When The Sun Comes Up (PARTY...

By geeardway

5.7K 283 403

When the sun comes up, watch your back. Dracs and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S will show you no mercy. Brutal Scene i... More

Chapter One-Introduction
Chapter Two-Colors
Chapter Three-Crawling Spiders
Chapter Four-Coffee
Chapter Five-Broken Bones
Chapter Seven-Even Ghouls Can Have ADHD
Chapter Eight-Throw Your Shit
Chapter Nine-Glue
Chapter Ten-Sunsets
Chapter Eleven-Exploding Hearts
Chapter Twelve-Enchanting
Chapter Thirteen-Wrath
Chapter Fourteen-Bye
Chapter Fifteen-Off We Go
Chapter Sixteen-You Have Mail
Chapter Seventeen-Dead?
Chapter Eighteen-Planning
Chapter Nineteen-Found Them
Chapter Twenty-I'll Be Back
Chapter Twenty One-Since You've Been Gone
Chapter Twenty Two-To The End (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Three-To The End (Part Two)

Chapter Six-Walking Motors

277 12 15
By geeardway

Brutal Scene's P.O.V.

Well shit. I'm lost.

I passed the Zone 6 sign last night, and now it's about midday and I have no clue where I am. Maybe like a quarter way through, but honestly I have no clue.

I have to find some sort of building or structure. I need a place to stay until my foot and ankle heal. I have plenty of food and water to last me a while, so I just need a roof over my head.


A few hours later I come across an old, run down diner. Seems like a good enough place to stay, I just hope nobody is living here.

I check around the whole building a see no vehicle in sight. So that either means nobody is here, or they don't have a vehicle. I'm hoping it's the first one.

I peer through the front windows and see nobody inside. Now to sneakily get in with crutches while holding my ray gun. Great.

Clutching my crutches in one hand and my ray gun in the other, I slowly open the doors and hop in. Get inside, check. Next on the todo list is to see if anyone is inside.


I searched through the whole building (fuck wttdp just came on I'm gonna cry, carry on<-not intentional) and found nobody. There were four bedrooms, but it looked like whoever was here left in a hurry. Dracs probably ambushed them, which means bad for them and good for me. Now it's about 6:00 so perhaps I can find some food in this place so I don't have to use my own. Then I can take one of the bedrooms in here and make it my own. (IT JUST STARTED PLAYING AGAIN GOD DAMN WHY DOES THERE HAVE BOTH TBP AND LWG)


You would think that a diner would have food, or at least good food. All this place is stocked with is more Power Pup and some beans. I guess the beans aren't the worst things in the world, better then the disgusting dog food. Now to pick my temporary room.

I stand up from the table I was eating at and walk into the back where all the rooms are. The first two bedrooms are almost immediately when you walk in the back. Then next to the room on the right there's a bathroom and across from that, a closet. Next to those two rooms there are are the last two bedrooms.

I choose the bedroom that is the only one that has a window, in case I need to make a quick getaway, which happens to be the first room on the left. When I walk in I see a medium size room, on the right side of the room there is a makeshift bed with a nightstand, a big mirror on the other side, and on the back wall there is a desk with papers scattered on it. I see a black 'Dead Pegasus' jacket hung up on the back of the chair. It's pretty cold in here so might as well put it on. It looks comfortable too.

I walk towards the desk and pick up the jacket and put it on. While I'm at the desk I see that on the papers are beautiful drawings. The drawings consisted of cartoon characters, superheros, a man and a woman covered in blood splatter looking like they're about to kiss, and I don't even know what the last thing is, it's just a bunch of colors. Two different shades of blue on the top, electric green right below it, then violet, and finally blood red at the bottom.

I start looking through more of this person's work, but it's all just the colors. Some look in the shape of a person though. This person is definitely insane. Or I'm going insane and those drawings aren't there. I should just sleep it off and worry about it tomorrow.

As I lay down in the bed I feel a weird thing in my stomach, like that feeling when something is going to happen the very soon. I hope the only that happens is that I get to have a lazy day.

Party Poison's P.O.V.

Dr. D left us around 4:00 saying that he had some work to do. Now it's 9:00 and we're all getting ready to get to sleep.

I'm about to walk into my room when I hear the radio crackle to life.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

I zoom over to the radio and answer Dr. D.

"Yeah, Party is here. What do you need?"

"Well I have a girl here that has a broken foot/ankle. I can't keep her here so I would like you guys to take her."

"Yeah sure we'd love to have a girl here, probably Ghoul more then others. We'll come and pick her up tomorrow."

"Thank you Party. Oh and another thing, she seems very.....scared of people. The poor girl can't stop stuttering since I met her."

Oh man, this girl definitely needs people to take care of her. I wonder who hurt her, whoever it was, I want, no need to help her.

"That doesn't matter to me, I'll-I mean we'll still help her."

"Well alright then, see you all tomorrow then."

"Bye Dr. D, see you tomorrow."


"We're getting a girl Party?!"

"Yes we're 'getting' a girl, but to take care of her. Not for you to hit on Ghoul."

I just told the guys that we have to leave for Dr. D's soon to pick up a girl, and of course Ghoul's eyes light up. I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen let alone been with a girl since.....well nevermind that.

"Awe party you're no fun."

At that moment the radio crackles and Dr. D's voice can be heard.

"Guys get here now! The girl is gone! She can't survive out there on her own with her foot like that! She can barely walk!"

Oh no. This is bad, this is very bad.

"Okay we'll be there in two hours or less."

"You better, now hurry along!"

We all jump up and grab some food and our ray guns. We then spirit to the car and take our places and zoom off to Dr. D's shack. I really hope that girl is okay.


I'm the first to burst inside Dr. D's place. The rest come behind me a minute later. We walk to his bedroom and see him there staring at the window in deep thought. This can't be good.

"Dr. D, were uh here now. What do you want us to do?"

He jumps at my first words, then turns around to face us. There's a sad look on his face.

"I should have asked if it was alright with her if other people took care of her. I should have known that she'd run away.....people frighten her, I could tell. For some reason she was comfortable with me though, but just barely."

Dr. D is taking the blame for her. I've never seen him care about someone so much, and he just met her. She must have been special.

"Dr. D, you can't take the blame for this. You were just trying to help her, you didn't do anything wrong."

We all look at Kobra with surprised looks on our faces as he said this. He's usually very quiet, especially when sadness or even feelings are involved.

"I know boy, but I can help but feel bad. You should've seen her face when I mentioned other people. She looked like someone just told her that her siblings died. Someone has hurt her really bad, maybe physically, but definitely mentally. I need you boys to go out and search for her. Make sure she's not injured, well more injured."

"Okay, we promise to find her, in one piece."


We couldn't find her all yesterday. How far could a girl on crutches go? I'm pretty sure we checked all of Zone 4 and didn't find her, so obviously very far. Maybe we can get our friends the Motor Mouths to help us. They're all girls, so maybe they might know where a girl will go.

We pull up to their hideout that's on the edge of Zone 4, right by Zone 3. As soon as I get out of the trans am, a purple beam flies past me.

"Dammit Bullet! I know that was you!"

"Eh it was worth a try. I wish you would scare easy."

"Yeah whatever, just go get Psychotic and Phoenix. We need your help with something."

Bullet jumps off of the Dead Pegasus gas station, otherwise known as their home and where I got my jacket from. A few minutes later She comes out with Psychotic and Phoenix who basically start to drool when they see Kobra and Jet. I look at my brother and friend and see that they are doing the same. Oh boy.

"Well girls, Dr. D has sent us on a mission to find a girl. He was taking care of her and she ran away when he mentioned that other people will be taking care of her because she is extremely shy. The girl couldn't have gone far because she is on crutches, yet we couldn't find her anywhere in Zone 4. So we need your group's help."

The girls turn around and huddle, deciding what they should do. I really hope they decide to help, I need to find this girl.

After what seems like hours, but it was probably just a few minutes, they turn around. Bullet is the one to speak since Psychotic is an awkward turtle like Kobra and Phoenix is a woman of few but intelligent words like Jet.

"Okay, we'll help. But you owe us. Deal?"



Day two and three were a bust. She wasn't in Zone 4, 3, or 2. We didn't even bother checking Zone 1 because everyone knows to not go in there because that's where the Dracs swarm.

Jet was finally the man to say that it was hopeless. If we didn't find her after all of that, she must of been taken or killed. It's such a shame. But at least we can finally go home and get some sleep.

When we get back to the diner it's late. Too late for me to be functioning. I just want to go in my room and sleep for the rest of my days. Maybe I can do that.

I start to feel really nervous for some reason, and why do I feel that completeness that I felt back in the factory? Hm weird.

I walk to my room and put my hand on the handle an-.

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE CLIFF HANGER! I LOVE YOU GUYS DONT HATE ME! Anyways, I think you can tell, what's going to happen next chapter. And are you guys proud that I wrote this all in 4 days? I did it for you guys! So see you next time!

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