By Maya-Snow9

244 51 10

A collection of confessions More

Psychotic Bitch
Fuck Boy
Bitchy Friend
Principle Liar
Ho Friend
ill Thoughts
Back stabbing bitch
Evil Step mom
Bitchy Aunt
Bloody Cheater
Bad Neighbour
Weak Bitch
Drama Class

Pussy Whipped

38 3 1
By Maya-Snow9

You were the best friend I always wished for. You made me laugh when I was in tears.
You stayed up all night to listen to my problems.
You slayed my demons and let me cry on your shoulder.
Before doing anything, you asked for my advice to make me feel like my opinion mattered to you.
You tried your best to fill the void in me created by the ones before you.
And that's when I fell in love with you.

That's when I noticed how beautiful your smile formed.
That's when my heart started skipping whenever I met you.
That's when I started thinking about you all the time.
That's when I started dreaming about you.
Your hugs seemed longer or perhaps I was just imagining it.
You promised you would forever take care of me and you would get us a house near the beach.
You said nothing would matter and we would be so happy.
Then you added I love you.
Of course you meant it as a friend.
You loved me as a friend but my stupid heart did not want to believe that.

It did ultimately though.
When I saw the videos of you confessing your love for the pretty girl with the braces in your class.
You told me you didn't see yourself with anyone else but her.
And you vowed she would never come between us nevertheless.
Because I was your best friend.

But she did.
She was all you could see.
She was all that mattered.
She was the only one that got your attention.
She was the only one that was important.

You ignored me.
I texted you that I miss you.
You opened my message at 2:00 A.M and replied "me 2" a week later.
Sometimes you replied with "Who's this? New phone. "

I never forgot your birthday.
She never recalled your birthday.
I gave you presents and told you how important you were in my life.
Yet all she did was nag about the alleged girls you talked to.

I loved you.
She owened you.
I cared for you.
She ignored you.
I craved you.
You neglected me.
I asked why you don't text me anymore.
You said, "I'm too lazy".

I realized I was worth nothing to you and it was time for me to move on.
To heal my heart.
To build my pride.
To better myself.
To love myself.
To care for myself.

I am grateful for everything you have done for me but I will no longer let a pussy whipped boy toy with my heart.

Fuck you.

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