All Because of a Turtle [Mode...

By CinnaLinRoll

66.6K 3K 7.1K

Another modern day Hamilton lams FanFiction More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

3.5K 168 779
By CinnaLinRoll

Hey, before I start this chapter quick question. What ships would you guys like to see in this book besides lams?


Alex's POV

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned the girl beside me who had linked our arms and lead me away, who I had earlier found out that her name was Angelica.

""Just- trust me." She smirked, "You won't regret it."

Well, then lead the way." I snickered as she lead me to the table where John and his other friends had sat.

I looked at one of the new girls that had came up, though she wasn't the prettiest person I'd seen her eyes are what had caught my attention. She had fine black eyes.

"Elizabeth Schuyler." The girl interrupted my thoughts, I looked at her and put a hand to the back of my head and looked at Angelica, "Schuyler?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"My sister." She laughed, and I turned back to Elizabeth. Though I may have sound selfish it was for a reason. I was poor, extremely poor. I had absolutely no money but over time I'd heard of the Schuyler sisters.

As much as I knew was, that they were rich, and well according to burr at least. Oh! I had forgotten to mention I had ran into burr yet again just taking a walk. It wasn't much of a conversation it was mainly him fan boying about the Schuyler's.

"Alexander Hamilton. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Elizabeth." I finally responded grabbing her hand and formally kissing it.

Her face immediately turned tomato red, "Please, just call me Eliza..."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I stood up straight then took the seat beside Eliza.

Johns POV

There's that feeling again. Damn it John, just get over it! I had sat there watching it all happen, well I say that as if a lot had happened, not much.

"Oh, Alexander!" I turned my attention to Hercules who practically yelled across the room even if he was only a few inches away.

"Yes?" Alex quickly responded in a much quieter voice.

"What's your phone number?"

I stared at them as Alex reached over and the exchanged numbers then a few minutes later felt a buzz in my pocket.

HERCULESMULLIGAN added AlexanderHandleIt to 'The Chat Where it Happens'


AlexanderHandleIt: *too *with *people

HERCULESMULLIGAN removed AlexanderHandleIt from 'TheChatWhereItHappens'

Alex laughed and I looked up from my phone seeing Hercules glaring at Alexander, "You lost your privileges mister." He muttered, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Soon someone else finally added Alex back to the chat and we all just talked, don't ask me what about because I don't know. You know those moments with your friends where your all having a really interesting conversation but afterwards you have no idea what it was about?

Yea, that was what happened.

"Um, excuse me sir?" I felt someone tap my shoulder then turned to look at the person. A girl stood there looking at my very nervously as we all stopped talking and looked at her.

"You've all been here for quite a while...... and you're all being kinda loud and scaring our customers..." She mumbled motioning around the room.

"So, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." We all just burst out laughing and stood up and left.

We didn't leave each other though, we all just simply moved to my dorm.

"Movie night!" I laughed walking into the dorm. The rest of my friends followed as I walked to my computer for Netflix, "Any suggestions?"

Peggy squealed, "FROZEN!" We all groaned, but next thing I knew I was sitting on the couch beside Alex watching frozen.


Alex's POV

It's been four days now since the coffee thing. Not much has happened, I've had more conversations with John and we've definitely been getting closer. I've also been talking to Eliza quite a lot, she's actually really nice, and her personality is beautiful.

Anyways, today was the first day of school, like actual school. I walked into my class and looked around then took a seat and grabbed out my computer setting it down on the table.

I continued setting things up until the door opened. I turned to the door to see a quite tall man walk in. He walked to the desk and sat and turned to us.

He looked intimidating, yet friendly. "Hello! My name is George Washington, or to you all it'd be Mr. Washington."


The bell rang and I walked out of my class. It was lunch time now. I walked to lunch and got a tray hen looked around for someone to sit with.

I then spot Aaron Burr and grinned then walked over to him and sat down across from him grinning.

"Hello!" I started as he eyed me. "Hi." He murmured and went back to eating.

I blinked and stared at him and bit the side of my cheek. "Hey! Burr right? So y'know as I was saying the first day we met-"

"You want to get ahead?" He said casually interrupting me and looking at me.

I blinked my eyebrows furrowing then I nodded eagerly and grinned, "Yes b-"

"Fools who run their mouth, off wind up dead." Burr snapped and I just stared at him. God, was he hard to have a conversation with. All he does it tell me to shut up, but I guess that's just his own way of talking.

"Excuse me?" I started, "I'm sorry, and I do not mean to anger you or any sorts but I have no idea what you mean by that. Talking is how you express your opinion, how you get places." I said back getting fed up with what he had been telling me.

Burr just stared at me and didn't respond. I then heard a burst of laughter and turned my head to see all my friends. I grinned and was about to stand up when burr grabbed my arms and looked at me with a very serious face, "Don't go over there."

I stared at him, so now he's talking? I laughed, "Like staying with you is any better." I grinned and pulled my arm away from him then walked over to John and everyone else.


There's so many time skips I'm so sorry anyways,

OH MY GOD 100+ VIEWS! To be honest, I never thought this would happen.... I just want to say, thank you all so so so so so so so sO SO much to those who are still reading. All your comments make my days, and it warms my heart every time someone votes for a chapter. Thank you all so much to even those who just read this, I love all of you c:

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.

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