his prophecy

By courtneyrush756

176K 7.3K 975

15+ age due to blood. Completed! Young, and unique. Rose, is her name. She is the most loving person anyone c... More

book read out x
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
To My Amazing Readers/Sequal
Bonus chap 1!
Bonus chap 2!
the perfect prose awards 2017
just joined the flora awards

Chapter 13

4.3K 213 16
By courtneyrush756

Updated! :)

Rose's pov

We're now in Rick's room. It's now nighttime. This is going to be fun. I look at Damian who has a grin plastered on his face. We sneak up to Ricks lovely bed.

First we got this glue that can't come off unless you get a special remover.

First we put a dark red shade over his lips and spread it out to the sides to roughly around the mid section of his cheeks. Afterwards, we put the glue layer on top so the lip stick can't wash off.

Then we put the whitest powder we could find into the glue, so it smooths over his face, then the same with his eye shadow but a black colour. Now here is the best part.

Me and Damian snuck into Rick's attached bathroom, we found what we were looking for... Ricks fave shampoo.

I unscrew the lid and hold it out so Damian could pour green hair dye in. We gave it a shake and put it back.

The best thing about the container was that you couldn't see inside, and the hair dye washes out after a week of washes, or if you wash it over and over and over again.

We sneak back out and shut the door before making sure we left everything the way it was before we came in. Yes obviously we took pictures.

Now time to go to bed.

Me and Damian high five and I feel the sparks making me and him smile. I say a good night and he says good night. Then I find the closest spare room.

I laid in the bed which was comfy but... I couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning but nothing. I felt lonely...which was odd.

It was warm but not the warm I wanted.
I climb out of bed, and walk down the hall and found the door I wanted.

I open-and-shut it quietly. Tiptoeing to the bed, I climb in and felt better and at ease. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me closer.

My face rested against his chest, slowly snuggling into his neck. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked.

"No...you?" I question back, my eyes still shut.

"Same...but now I feel..." he trails off and I knew what he was going to say.

"Better?" I finish for him. A silence passes before he responds.

"Yeah..." I hesitated but then said the same as him. "Good night, my little Rose"

"Good night, Damian" then sleep came a lot quicker...


I got up and didn't see Damian next to me. I went to call out until I felt a hand on my lips. "Shh" I nodded and said "what's happened? Is Rick up?"

"Just got up, and his bathroom is next door to this, then his room is next door to that" I nod and say "So it's his room, then his bathroom, then your room, then the bathroom and then all the other rooms scattered around?"

He nods and I nod back. Damn that's a lot.

Soon we stopped when we heard the shower next door start to run. We heard faint mumbling and left our--Damian's room and trotted down stairs...

After a good half an hour, all was silent. Then a door shut, then another opened, he must be in his room, then the door shuts.

After 10 minutes, a scream that sounded like a squeal was heard. We both grinned at each other with our phones ready.

As soon as we saw him come down stares and was in clear view of us we took pictures.

"My hair! My face! What happened?"
We are laughing and obviously I was laughing the most and was rocking back and forth.

"It was his idea to get you back...but it was my idea to do all that" I said laughing and I heard Damian saying that it was awesome.

"I look like the J-" he starts, but then Damian cut in.

"Joker? Yes" said Damian followed by me "don't blame me next time, cause I'll do it again, also good luck you need a lot of washes to get that out"

He was gone within seconds and another half an hour his hair was back to normal "Now I have to buy my fave shampoo again"

We laughed again and he said "why won't the makeup come off?"

"I used glue and mixed it with the make up" I said and Damian said "genius and I didn't even think of that" I smiled.

"Where's the remover" he asks panicked. Aw poor Rickster.

"We don't have one, you have to go to the shop" Damian informs. "Really?" He wined.

"Yep" Damian said.

"OK I'll be back soon, then I'm not talking to you guys" Rick said, while crossing his arms.

"OK" we said in unison. He looked at us and ran out the door.

When he was gone Damian took his phone out and said "wait here I've got a surprise for you, all you need to do is call him when I say so"

"Got it" I reply.

Then Damian was gone and I waited.

"I have some glue removal under my bed, just ring him up now and tell him so"

"People are gonna...ohh gotcha"

I dial Ricks number and he instantly pics up.

Rick, Rose,

"What's up?....we have some glue remover here, come back...are you serious? Do you know how many people have seen me?"

I could tell he was trying to be serious and not laugh.

"OK, but I'll find out soon, maybe, if you hurry up...on my way...OK, ciao"

Then I hung up.

Few minutes later I heard the door go and then the window. "I'm back" yelled a voice down stares and I looked to the window to see Damian standing next to me.

"You followed him didn't you?" I ask.


"And you took a video didn't you?" I ask next.

"Of coarse" he said with a grin and held his phone up. Suddenly mine beeped and I looked to see a video.

Opening it up, I see people watching Rick, even trying to take pics, but they missed his face, some was even laughing.

Then in comes Rick. He saw us watching my phone and he said:

"He followed me didn't he?"

"Yep" Followed by:

"He took a video didn't he?"

"Of course" I say, exactly how Damian answered.

We sat down on the sofa and he said "where is the remover?"

"Taped to the ceiling" Damian said "what one?" He questions.


"When did you do that?" I asked and he said "just before I came through the window" I smiled. And then Rick left to his room...

We burst out laughing, and I was laughing so hard that I happened to end up laying on Damian's lap. When I stopped and realized, I shot up as quick as a bullet.

"Sorry, I uhh..." I stutter making him show a boyish grin.

"It's fine" I raise my hand for a high five and he returned it, and I felt the sparks. Smiling I pull away and rub my eyes. Then I yawn.

"You tired?" He asks. "Nope, you?" I ask back.

"Nope...would you like to watch a movie?" He questions. "Sure" I respond.

The movie was on for about 30 minutes then I felt tired. I was sat next to Damian, then I felt my head resting on his shoulder as my eyes closed.

One arm slid under my legs and the other under my back. He carried me with ease, bridal style all the way to his room, and laid me down on his bed.

He tucked me in and was about to leave when I said "stay...please" he turned and smiled and slid in next to me.

Sighing I snuggle next to him...

Damian pov

The prank on me was...actually funny, but I'm not so use to kindness...only from Rick. I don't make others happy, I do the opposite and I love it...

But that's changing. Rose. She's changing me, the prophecy is becoming true, not myth. I can feel the whole in my chest slowly starting to fill every time I'm with her...

But do I want to change? For her? Nearly definitely....

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