Fireworks {Lee Jordan} {Harry...

By PEmercy

38.9K 2.1K 270

When Leslie Stivers first enters the Hogwarts Express, she never expected to be brought into a life of magic... More

Pleeeease Mum!
Diagon Alley
Wand or Books?
9 3/4
Apologies and Actual Meetings
Wait, You Can Do WHAT?
Learning More About Magic, Notably, the Sweets
Percy Makes His Entrance
The Plot
Poor, Poor, Penelope
My Naïvety Gets The Best Of Me
Don't Mess With The Badger
You Tried To Fool Him...
Learning About My Dorm-Mates
Family Relations
Somthing New
Apologizes and Threats
Pranking...The Whole School? Why Not?
We Forgot Someone
Only One A Month
This Idea Will Not Work
See? Also, Snape Is A Prick
Hallows Eve
A Vision and The Truth
The Aftermath
So So Many Questions
Friendship Issues
Almost Spilling
Finding Out Why
We Work Together
Plans For Christmas
Storytelling With Agatha
Wrong In The Head
Sad Poems And Presents
Reunited! Sort Of...
Dreams...With Her


2.2K 99 33
By PEmercy

The letter hit me hard, so hard that I flinch backwards. I had not been leaning against a tree, and so I fall about eight feet to the ground. Luckily I fall on my back, so I am only winded. But it still hurts a lot. For a second I just lay there, then my friend Agatha, who is a willow, drops my letter on my front. She is laughing softly.

"Having trouble Lee?" I snort and gasp back.

"No, I'm just wheezing to death." Then I turn my attention to my letter. The envelope is a thick stocky paper. On the front, printed in neat letters, is the address.

To Leslie Stivers,
In The Clearing Of Willows.

On the back the envelope is sealed with wax pressed into a strange symbol. A snake, griffin, badger, and eagle. I slowly open the letter and peek inside. The first paper is a packet of fancy lettering. I squint and read the first page.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Stivers,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
What! What is that? Some private school my parents forgot to inform me about? I thought we agreed I would stay homeschooled. I keep reading.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Ok, now I am really confused and slightly afraid. This must be a joke, what sane human uses owls for postal service? They also had my exact location. I wonder if some nasty kids from a few houses over decided to give it to me. I don't know how, just that this cannot be true.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
My eyes go wide and I start to panic. My breathing quickens and I clench my fists.

"It can't be true. It's not true." I repeat over and over, until Agatha strokes the side of my face.

"But it is, Lee. It is very true. Go tell your Mum and Dad now honey, they need to know." I smile tearfully. Agatha is very good at making me feel better.

"Oh Agatha, really? Does this mean I will learn witchcraft? That sounds bad." She shakes her leaves, a sound akin to laughter being formed.

"It's not bad Lee! Long ago I met someone like you, and they turned out to be just fine. Stop worrying and tell your parents! How will they know how to get your supplies or send a letter back if you do not." After her scolding, I back away.

"Can I just call you Mum?"


"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Pleeeease. I'll do whatever you say Mum."

"Leslie! Just go!"

Finally I take her advice and run back to the house. On the way there I stop and smile at the oak trees.

"Hi Edward!" Edward creaks slightly and responds softly.

"Hello Leslie. How are you today?" I giggle at his solemn tone. Edward is always that way. So are all his seedlings. He is the oldest oak tree, so I harbor a lot of respect for him.

"Oh just dandy. See you later, I got my special letter!" His branches wave about almost excitably as I say this. As I run off he calls after me.

"Congratulations my dear Leslie!"

Eventually my house comes into view, and I can see Mum planting petunias next to the lilies in our garden. Her black hair glows softly down her back and her green eyes smile. She is wearing a big hat that covers her face and her clothes are dirty yet beautiful. Mum loved to garden. When she sees me running up, she smiles.

"Hi Lez! How is your day going sweetheart?" I answer through gasps, I must be more out of shape than I thought.

"Mum, I got my letter!" She just looks confused, so I explain. "My Hogwarts letter." Her eyes darken with confusion.

"I don't know what you are talking about darling. What is Hogwarts?" Just as I open my mouth, Dad sticks his head out the door. He looks flustered and rather confused.

"Sherry, someone's at the door. She says she wants to talk with Leslie." My mum's eyes flash and she looks furious.

"David, please tell me you let her in." He scratches his head, looking frightened suddenly. Anyone who upsets Mum usually gets that way.

"Um...maybe not-"

"David Kelly Stivers, you get in there right now and let that poor woman in! It's very hot out here and I'm sure she would enjoy a good drink." My Dad immediately runs inside. I hear him greet her through the screen.

"I'm so sorry Professor..." I hear her voice, quiet and clipped.

"McGonagall." Then she continues. "I'm assuming you've rethought allowing me to speak to Miss Stivers on the school she will be attending this fall." McGonagall! That's the woman on my letter, she does exist. Any previous thought that this is a joke is practically nonexistent. I race inside, completely disregarding the fact that I have been out in the forest all day and look like a mess.

"Hello Ma'm, I'm Leslie! I got your letter today, and I'm here to say yes!" My Dad just shakes his head.

"Lez, we have to talk this over first." My thoughts are spinning, and I smile. Professor McGonagall looks at me. She is an older woman, her brown hair greying slightly at the brow, which is barely visible under her hat and emerald green robes.

"Miss Stivers, must I remind you that your parents must be in agreement when people bring you places? It is not only about the school, to which I'm sure they will relent. It is about me bringing you to the place where you will buy all of your supplies. Diagon Alley."

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