Hard Out Here

By NauticaMaignan

41.8K 1.5K 257

It's hard out here for a prostitute, that's why I have to get out, Feel me? More

Hard Out Here
Let Me Show You
I'm Gone
Make It
A Crack In The Perl
What You Don't Know
And we all fall down
Still Falling
Bye Summer
Many Men Wish Death Upon Me
Hard Knock Life
Catching Wind
April Fools
Back Like I Never Left
No Way Out
The Big Pay Back
Sister Or Foe
"Fuck Her!" -Jade
Last of The Real


1.7K 83 17
By NauticaMaignan


"Oh shit Work, she's up", Summer brushed her fingers over my forehead like she was checking if I had a fever. I could hear, I could see. I could breath. Instead of thanking lucky stars that I knew weren't there, I thanked God. Somebody was really trynna take me out of here, but who could it be?

Doctors and nurses filled my room but my mind was on other things. Who the Fuck was so mad at me that they tried to kill me? My eyes widened at the thought of money coming back from the dead. Nah, this medicine they put in my I.V got me trippin on the real. The other girls I use to hoe with? Nah I didn't have beef with any of them. Jade? Nah she not that stupid, plus Cleveland and I are only friends. Thinking about this shit made my head hurt.

"Hey", Work smiled down at me looking like the angel he was. He brushed his thumb across my lips and gave me a friendly peck on my cheek. Well, that was a disappointment. I couldn't tell you how many nights I planned on him and I being together.

"Hey"  I answered back weakly.

"Bitch I thought you were a goner. You didn't hear me calling you when you dropped your phone? Good thing you didn't hang up, otherwise I wouldn't have known or been able to call the police", Summer looked concerned, that's my girl.

"I had no idea you were still on the phone. I thought you were still getting cum squirted in your eyeballs", I tried to make joke of the situation at hand.

Summer giggled. "Girl please", Work looked at summer like she was crazy. I see what she was doing, she was trying to play it off.

I looked over my body which didn't have any patches anywhere thank God. I could get back to work as soon as possible. But do I really want to go back to work? Somebody who tried to kill me was still on the loose.

"Who got me out?", I asked Sumner.

"I heard a fire fighter say your neighbor found you passed out in the kitchen, he covered you in a thick wool blanket and moved you out. You better give him some booty for saving your life". Only Summer.

"Girl please", I had to roll my eyes at that. "How does my house look?".

"Your whole living room is done, but your room is fine. I don't think none of your clothes were touched", Cleveland said.

"What the hell am I going to do now? I don't want to spend any of my money, I need it for my business", the brim of my eyes stared to swell up with tears. This shit could not be happening, and at the worst Fucking time.

"You can start with me", Summer offered.

"So I can hear you Fucking all the time? I think not", Summer gotta chill.

"Or you can stay with me". I looked at Cleveland like he was crazy. Stay with him and Jade? Nah.

"I'm good, I don't need Jade all in my business".

"Jade doesn't live with me anymore, she moved out the day you started working for me". I looked up at him then, really? Was this happening?

"I don't want to be a bother", bitch stop, this is your chance to show him your interested. Even Summer gave me the stank eye like I was crazy, Damn. If he offered again I'll Damn sure accept in a heart beat.

"I insist", YES!

"Of course she will. I'll drop her off when they discharge her from the hospital", Summer spoke up for me. Oh Damn, I wonder what's going to come out of this.


After the police harassed me, Summer drove me to Works house, not apartment, but house. That shit was dope too, both of our mouths hung open like we was waiting for dick to enter.

"This shit bad", Summer whispered to me and I definitely agreed.

Works house hedges were cut all around his whole house like a long ass never ending square, the snow was so even on his lawn it didn't make any sense.His mini mansion had all around glass windows from the floor up, how did this nigga get any privacy? I could see Work clear as day in his living room playing a game system, his flat screen sat mounted on the wall above his brick fire place that was lit, it looked so cozy and new school.

"Okay, before you go in there, I gotta tell you something", Summer turned her body towards me. "I know who set your apartment on fire".

"WHO?" I Damn neared scream, Summer gave me a look like I better shut the Fuck up before these white folks around us call the cops.

"Jade and Icy".

"Jade? Nah, she ain't crazy. I already whooped her ass. How you know?", this shit was too much. Jade?

*Same night Ada house caught fire, at the Stripper joint*


"I know, I feel so bad for my girl. I'm too glad she made it out though". I was talking to a co worker at the Stripper joint, my girl Ada house just caught fire and I was not feeling that shit. I asked Icy for a night off but his gay ass wasn't feeling that shit. If Ada didn't tell me to keep that shit to my self, I would have been exposed him for the fag he really was.

"Damn, is she gonna be back?", the girl asked concerned.

"I'm not sure, but this shit with Icy making me mad. I'm about to tell this homo about himself". The stripper gave me a confused look, oops. Me and my big mouth. Fuck it, I'm heated, I marched out the strippers locker room and made my way to Icy office.

I pushed his door with so much force only to find no one inside. Looking around his office, this shit was way too neat for him to be a dude. Everything was spotless, not a Damn thing crooket. Sitting behind his glass desk, I mistakenly moved the mouse in his desk, his screen came alive and a video showed.

"Gayxxxx.com? " This nigga was really gay, "let's see this shit", I press play.

The shit I seen I could not make up, a boy girl looking dude was riding another dude, and all of a sudden, his Damn wig fell off. I covered my mouth trying to contain my laughter, yo this shit is hilarious. I noticed the area around them looked exactly like the Stripper joint main floor, what the Fuck? The two gay lovers changed positions and the he she lover came into view.

"Icy is one nasty nigga", I shook my head as I watched Icy bang the dude from the back, clearly enjoying himself. I sent the video too my email when I heard Jade loud ass in the hallway.

"Shit Fuck shit Fuck", I returned the screen back the way it was and tried my best to put the mouse how it was before. Now how the Fuck was I suppose to get out of here?


"Shhh Jade, stop being so loud", Icy tried to calm a drunk Jade. Jade was all over the place, she was nasty drunk, just outta order.

"Shut the Fuck up, you don't tell me what to do", she slurred. Jade tried to balance herself but only fell in the chair facing Icy desk. "I can't believe that bitch not dead", Jade started to cry loud boo hoo's and hid her drunken face in her hands.

I covered my mouth trying my hardest not to laugh or breath too heavy, this was some real trap in the closet R.Kelly type shit.

"She doesn't know who did it, we good", that caught my attention. So these two bitches set my girl apartment on fire? It took everything out of me not to jump out the closet and cuss them the Fuck out for my girl. I swear, this bitch Jade took it too far now, she obviously didn't learn from that ass whoopin she got a couple months ago.

"I want her gone Icy, you here me?", she slurred, "G O N, gone!". This bitch couldn't spell.

"I'll see what I can do alright? Just relax and come show daddy some love".

Jade eyed Icy Seductively and crawled over to him. Unzipping his pants, she spit all over his dick and sucked it up. Daaaaaamn, this bitch is freakier than me!

*back to Summer and Ada in the car*


This shit not right. I say in the passenger seat of Summer car letting the story she just told me sink in. Icy and Jade? Fucking? Trying to kill me?

"I need to get some rest, do you think you can send me that video?"

"Already sent girl, you know I got chu", Summer was a ride or die and I appreciated that.

"And I need her number"

"Who number?"

"You know"

Summer shook her head like she understood and pulled out a pen and napkin from her purse and wrote down the number I needed.

"I'll holla", I gave my girl a half hug and pulled my suit case from the back seat and made my way to the front porch.

"Hey you", Work smiled and pulled me in a tight embrace, warming up my whole body. Damn this man feels good. "I'll take you to the guest room", and that he did.

When I was settled, I picked up the cordless phone on the night stand and dialed the number Summer slipped me.

"Hello?", she sounds like a Damn hood rat.

"Hi, is this Sharice?", I played with my chip nails, anxious to get this phone call over and done with.

"Yes, and you are?", Sharice snapped.

"Just know, your man Icy a under cover faggot".


"Who the Fuck is this? Bitch don't be calling my phone cause you Fucking my baby daddy..."

"You have a email? I'll send your dumb ass the video", I was losing my patience, I was also eager to see the video for my self even though I seen it in person. It still didn't seem real that Icy was gay.

She gave me her email, I sent.





"What are you talking about? Where did you get that video? Who sent that to you", I smiled at the sound of Icy voice, yup, job done.

I hung up the phone and closed my lap top just as a light knock came to the door. A woman peeked her head and gave me a warm smile. "You must be Ada, how are you holding up? I heard about the awful incident", she looked concern. I automatically I liked her, she was a beautiful girl really. Medium toned skin, about 5'6 with the brightest eyes and amazing honey brown hair.

"Oh thank you, I'm fine really. Thank you for asking", I smiled just to let her know everything was all good. Who is this girl?

"Just call me or a Cleveland if you need anything at all".

"Excuse me, but who are you?". Me or Cleveland? Did I hear miss wide eyes right?

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Sabrina, Cleveland's girlfriend".

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