Werewolf Princess

By casper14

65 1 0


Werewolf Princess

65 1 0
By casper14

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When I was younger I never really understood what was going on all the time, I just knew that I could never go anywhere alone.

The way to school I was chauffeured and taken in, there was always suited guys, tall with short hair and plain black suits and white shirts and clear white earpieces, In the room and no one ever spoke to me or even tried to make contact and if they did one of the suited guys would get in the way. They would even stand outside the toilet whenever I had to go do my business....I never really understood why till a few years ago, when I was 12....

The day was like any other, I woke up, had a shower and got ready for school, I opened to the door and two of the suited men would be out there and they would escort me to breakfast with my mother and father in the large dinning room.

I'd sit down and tell my parents hello and good morning because this could be the only time is saw them today. I ate my breakfast before bidding good day to my parents and two different suited guys would escort me to the car, the long sleek black car with tinted windows you couldn't see into to.

I'd climb in and sit in-between another two suited men.

We'd arrive at school at exactly 9:00am and I'd get out the car to be escorted by two more suited men who would be my 'guards' for the day. They'd take me to every class; follow me around at lunch and break and to the toilet.

But today, I walked out of English and the two men weren't outside, my English teacher put them out there because she wouldn't teach while they were inside the room. They put her off to much so she made them stand outside at the compromise.

So they weren't there....I waited for a while but they still didn't show so I walked to drama and after drama still no more suited guys...at the end of the day I hadn't seen any suited guys for five hours so I waited, the car never came until...

A sleek black car came round the corner, I was relieved, it pulled up in front of me and I opened the door and got in. There was one guy in the back of the car and he wasn't wearing a suit, he was clean though, wearing a dark green t shirt, jeans and some sneakers.

"Who are you?" I asked him cautiously

"I'm Jack" he smiled at me "I'm going to be your escort from now on"

"But what about the suited guys, where are they?" I asked

"Don't worry about them" he said smiling, but it seemed creepy, a weird smile that made you feel uncomfortable "They're gone"

"Oh" I felt a little okay; at least people wouldn't follow me everywhere now.

After a while of driving I looked out of the window, I had no idea where we were and where we were going, I knew the way to and back from school in the car like the back of my hand. I turned to Jack.

"Where are we?" I asked

"Your new home" he smiled, this smile was like the one early, crazy and mischievous like a little boy that had just done the best but most stupid thing in the world.

I looked away and sat there in silence, I was getting worried now. New home? I think I would know or would have been told about moving house. Something wasn't right.

It was when we got there I was proved right, It wasn't a house it was more like a factory outlet or an old abandoned building but I was one hundred percent sure that it wasn't a house. I looked at Jack who was smiling like a weirdo. My heart was pounding in my chest, I pulled my legs closer to my body and clutched to my school bag. Then the car lurched to a stop and silence, then Jack moved to open the door and get out then he came round my side and opened the door offering my his hand.

I shook my head; he was stupid if I was going in there "That's not a house" I said

"It will be soon, you are a stubborn one aren't you" he chuckled but it sounded a little forced.

I took a deep breath before taking his hand and stepping out of the car, Jack close the door and the car quickly speed away. Jacks hand tightened on mine, I couldn't pull my hand from his now.

"You'll like it here, I promise" he smiled at me.

I smiled a little back, it was forced at totally fake, I was sure I wouldn't like it here, wherever here is.

Jack pulled on my hand dragging my inside the building, it smelt ok, it smelt like carpet, new books but there was something else, it smelt like blood. I tried to pull my hand from his but I couldn't. I was stuck.

There was a door, it seemed like a house door, wooden with a post box and coloured glass windows, and maybe this was a house, just one of those weird modern design ones. The ones that people pay millions for but it looks really weird and no one knows why the brought it.

Jack opened the door, there was a long hall with carpet and a desk with a vase of flowers on it and a mirror on the wall and lots of doors lining the walls, Jack let go of my hand and pulled my coat of violently making me drop my school bag to which had my phone in it.

I reached for it but jack picked it up and put them in the first door, it seemed like a coat cupboard. I was relaxed now, this must be a home. I mean it has a coat cupboard and everything.

Jack put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me gently down the hall to one of the end doors.

"You'll be staying here" his smile was sly

"Ok" I said and reached for the door handle and swung it open....and then....blackness.

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