After Humanity

By stpolishook

1.5M 77.9K 37.8K

* 2017 WATTY WINNER!* Blurb: Humans are at the top of the food chain and always have been. But what if they... More

After Humanity...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Note to Readers
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty- Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part I
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 2
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 3
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 4
Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part 5
Voices of Humanity (Preview Chapter)

Chapter Twenty-Seven

15.8K 945 137
By stpolishook

So let's get back to Alice and Magnus in the past. When last we left them things were going well between them. Alice was beginning to trust. Let's see what happened next...

30 Years Earlier ~


Magnus woke early the next morning, the few rays sun of slipping through the gray clouds above, gently coaxing his eyes to open. Alice was still nestled close to his body, her chest rising and falling slowly in peaceful repose.

He lay there watching her silently. This remarkable creature who had saved him, and in that moment he made his decision. He would free her, if such a thing was possible. It was the least he could do in payment for his life. Once they made it back to civilization it was the first thing he would do. Perhaps she could be released to the human settlements that still lived free in the southern territories. Surely she did not belong in slavery. The animal was still relatively young. She might even find a true life there. A mate, a family. The idea made him smile. After all she'd likely endured, it was what Alice deserved.

The day had risen warmer than the last, but rain clouds threatened overhead. He wasn't quite sure when they might reach an outpost where they could obtain aide. Dulane had owned a significant portion of land that stretched for miles and the surrounding area was barren. Magnus was heartened that they had at least finally found a seemingly viable road beyond Dulane's property. Along it, he hoped they might finally find rescue. They could not survive much longer without proper food and water after all.

Still, it had taken quite a bit of coaxing to even convince Alice to travel and sleep beside the roadside when he'd first suggested it, though he could not imagine how else she thought they might obtain the necessary assistance they would need to return to the civilized world. It hadn't mattered much in any case. Judging by the lack of tire marks on the dirt road he'd been noting, there had been no signs of cars for days.

"They're coming." Alice awoke beside him suddenly, making him jump as she scrambled up frantically from the ground.

"Who's coming?" Magnus asked in confusion as he climbed to his feet. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"Bounty hunters. The authorities. They will be looking for escaped slaves."

"Alice you must be mistaken," he said. "I'm certain there has been no sign of."

The faint sound of a car engine interrupted his words as the vehicle came into sight in the distance. He couldn't believe she'd heard it from so far away.

"There's no way I might run," she breathed. "They'll see me. I'll never escape in time," her panic was entirely undisguised, her eyes wide with fear, her breathing erratic.

"Kill me now, I beg you," Alice pleaded. "It will be a kindness. Tell them I attacked and you had no choice, just do it quickly. Once they get here it will be too late!"

Magnus was horrified by her words but even more so when she grabbed for the knife at his waist.

"Alice stop this!" he demanded, turning to prevent her taking the weapon."This is our salvation. A ride back to civilization!"

"They are looking for me!" she cried out in frustration. "Don't you see that? For you, this is indeed a rescue but for me..." She shook her head. "I should have forced your hand last night. I should have taken the knife and ended this. I am a coward and now I have condemned myself."

"Alice, surely you are over reacting. There was no other way we might have survived without transport back to town. I will simply explain how we managed to escape and."

"You don't understand!" She insisted, cutting him off. "They won't listen. They will know who I am. Escaped slaves always pay dearly, but after what we did. If they arrest me." She stopped and shook her head again. "I can't let that happen. You have to help me. I will do anything!"

"They will have no way of knowing you were involved in the attack at all.," Magnus answered, though he was unnerved by the level of desperation in her voice. Indeed he could see his words of comfort had no effect.

"Please," she begged again, clutching his arm with surprising force. "I will serve you faithfully I swear it, and my life will be your's to command and end at will, but I beg you with all my heart. Don't let them take me. Dulane will seem kind compared to what the authorities will have in store. They will torture me. Rip me apart piece by piece. Kill me in the slowest most painful way possible. I will be beaten every day for the rest of my life until I beg for death. You cannot imagine how cruel they will be. If you have an ounce of mercy within you. If you feel a modicum of gratitude towards me for having saved your life. Please!"

Her voice was frantic, desperate. Gone was any semblance of the strong woman who had stabbed her master in the heart and led Magnus from the estate with such certainty. She was terrified. But Magnus had no intention of losing her.

"Don't worry," he soothed, placing a hand on Alice's shoulder. "I will do anything I must to protect you. Just calm yourself. Stay quiet and follow my lead."

The van was upon them now and, as she suspected, the vehicle was clearly marked as that of the authorities, filled with officers of the law.

"You there," one said pointing at him as they climbed from the vehicle. "Identify yourself."

"Oh, officer," Magnus exclaimed. "I am so glad to see you!"

"What are you doing out here?" The man asked.

"Looking for rescue," Magnus answered easily. "Were there any other survivors? It was horrible! I only barely managed to escape with my life."

The officer eyed him critically. "What are you talking about?" he asked carefully.

"Why the rebellion," Magnus replied, as if the answer to the man's question should have been obvious. "Those filthy humans burned the place to the ground. I was a guest of Mr. Dulane's and we were just sitting down to dinner. I had left to use the lavatory and when I returned, I saw a deranged animal holding a knife to his throat."

Magnus saw the surprise on the man's face before he cast a quick glance at his partner who seemed to be just as shocked at Magus's answer.

"You were present when Mr. Dulane was murdered?" The man asked.

"No," Magnus said, shaking his head sadly, "I admit I am a coward. Three more armed slaves were charging at me and so I fled. The house went up in flames a few minutes later."

"And who is she?" The other officer asked, casting a disdainful glance at Alice.

"My slave, of course," he answered. Still, when the officers both responded with looks of skepticism Magnus's heart began to beat faster.

"And how, pray tell, did you manage to escape with a slave?" one asked.

"I purchased her the morning of the revolt," Magnus replied, hoping his voice sounded confident and sure as the lies poured from his lips. "Mr. Dulane had chained her behind the house and given me a key to her restraints along with the bill of sale. When I ran, she was still there. It seemed the other slaves were prepared to burn her with the house, but I saw the chance to retrieve my property and did so."

The officers did not appear convinced.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Magnus prompted.

"No, Sir," one answered, "but you admit this woman was in the possession of one Cedrick Dulane as of three days ago. We have been searching for any of his animals that might have escaped before the authorities arrived to control the situation. So far most have been accounted for but of course, with such feral creatures on the loose, we are determined to hunt any escapees down as soon as possible to neutralize the threat. "

Magnus felt his body go cold at the officer's words. It was not surprising they would wish to destroy animals involved in the revolt. Likely any slaves from the estate would be considered culpable and be put down without question.

The officer looked down at the clipboard in his hand and flipped through a few pages of papers. "Do you know her name?" he asked.

"You'll have to forgive me, officer," Magnus answered, attempting a casual tone. "I'm certain it was on her papers, but all humans look much the same to me. You slave," Magnus barked as he turned to Alice. "What is your name?"

The human woman gave him a quick, frightened glance as she bit the inner edge of her lip nervously.

"Alice," she answered, her voice incredibly small. Magnus was almost surprised by it. The idea that the same woman who had been so strong in leading him to safety could manage to appear so frail now was distinctly unnerving.

"Speak up, slave!" The officer commanded, glowering at her. Alice winced at the man's harsh rebuke.

But though Magnus wished he could somehow provide her comfort and aide, watching the man's manner, he knew he would have to sell his lie well if he was to keep Alice from the authorities. Magnus had seen his father and brother with their slaves before. He had seen others treat their human stock even worse... He'd have to make these men believe he cared about Alice as a possession. She was already playing the part of a weak creature, he must now play the tyrannical master. One who would never consider sheltering an escaped slave. Turning to the cowering human he slapped her hard across the face.

"What is wrong with you?" Magnus admonished angrily. "The officer asked you a question. I expect he will be obeyed. Answer properly!"

"Yes, Master," she replied immediately, bowing her head in shame. "Forgive me."

Discomforted by the genuine fear he saw in her eyes as she answered him, Magnus nonetheless grabbed Alice roughly by the neck in response and forced her forward towards the officer. He could only hope she understood this was an act. "Now answer again."

"My name is Alice."

She said it louder this time, but he could hear the slight quiver in her voice. The officer eyed her closely, then looked at the papers in his hand again.

"I'm afraid we'll have to take her with us," he said after a moment. As he took hold of Alice's arm Magnus saw her body stiffen in panic, but he would not let her go so easily. Putting a hand on the center of Alice's chest, Magnus pushed her back with a force that sent her stumbling from the man's grasp.

"Now see here," he said angrily. "That is my property. Bought and paid for with my hard earned money!"

"Do you have the documentation of that, Sir?" The officer asked calmly.

"Of course I don't!" Magnus answered with indignation. "I was running for my life. I hardly had time to grab paperwork."

The man frowned. "I understand your frustration, Sir but there is nothing I can do. I have been ordered to track down all of Mr. Dulane's slaves and force them to answer for their crimes. By your own admission, she is one of them."

Magnus shook his head. "This animal does not belong to Dulane but myself," he protested. "I can attest to the fact that she was shackled at the time of the incident on the estate and had nothing to do with the uprising. Moreover, she was already in my possession and thus was not of the Dulane estate any longer when the revolt occurred. Surely you can appreciate my position. I am a business man just beginning to expand into the human trade. I cannot afford to lose one of my first purchases."

"I see your predicament Mr..."

"Kendrick," Magnus answered sharply. "Magnus Kendrick."

Magnus saw the man frown slightly, as if trying to place the name. It was the reaction he'd been hoping for.

"Well, Mr. Kendrick."

"Perhaps you have heard of my brother Torvald Kendrick?" Magnus prompted. "He is a well know man and my family name carries weight within the slaving community. If you will take me and the animal to him I'm certain we can sort all this out."

Again it was clear the name had registered, but the officer was reluctant to let the matter go.

"I understand your hesitation," Magnus said, sympathetically. "But surely you understand my position as well. Though I mean no disrespect to the departed Mr. Dulane, he is dead and I must survive. I have spent a significant amount of money on this animal and can't afford to lose that investment."

The man looked at Alice again, assessing. "I do understand your position, Mr. Kendrick," he answered. "Perhaps we might reach a compromise? We will take you and your slave back into town and you will let us hold her in quarantine until we determine to whom she belongs and her level of culpability in the attack on Mr. Dulane's estate. Will you agree?"

Magnus cast a quick glance at Alice again. He could see the anxiety on her face. No doubt she feared agreeing to the officer's terms. But he could not see any other option at present. This was their chance at rescue, and he would do whatever it took to get her back.

"Of course, officer," Magnus answered. "Anything to comply with the law. But I do hope that my cooperation will not be interpreted as surrender in this matter. I have no intention of relinquishing possession of this female. She belongs to me and I will defend my claim to her. I expect she will remain unharmed until the issue is resolved. She will be of no use to me damaged."

"She will be handled carefully enough," the man answered. "But her treatment will depend largely on her cooperation in our investigation."

Magnus felt his heart sink. If they put her with the other captured slaves, if they questioned her by torture, it would only be a matter of time before Alice was found out.

"I will not have her interrogated without cause," Magnus replied curtly. "Take us back to town and give me at least three days to verify my ownership before beginning any sort of questioning. I ask that you keep her away from the others you might have found during that time. I do not want them poisoning her mind." Nor identifying her, he thought to himself.

"Dulane assured me she was a quiet and obedient creature. I can't allow her wayward fellows turning her feral. As I told you, I am already convinced that she had nothing to do with the uprising. I would hardly fight to keep her if I believed otherwise. But humans are quite susceptible to the influence of others of their kind. I want her to remain untainted."

The officer nodded. "Your request is reasonable. We will find her a private cell and refrain from any advanced interrogation for at least three days."

In his mind, Magnus breathed a guarded sigh of relief. With his brother's connections, he was confident he could obtain her release. He only hoped he could manage it before any might identify her and betray her involvement in Dulane's death. Even Torvald's name and reputation would not be enough to spare her should that happen.

"Bring the creature forward," the officer said. "She will need to be bound for the journey."

Magnus nodded. "Come, slave!" he ordered as if he were entirely disinterested and merely annoyed at the inconvenience of the officer's insistence he temporarily relinquish his property.

Alice didn't move at his command. Magnus could see the terror in her eyes. She was certain he would abandon her, that much was clear. She was convinced he was already willing to betray his vow of protection. Indeed he too was anxious at the idea of letting these men take her into their custody, but there was truly no other option.

Magnus wished he could give her his assurance that he would not leave her to die without a fight, but instead he frowned deeply. Turning around, Magnus stalked to Alice's frozen figure and grabbed her shoulders roughly forcing her to face him head on.

"You will do as I say!" he boomed. "Do you understand? Your former master assured me you were obedient. If you cannot be so perhaps I will leave you with the authorities."

Alice looked up at him for a moment. He could see the tears in her eyes, threatening to fall as she held his gaze.

"Please," she whispered. "Please help me." Even theses pleas seemed weaker now, tired and defeated, as if she had already given up. Magnus had not.

"I will save you, Alice, " he breathed, even as he raised a hand as if to strike her. "I swear it."

She nodded her head, but he could see his vow had no effect on her fear.

"Forgive me, Master," she answered, responding to his threat and not his words of assurance. She shrunk in on herself, cowering from his feigned wrath.

Letting his hand fall Magnus took Alice's arm tightly in his grasp, dragging her forward. He could feel her resisting but they had no choice but to cooperate with the authorities. Seeing the approaching men, however, Magnus began to question his decision to comply so readily.

The officer's assistants had retrieved a variety of threatening, heavy metal shackles from their van. There was no question Alice would soon be entirely at their mercy and it seemed clear already that these men had no mercy to offer.

Alice stood obediently, without complaint as they fastened the restraints around her neck and feet, binding her hands with course rope. Magnus could only imagine how frightened she must be. She looked so small under the weight of her bonds. So helpless and vulnerable.

As they shoved her into the back of the car Magnus saw Alice's eyes following him. He could practically hear her still begging silently for help. Magnus held her gaze until the door shut and tried to project as much comfort as he could. Have faith. I will get you back.

"Come with me, Mr. Kendrick," the officer said, offering him a seat alongside the other sibla men. Magnus nodded and followed, but in his mind all he could see was Alice's frightened expression, her body in chains. He knew he could not rest until she was free.


So things don't look good for Alice at the moment...You didn't really think I'd make it so easy for her and Magnus did you? I'm not that nice...hehehe. But now the question stands...What happened next?? Alice is in the custody of the authorities and they seem determined to make her pay for her crimes. She is in quite a tight spot and only Magnus can get her out of it. But how?? You will have to wait for the next glimpse into the past to find out.

Monday's chapter takes us back to the present again and Rachel's pov. Wonder how she's doing now that Judith and Sarah are gone...

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