Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu...

By tommo_hemmo96

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In which two figure skating Olympians help each other through their hardships and eventually fall in love. A... More

Take me back to the old days
The Ghost from Sochi Past
Lunch (not) Date
Better Together
Three Olympians walk into a bar...
Netflix and Chill...I guess?
New found Ice Dancers??
Purple Rain
Friday Nights
Yuzulotte's Day out
Young Gods?
Team Orser, Getting Shit Done (Kind of)
The Free Program
Meeting Mrs.Hanyu
Meet the Pooh bear Squad
Man In Black
Living with Javi
Who are you and what do you want?
Thank God For Google
Consistently getting screwed over
The Offer
Shook and not in the good way
Fortunate Events
Unfortunate Events
It Gets Worse
Is there no help around here?
Shoma Uno gets an UNO
Oh No
My Prince skates to Prince
Sailor Javi
S.S Yuzulotte
What happened and what's going on?
The First Requiem
Taking Problems into our own hands
This is Halloween
Murder House
The Three Amigos Catch a Criminal
Make a Wish Charlie
Quebec City
The Birthday Continues
The Rink Again
My Competition is the Competition
The Games Continue
The Lone Wolf
Ice Queen
Fly like the Wind
Blame the Shibsibs
Say Something
The start of NHK
You Again
Boyfriend, Meet my Ex
I still love you
Yuzulotte takes Japan
He's Real?!
The Truth Comes Out
For You
Meet the Hanyus
Saya joins the Ship
Don't Walk Out on Love
Authors note
Catch Pooh-san
A Date in the Park
Problems arise...
The Bad News Begins
Happy Birthday Yuzu!
Another Authors Note..
Happy Birthday Yuzu! (Part 2)
The Grand Prix Final
Sounds like Bad News
Quad Queen
The Banquet
The Assassins are Back at it
Keith the Personal Assistant
The Unwanted Christmas Present
What hurts the most
New Year, Same Old Bullshit
Bring on the Sass
Back at Home
If you can't beat em' keep fighting em'
Double Agent Charlotte
Kostner to the rescue
We have gather here today to get through this thing called the flu
Unanswered questions
Escape Routes
Wedding Day
Home is wherever you are
Student Athlete
4 a.m Calls
The Surprise
Four Continents
A Yuzulotte Valentine
The Impossible
The Exams
The Short Program
The Press Conference
Here We Go Again
Bad Liar
One Last Time
Through the Dark
Beginning of the End
Hold Your Breath
Next to You
Thank You
A/N: Pyeongchang 2018
Q & A Time!
New story!!

Mozart and other old Composers

8.6K 259 48
By tommo_hemmo96

It's currently...

2:00 a.m

And the boys are asleep on the sofas in the family room, after profusely telling me to take my bed for myself because it's "my house."

I head to the desk sitting in my room and boot up my laptop.

If my insomnia is keeping me awake I might as well work on my essay.

For my music history course, one of our assignments is to write an essay on a composer of our choice; I went with Mozart.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. Born in Salzburg, he showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood.

Soon my mind starts to wander.

I still gotta pick music for my short and my free.

So while I was on the topic of Mozart, I decided to look further into his music.

After a few minutes of listening through his songs, I've narrowed my choices down to "Requiem" and "The Magic Flute."

"The Magic Flute", was a light and delicate piece and "Requiem", was a powerful and strong symphony.

After listening to both songs to the point of a beating headache, I went with "Requiem."

It's a type of piece that I have never gone with in my skating career.

That should work for my free program.

Now for a short.

Deciding to stay true to my Catholic upbringing I went for a song that always lit my face up at church.

"Ave Maria"

I check the clock again out of habit.

3:30 a. m

Thank God practice is in the afternoon and not the morning.

I switch my gears back to my essay and search some more of Mozart's achievements.

Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, Mozart was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his death.

That feel when someone can achieve so much at the age of 5, but here I am, an almost 20 year old woman still sulking about the past.

"I swear if you don't wake up now, we're gonna be late for practice!" I scream as the boys refuse to wake up.

I know I'm not the most responsible person in the world, but for once I am.

Sometime in the night I fell asleep, in a really uncomfortable position but still managed to wake up an hour before practice.

So here I am, dressed in my training clothes trying to get some grown ass men to get up so we can head to the rink.

" yelling alright?" Javi says in a groggy tone

Rolling my eyes, I yank the blankets off of Javi leaving him to shiver from the lack of warmth.

I turn around to the other sofa, ready to grab the blankets off of Yuzuru, but I see he's getting up.

"Alright you two, hurry up and eat something. Then we can stop at your places to grab whatever you need for practice" I announce.

Grumbling, they get up and go for the bacon, eggs, and toast I have sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Bone apple teeth, I guess" I mumble, grabbing my first bite.

"" Yuzu questions

"Never mind" I say, smiling lightly

Soon we head out the door, grabbing Javi on the way to support his hangover.

Eventually we arrive at the rink in record time.

12:35 p.m

Only 5 minutes late but whatever.

"There you guys are! Did you all forget we have a competitive season coming up?!" Coach yells as we enter the rink.

Looking guilty, we hurry and head into our designated change rooms to get our skates on.

Coach deals with my private lesson first, leaving Javi and Yuzu to their own business.

"So we need to start thinking of your programs Charlotte. What do you have in mind?" Coach asks

"I was think Ave Maria for my short and Requiem for my free" I answer back

He nods his head then asks, "How about a choreographer?"

Throughout my senior days I've always worked with Shae-Lynn Bourne but I was thinking of calling up Kurt Browning; someone I've always looked up to and wanted to work with.

"Is it possible to get Kurt Browning?" I ask.

"I'll see if he's available" Coach answers

We proceed into practicing my jumps, still trying to get my combo steady.

I skate around, gaining some speed before lunching myself into the triple lutz.

I land the first jump, but my body doesn't have enough energy to pull into the triple loop.

"Maybe try a double lutz. Let's make things a bit easier for you" Coach says

As much as I want this jump, and can't seem to do it.

Tell me why I chose figure skating as a career again?

"Going by what I've seen from you in the past years, I've noticed that you like having difficult choreography. So let's keep going with that"

I don't usually head to the rink at 5:00 a.m but I guess it's convenient for me since I don't really sleep anyways.

I'm with Kurt at that moment and the two of us are trying to run through my short program.

"Ave Maria" is the a gentle, soft, song that requires a lot of feeling and emotion.

I'm currently trying to learn the intense, yet meaningful step sequence that Kurt came up with.

Twizzle, double bracket...what comes after the bracket again..?

I stop in the middle of the ice and turn to Kurt.

"Can we go over that again please?" I ask, totally confused

"Is this your short program?" I hear someone say in Japanese


A/N:This was kind of a filler chapter but please bare with me. I'm trying to make it more interesting.

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