was sciribbled in pen. When she had dropped the note to allow both her hands to fly to her mouth, I quickly snatched it away.

Mom, Dad,

I'm sorry that I ran away. I don't like it here in California. I actually don't like the world at all. By the time you've read this, I'll most likely be out of Santa Barbara. Don't bother to look for me. When I turn eighteen, I promise I will call you and keep in touch.


When the news had finally settled in and a missing person file was sent, and the cries of my mother started to decrease, I finally noticed the present at the front of my door.

I played with the ribbon that looked as if it took hours of effort, and finally opened the package, savoring every last bit of Cassidy I could sense.

When I had opened the present, I saw a beautiful, jeweled diary inside. I took it out, knowing that my sister had picked it out because of my love of writing, even if I was only six.

I flipped through the pages when a note fell out.


I'm not gonna be there for you anymore. My advice? Live your life. I don't care what mom and dad have to say, just go out there and do what makes you happy.


But that was when I was six. And you know how she promised to call when she was eighteen? Yep, that was supposed to happen five years ago.

Although nobody seemed to mention it, we all assumed she was watching over us at this point. A ten year old roaming California, how long would she had last?

But that was the past, and now it's the present, and I've still never lived my life before, I never found my "One and Only." I've never had friends, been to a restaurant, the movies, never been on a vacation, anything.

At this point, I was turning the corner to go to Jordan's house. When I said I had no friends, I lied. I had one, I met him when I was in fourth grade, sitting alone on the bus, thinking about Cass.

I knocked on his door, and suddenly, I felt a pang of saness overwhelm me. When Jordan opened his door with a smile, it dropped immediately when he saw my tears, and so did I.

I crumpled to the ground, wailing while tears were spilling out of me as if my life depended on it. 

He led me inside, and sat me on the couch. He wrapped his arms around me and I dug my face deep in his chest. He didn't tell me to quiet down, he didn't push me to tell him anything, he just sat there, petting my hair with his hand.

When I pulled away finally, I looked up at him and his chocolate eyes. I admit, I had liked him for the longest time in the world.

But I knew it could never happen, so I accepted the fact that he was just a friend. My best friend.

I saw him smile and I felt a fluttering sensation in my gut. I took a deep breath and said quietly, "Sorry for just randomly showing up like this."

"No, Ellie, it's fine! You want to tell me why you're here though, you know, if you're comfortable with that?" he asked, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

I took a shaky breath and leaned my head back. "I'm getting married, Jordan."

"What?!" he exclaimed. I heard something in the tone of his voice, but I dismissed it.

"My mom and dad set me up on some arranged marriage shit! But I don't want to fucking get married! At least not with someone I don't even know!" I screamed, whipping a pillow across the room.

"I want to fall in love with someone, not be forced to marry a guy I don't know, probably because my parents think he's rich or something," I said, putting my face in my hands.

"Ellie, it's okay. Maybe they were joking," Jordan suggested, wrapping his arms around me.

"My parents never joke, Jordan. You know that. Not ever since Cass left. I haven't LIVED before!" I exclaimed, leaning into him.

"I'm sure you have, Ellie, maybe the little things," he said.

Well I've fallen for someone. I thought to myself.

"Fallen for who?" Jordan said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughs.

"Did I just..." I began, letting my hands fly to my mouth. I quickly made something up, hoping it didn't blow my cover.

"Oh, umm... someone you don't know, he didn't go to our school," I said too quickly.

Jordan took a breath and nodded curtly. "That's great, because I have too." he began. "You don't know her either."

It was like being punched in the gut, hearing those words out loud. I knew they were true, but I've never heard anybody directly say it to my face.

I smiled sweetly. "I just wish I could relive the nineteen years I've wasted and smush them into six months before I get married," I murmured, pouting slightly.

"Well, maybe I can help," he said suddenly.

I looked up at him. "What?" I questioned, surprised.

"For the next six months, Ellie, I'm going to teach you how to live. But first, let's eat dinner," he said, standing up, grabbing my hand.

After we ate dinner, which was full of laughter and bad puns, I decided to head home. "Thank you so much, Jordan. I had a lot of fun," I said, grabbing my coat from the couch.

"Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going? You're spending the night here, Ellie," Jordan said, taking the coat from me.

"No, no! It's fine, I'll head home it's only like--" I began, but he ignored me.

"Come here, I'll show you the guest room," he said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the room next to his. 

When we entered the room he looked through the wardrobe. "Here's a t-shirt and some shorts, you don't look that comfortable in jeans," he said, tossing me a CaptainSparklez t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Who's this freak?" I mocked, looking at the shirt with his MineCraft skin on it.

Jordan laughed. "Just some nerd on the YouTubes," he replied, opening the door. "Goodnight, Ellie. I'll see you tomorrow."

He shut the door and I climbed into the new outifit and into the bed. I shut my eyes, hoping I'd find Cassidy in dreamland.

Boy was I wrong.

I was in my wedding dress, standing behind the closed doors of the church. When the doors opened, I was astonished from the sight.

Yes, a beautiful wedding. But the groom? 

James. The worst, nastiest bully when I was in high school. "Oh no..." I muttered, wanting to back away, but somehow, I was forced to walk up the aisle, faking a smile.

When I stood across from him, an evil smirk appeared on his face. "Why, what a surprise to see you here, Ellie."

I awoke from my dream, sweating like a dog, and looked at the time. 2:43.

I tried to go back to sleep, but eventually, at 3:30, I decided to get out of bed and go to Jordan's room, hoping he was awake.

I creaked open the door and peered inside. I saw a sleeping Jordan, and I sighed. I stared at him, realizing I was much calmer now.

Jordan was the only person that could ever calm me down, that made me feel completely safe, so eventually, and reluctantly, I climbed in next to him and closed my eyes.

Jordan was still snoring, and he moved around in his sleep when I lied down. He faced me, giving me a face full of his chest. He wrapped his arms around me in his sleep, and I drifted off to sleep.


A/N DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT?! I know, it took a super long time to get the prologue out, but hey! I'm sorry!

Votes and Comments greatly appreciated!


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