Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelso...

By PurdyGirl1469

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Unbreakable Bond-Kol Mikaelson Love story
Chapter 1: Coming Home
Chapter 2: Night with Klaus
Chapter 4: Mikaelson Ball
Chapter 5: Out with a Mikaelson
Chapter 6: A Day With Kol
Chapter 7: Choose
Chapter 8: Following a Gilbert
Chapter 9: Day with a Gilbert and a Mikaelson
Chapter 10: Shaking The Bed
Chapter 11: Oh Brother
Chapter 12: Where are we going?
Chapter 13: Stomach Problems
Chapter 14: I'm What?
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3: New Face

12.4K 245 23
By PurdyGirl1469

  I am woken up by Damon banging on my door yelling, "Judith get up. Blondie's here!" I grown, "Tell her to come up here!" I groan, next thing I know, BOOM. Rebecca is in my room telling me to get up. I lift my head up and look at the time, "It's on 2:30." I groan, yes I know 2:30 is a little late, but to me it's too early. "Oh stop you whimpering and get up." Rebecca says and yanks the covers off of me. She pulls me out of bed and pushes me into my bathroom giving me a towel. I take a hot shower, brush my teeth and hair, then I go into my room and grab my blow dryer and dry my hair. I then go into my room to pick out an outfit, but Rebecca beat me too it. She had a white tang-top, dark skinny jeans and my leather jacket out. I put it on and put on some black eye liner and mascara. I brush my hair one last time and go downstairs. "Took you long enough." Rebecca says, I roll my eyes, "I would've been quicker if you hadn't picked my sleeping day to shop." I say, Rebecca rolls her eyes and ushers me out the door to her car.  

  I figured out we are going shopping because one my brothers want me to attend a dinner party with Klaus, and two Klaus want me to come as well. So I'm letting Rebecca pick me out my outfit which ended up being a over the shoulder black dress with some black high heals. Rebecca baled on me saying Klaus was mad about something and left, but I stayed. After buying the dress and a few other things I went home. And as soon I walked in the door, my brothers told me to go get ready. So I went to my room, curled my hair and did a smoky eye effect, put on some more mascara and a little bit more eye liner and curled my hair. Then put on the dress, which only took about half and hour. I know it's quick, but hey, when you've been alive for more then 100 years you learn a few things. When I walk down the stairs both my brother's heads turn to me. I smile at them. "You look-" Stefan starts, "Beautiful." Damon finishes, I smile at them. "Thanks." I say, then they both offer me there arms.

  We get to the Mikaelson Manner and nock on the door. Elijah answers, "Niklaus our guest are here." Elijah says inviting us in taking our coats. "You look lovely by the way." he whispers in my ear, I smile at him. He smiles back and hangs our coats up. We walk into the dinning room, Klaus's eyes immediately roam my body, "Hey," I point at him, he looks at me, "eyes up here." I say gesturing to my face. Klaus smirks and I smile at him, and go up to him and hug him, I can feel Damon and Stefan burning holes in my back with there eyes. And I know Klaus is smirking at them. I let go of him, "Be nice." I warn, Klaus chuckles, I hit his arm, "I mean it." I say, then I go sit down.

  Dinner goes on and I am glaring at Klaus, he's not listening to me. He is not being nice, and now he is feeding on one of his little servants. I grip the chair so I can control myself to not go and join him in the kill for I am very hungry. I get better control when Stefan grabs my hand, I look at him and he nods. Then Klaus goes off about some coffin. I know he's pissed so I move away from him. He ends up grabbing Stefan and putting his hand in the fire. "Klaus what the hell!" I scream, "Get the coffin, and quickly for Stefan's sake." Klaus warns, Elijah and Damon go, but I stay so Klaus doesn't do too much damage. "Klaus let him go." I say not letting tears come to my eyes. I hate hearing my brothers scream it pains me to hear them. Klaus throws Stefan to the floor after about a minute. "Some friend you are huh?" I ask and go to walk out, but Elijah and Damon are in the door way. "Why haven't you left yet?" Klaus asks annoyed. "You forgot desert brother." Elijah says revealing some daggers, Klaus's face goes from anger to worry. Then a boy who look about my age, with brown hair, and chocolate brown hair with clothes from at least 100+ years ago comes out. "Kol." Klaus says, "Long time brother." he says, oh my god his accent makes me want to melt, if I had a heartbeat it would be  going a million a minute. My eyes stay on Kol, then I see him hold Klaus's arms while the rest of the sibling start beating on Klaus. "You guys can leave, this is family business." Elijah says, Damon and Stefan go to grab me, "I'm staying." I say, they don't argue and leave. I go to the living room and sit in the couch and wait for them to stop fighting.

  After a while, I hear someone enter the room. "Hello darling." I hear behind me, oh my god it's the boy Kol. "I stand up and turn to him. His eyes roam my body, "Hey," I snap, he looks at my face smirking, "eyes up here." I say gesturing to my face, like I did with Klaus, Kol walks in front of me, again if I had a heartbeat it would be beating so fast. "I don't believe we've formally met, I'm Kol." he says taking my hand and kisses it, his eyes not leaving mine, "Judith." I say smirking. "I see you've met my friend Judith." Klaus says, I roll my eyes and look at Klaus. Klaus is in the door way smirking, I glare at Klaus I zip in front of him and throw him across the room. Klaus gets angry and lunges at me, I dodge him and knee him in the face, "That's for my brother," I say, then I kick him in the groin, "that's for being an ass," I continue, then grab a poker from the fire place and stick it in his stomach, "and that's, for everything else." I say and walk away with my heals clicking. Kol is smirking at me impressed, I grab my coat and leave the Mikaelson Manner and go home.

Kol's p.o.v...

   After me and my sibling are done getting our revenge on Nik, I decide to see where that pretty little thing that I saw earlier went. I see her sitting on the couch playing with her nails. "Hello darling." I say, her head snaps up, and she stands turning to me. I look her up an down, then she snaps her pretty fingers at me and says, "Hey, eyes up her." she says, gesturing to her perfect face. I smirk, I walk up to her and I can see she is nervous I continue smirking, then say, "I don't believe we've formally met, I'm Kol." I say taking her hand looking into her eyes kissing her hand. We don't break contact once, "Judith." she answer's smirking, I smile at her and she smiles back, "I see you've met my friend Judith." I hear Nik say, Judith's smile drops, and she rolls her eyes and glares at Klaus. I continue watching her. She zips over to Klaus throwing him. She's a vampire, that makes her sexier. I smirk, Klaus lunges at her, she dodges him and knees him in the face, "That's for my brother," she starts, she kicks him in his man hood, "that's for being an ass," she continues, then she grabs a near by hot poker from the fire place and stabs Niklaus in the stomach, "and that's for everything else." she finishes then storms out of the house. "So much for being friends." Klaus mumbles pulling the poker out of hi stomach, I continue looking at the door, "She's feisty, I like her." I say smirking.

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