Nobody into a Somebody(Becsti...

By Mahone_is_forever2

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"I'm a nobody." "I'm better off as a fucking ghost." "Invisible.. that kid didn't even see me." ***** "Tha... More

- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 24
- Chapter 25
- Chapter 26
- Chapter 27
- Chapter 28
- Chapter 29
- Chapter 30

- Chapter 23

41 0 0
By Mahone_is_forever2

I shook my head and kept dancing, suddenly his arm grips tighter and began to pull me to the side. I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his grip,

"Come on! Let's go have some more fun upstairs!" Alex smirks.

"You must think I'm a fucking idiot, don't you? Well suck it because I am not going anywhere with you!" I brought my elbow down where his crotch area is and swung my arm back really hard, it broke me out of his grip.

"Ow!" He yelled. I soon scattered out of the house and wobbled a bit to find Jordyn. Thank goodness she was outside talking to someone,

"Hey! It's almost 10! We need to get home before my mom kills us both!" I told her, she turns and had a quirky smile on her face.

"O-oh hey Be-cky!" She slurs. Oh no!

"Are you high?!" I asked her, her eyes were blood-shot red and she laughs.

"Here try it!" She passes me a joint.

"Hah! How about no thanks? Let's go!" I threw the bud down and stomped on it, I grab her arm leading her to the car.

"Looks like I'm driving us." I sighed. Before I could get in the car,

"Oh no, you're not." Austin says taking the keys from my hands.

"Austin! Give them back!"

"You had more jello shots than I've ever seen! Plus you ate a brownie!"

"So? I don't feel anything. I feel perfectly fine!" I lied.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes! Now leave me the fuck alone so I could get home before my fucking curfew!" I yelled. He finally gave in and handed me my keys,

"Fine. You know you're still a good girl, right?" He laughs.

"Yeah, we'll see about that!" I fake a smile and got into the car,

"Yooo! Who was that? He's hooot." Jordyn echos in the back.

"Shut up! He isn't hot! He's fucking annoying and needs to chill out, always getting into my bussiness." I rolled my window down seeing that he was watching me leave and I yelled out,

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much about me. I would worry more about your friend, Alex. He's inside icing his wiener that is probably about the size of a toddler's pinky. Tell him if he ever pulls that shit on me again... I won't take it easy on him next time." I then turned back looking at the road in front of me and drove away.

*****Austin's P.o.v.*****
I walked back inside and seen Alex having an ice bag on his crotch area, I laughed a bit assuming what had happened. I stood right next to him and said,

"She wasn't wrong."

"Who?" Alex mumbles.

"Rebbeca." I shrugged.

"Oh really, what did she tell you? She hit me in the crotch and ditched.."

"Something like that.." I let a laugh out but as soon as he snapped up at me I covered it up with a cough.

"Well she says that next time she won't take it easy on you if you try to pull that shit on her again. Which I don't understand what you did.. can you explain to clear this curiousity out of my mind?"

"That was easy? It felt more like the hardest way there could possibly be! Anyway, I tried to bang her tonight but she wouldn't let me! So I tried pulling her towards the bedroom way but she ended up elbowing me in the crotch and ran out. Worst feeling ever." He moves the bag of ice a bit to the side and he flinches.

"Why the fuck did you try to have sex with her, Alex?!" I yelled at him.

"Have you seen her, dude? ALMOST EVERY GUY WANTS HER NOW! You can't blame us!" He yells back.

"Actually yes I can! Maybe that is why she changed! Because you all wanted her to! You know what? Putting up with Rebbeca was one thing and that is because I love her! You? UGH. You're so ruthless to people and most of the time I don't even know who you are anymore!"

"Do you think she'll ever love you back?! NO! NOT AT ALL BECAUSE SHE HATES YOU AUSTIN! You and I both know that! I was there when she left. I was there for you the whole time!"

"Probably physically... but emotionally? No. You're a bastard. Not once have you asked how I've been and you knew exactly how much I was hurting inside!"

"Oh for fuck sakes! You sound like a girl!" He spat. I got closer to his face and breathed heavily,

"Don't.You.Even.Go.There." I warned.

"I won't, but not because you told me so. It's because I don't want to cross that line with you." He steps back.

"You really shouldn't. You don't know what I'm capable of doing, just because you have stuck around after Rebbeca left... you don't even know the person who I was with her." Once I had said her name, my voice went at ease.

"She's not like that anymore, Austin. She's sexy and out there now... she's not into you bro." He shrugs.


"What makes you think that I just want to hurt her?" He asks.

"I know you. Don't play stupid with me.. you will use her to your advantage and then you will destroy her." I glared.

"What if I really do love her, Austin?" He sighs.

"Pfft. You wouldn't know what love is even if it hit you in the face." I scoffed.

"True, you're right. Come on though! This will be fun, that way we can get her back after she left you!" He cheers, but it just pissed me off even more.

"No." I walk up to him and grab him by the collar of his shirt,


"Try me." Alright.. he asked for it. With my free hand I grabbed him by his neck and squeezed really hard.

"I-I c-can't br-breathe!" He chokes trying to gasp for air. I loosen my grip on his neck and he raised his arms in the air for surrender.

"I won't! I won't do anything! I promise!" He shrieks.

"Well now that I have you in this position... add never talking to her again in that category. Got it?!" I snap.

"Yes, yes! Got it! Very clear!" I let him go and walked out to my car.

******Becky's P.o.v.******
As soon as we had arrived at the house I managed to get Jordyn up the staircase and helped her into bed. She went fast asleep, I walked to my room and changed out of my clothes. Of course my vision was a bit blurry, I still brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I heard a knock at my door,

"Come in." I spoke.

"Hey, how was the party?" My mom asks.

"Uh, it was okay but I don't think I'll ever go back to one any time soon."

"I doubt it was that bad!" She laughs.

"Oh mom, you don't even know the half of it!" I pulled the blankets on my bed forward so I could get in comfortably.

"Let me guess, Jordyn is passed out considering she had smoked a few joints and drank about 3 beers, you on the other hand had what? Either a lady drink or a few shots of jello." She laughs. My eyes widened,

"What? I'm a mom, I know these things. I was a teenager once." She laughs once more.

"But how did you get it exactly right?" I asked.

"Once you've been to so many parties and doing all that kinds of crap, you know what the newbies and common ones tend to do."

"Wait... but I was the only newbie."

"Exactly why Jordyn had the beer and marijuana. She's not a newbie, she's a common." She has a point. Jordyn wasn't always on the right track her whole life, come on she was on her own. She was bound to be on the wild side for awhile. I'm just going to do my best to keep her out of that lifestyle... whatever it takes.

/////////A\N\\\\\\\\: It's about 1 a.m. here in california so since I can't sleep, I updated! Hope you like this chapter, I sort of did. Please vote and comment your thoughts on how this story is going so far! <3

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