Not A Normal Fieldtrip (Volde...

By ThatOnePezz

20.4K 654 422

โ€ขSequel to Voldemorts Grandson, Percy Jacksonโ€ข Wizards at Camp Half Blood? That sounds like a bad idea. To be... More

Kill Me


2.5K 84 84
By ThatOnePezz

Chiron POV-
Im sure your wondering why I let Wizards into my home. Well, it was Dumbledoor's idea. I think I agreed because the Demigods needed to encounter more thats out there, but I'm also pretty sure I had one to many drinks that night.

That leads me to where I am now, thinking of all the punishments these kids will have to take part in if they don't learn to shut there mouths when talking to the demigods.

They still have a shocked expression on there faces, and I was getting quite bored.

"Well, if you would follow me please." I said.

Neville nodded, and the others followed suit.

"These two big cabins are for the Queen and King of Olympus. There supposed to be empty, but thanks to the gods inability to stay away from mortals the Zeus cabin has two campers. The other one is Hera, she doesn't cheat on Zeus." I said.

"The one you just excited is Poseidon's cabin. His is also supposed to be empty, but like Zeus he couldn't keep away. And now we have Percy."

"What about Hades? Wasn't he apart of the big three? Why doesn't he have a cabin over here?" Neville asked.

"Hades didn't have a cabin for a long time. Because he wasn't one of the 12 olympians, he didn't have a cabin. But after Percy's first 5 years of adventures the Olympians gave him a wish. And Percy wished for Hades and the rest of the minor gods and goddesses to have cabins."

"Why would he wish for that when you could ask for immortality?" Draco scoffed.

"Why would you ask for something you already declined?" I said.

That caught Draco off guard, and he was about to speak again when I continued on with the tour.

"You see that cabin over there?" I asked, pointing to the black cabin at the other side of the area.

"Hardly." Harry said.

"Thats Hades cabin." I said, "Now, on with tour."


"Thats all the time I have for now, Percy can show you the training facilities later." I said, turning to the wizards only to find them slouching and breathing heavily.

"You better get fit fast, that was only three hours. You'll have to walk these paths every day. Now run along, I'm sure you can find your way back."

Neville POV-
I didn't know how unfit I was until I had to walk all the paths of Camp Half Blood.

Camp Half Blood is huge.

We're at the big house right now, and walking at normal speed we could probably make it back to the cabin in at least 20 minutes.

And so, we began our long and boring journey. We walked in silence, and we were each about 3 feet apart. Draco in front, then Harry, then me.

Luckily the few people in at the armory and forge were to focused on whatever they were doing to notice us.

However, we ran out of luck by the time we reached the cabins.

The first cabin we passed was Hades.

It seemed everyone was getting back to their cabins at this time, and so we saw Nico. He had changed into all black, but there was still pink blotches in his hair.

He glared at Draco and Harry on our way passed, but went back into his cabin without saying anything.

The same could be said for most of the cabins, but we weren't so lucky when it came to the Hermes cabin.

What looked like the heads of the cabin—two twins that reminded me of Fred and George—walked up to us, and many members of their cabin following them.

"Your the wimps we have to look after?" One of the twins asked.

"Who are you calling w—" Draco started.

"I guess you are." The other twin said.

I knew this couldn't end well, so I stayed silent to the side.

"If we're going to teach you, we have to be on the same page." Twin number 1 said.

Harry scoffed, but stayed silent. His arms were crossed, and he couldn't have a more 'f you' expression if he tried.

"First off, lets get this straight. We don't respect you. If you want respect, you have to earn it. So far our respect for you is in the negative rang. Second, you have to do as we say. You don't like something? I don't care. To hard? Not my problem." Twin 2 said.

"I hardly doubt a group of teenagers can teach me something I don't already know." Harry said, "Ive already fought a war, you cant teach me anything."

"And I hardly doubt fighting Loldemort was harder then what we've been through."

"How dare you—"

"Shut up Draco." I said.

"Longbottom, I swear—"

"Looks like we found our favorite." Twin number 2 said.

"I don't care. I don't want to be some twins—" Draco said.

"We're not twins!" They both said in sync.

"Do we have a problem here?"

Everyone turned around to the person who just said that. Their voice was powerful and commanding, like a generals.

Turns out, it was Percy. And standing next to him, was Annaebeth and Thalia. And standing behind them, was the rest of the Wizard groups.

Looks like the whole partys here. What joy.

Yay, another update! First one this year!

Ive asked this in chapters 1 and 2, but no ones answered, so I'm going to continue asking until someone does.

What do you want to happen while the wizards are at camp half blood?


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