Jacksepticeye imagines

By dat1account

9.8K 198 202

You, (Y/n), get to be with jacksepticeye! You can request as much as you like. I will do all requests! More

{Brofist 1}
Need Reguests!
{Brofist 2}
{Missing 1}
{Missing 2}
Xbox one!
{I'm sorry}
I have been tagged
missed me?


296 4 3
By dat1account

{Hey mah lil bosses! I hope y'all aren't mad that I haven't been updating. I'm going to do this one and a request then I'll find out a good updating schedule. **TRIGGER WARNING***}

(Y/n)'s pov




'Go End yourself'

Words like that float through my head everyday and are told to me everyday. I've been thinking about doing the last one...

I get up for school and look at myself in the mirror. I turn to my side to get a better view of my stomach. 'Fat'

I sigh and take a strand of my hair and tuck it behind my ear. I look at my face in the mirror. I stare at my shiny (e/c) eyes. 'Ugly'

I get dressed for school. Knee high boots, a black jacket, and black tights, and a black tank top. No, I'm not emo or goth. I just like black. I trudge my way downstairs and grab my bag and head outside. When I get outside, I'm greeted by my friend, Sean.

"Hey (Y/n)! How's life treating ya?" He doesn't know my thoughts

"Terribly. It's treating me terribly." I whisper as I look at the concrete.

"What was that?" I glanced up at him to see his bright ocean blue eyes and the warm smile on his face.

"I'm doing great!" I put on a smile as the bus pulls up. We both step on the bus and sit next to each other. I lean on the window and look outside of it. The blur of the outside as we drove off to school. As I was left with my thoughts, I felt something hit the back of my head lightly. I feel around on the back of my head and feel something wet. Blood? Nope, no blood. Just a spit ball. I turn around to see who the person is that spit it at me. I see Marcel sitting there smirking at me. He thinks he's better than me, that's probably true.

I frown and continue looking out the window

"Hey (n/n), are you okay?" He looked at me with care

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine!" I give him a 'smile'

The bus pulls up to the school. We all get off.

"Bye (Y/n)!" Jack waves off as he goes with his friends. His friends didn't like me. His 'friends' were Marcel, Mark, And Felix

I ran into the school as it started to rain. When I walked through the doors. All eyes were on me. People whispered to each other about me, thinking I can't hear. Don't worry, this happens every day of my worthless life.

When I get to my locker, I see Marcel standing there along with Felix and Mark.

"Hey, Bitch!" Marcel spat in my face. The halls were clear of people, except for us.

Mark pushed me and I fell to the floor. He got down next to me and pinned my arms above my head so I couldn't move my arms away. I kicked my feet around and accidentally Kicked Marcel. Marcel growled and Felix got down and sat on my legs. My legs burned from the wheat being put on them.

Marcel got down next to me and growled. "You like to kick people, huh?" He kicked my side and I let out a light whimper. Mark and Felix laughed as tears bubbled up.

"Aww. Is someone about to cry?" He kept kicking me to where I started to spit out blood. I cried and cried until they finally stopped

"That's what you get for kicking me, you slut!" Him and his crew walked away laughing as I lay there on the floor.

After a couple minites, I got the strength to get up and go to class. As I stumbled in the class, everybody looked at me

"Ms. (L/n)! You are late! Detention after school for you!" I frowned as I walked to my seat. I can't stand it anymore.

{Timeskip to after school}

I was supposed to go to detention after school, but I decided not to. I didn't want to run into Marcel or any of them.

I ran out of the school and ran home.

I cried lightly as I ran. Once I got to my house, I made sure nobody was home. I got some rope and walked to my room

I sat the rope down a went to my desk and got some paper and a pen.

Dear everybody,
   I'm sorry. I can't take the pain anymore. I love you mom and dad. My time has come. By the time you read this, I'll be an angel watching over all of you. I'll finally be free and happy. I love you Jack. As a friend, and more. You were always there for me when I needed it, and I thank you for that. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to survive in this cruel world. At my funeral, make sure the family is there, and Jack. I love all of you, don't forget that.

                            Your angel, (Y/n)

I smiled and tied the rope to my fan and made a noose. I stood up on my chair and smiled.

"I'm finally free" I whispered as I took my last breath and let darkness control me.

Jack's pov

I decided to go to (y/n)'a house. She was acting very strange today and I want to see why.

I got the house key that they gave me and opened the door

"(N/n)! It's Jack!" I smiled, thinking she was in her room. I shut  The front door and walked up to her room.

I knocked and waited for an answer. "I'm coming in!" I opened the door and gasped. My precious (y/n) was hanging from the ceiling fan with a rope around her neck. Her face was pale and sad. She had a note on her desk and I picked it up and read it.

After reading it I cried and got my phone out, calling her parents

(Phone convo. J=Jack, M=mom)

M- "Hey jack! How are you?"

J- "M-mrs. (L/n)....You and Mr. (L/n) need to come home RIGHT NOW.

M- "oh my. What's wrong?!"

J- "it's (y/n)...you'll have to come see this for yourself.

I ended the call as I waited for them to get home.

I heard the door open as I looked up. (Y/n)'s parents were looking worried. They knew I loved her, they were like parents to me. I cried and hugged them.

"S-she's upstairs..." they nodded sadly and walked up there.

I heard a scream and crying

"MY BABY GIRL!!" Her dad yells out

"NO! BRING HER BACK TO US!!" I frowned and cried harder. I can't believe she's gone.

{Timeskip to (Y/n)'a funeral}

We drove up to her grave. Her body layer there, lifeless.

I was the first to speak.

"My beloved (Y/n) is gone. I love her, but I didn't get a chance to tell her. I love all of you, and I'm sorry..." I felt dizzy from the overdose of sleeping pills. I walked to (Y/n)'a grave and laid next to her. I heard people screaming, they knew what I had done to myself

"Now we can be Angels together...." I whispered as I took my last breath.

{Hey mah lil bosses! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! My birthday passed a couple weeks ago. It's the same a Jacksepticeyes😋. Anyways, buh-bye

Frosty, out✌️

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