Travlyn *discontinued*

By midnightwolf1877

1.7K 76 80

Travis & Kateyln = Travlyn Travis and Katelyn are polar oppisites. But Travis likes Kateyln... Kateyln on the... More

The Invite
Party Part 1; Meeting tha peoples
Party Part 2; Truth or Dare
Party Part 3; Sleepover?


252 12 19
By midnightwolf1877

Travis' POV
I woke up the next morning with Katelyn sleeping next to me. I stared at her for a little bit... she looked so innocent and pretty... I snapped out of my daze and got off the couch to see Laurence, Cadenza, Aaron and Eli up making a huge breakfast for everyone. "Whoa! What are you guys making? Breakfast for a queen?" "Yes..." Eli responds sarcastically, "The flipping Queen of England is coming to this humble abode." Cadenza laughs. "My famous pancakes are ready!" Laurence yells waking up Zane who gives him evil eyes. "You blabbering buffoon! I need my BEAUTY SLEEP!" "pfft no kidding..." Laurence snickers. Skyler wakes up after shortly after Zanes little rant and Zane looks down at her with soft eyes. "I smell pancakes!" Skyler hollers while running over to the kitchen table to feast. "I finished the french toast!" Eli screamed. Amber wakes up and immediately yells, "FOOOOOOD!!!!" as she also runs over to the table. Laurence laughs but then looks over at the sleeping Aphmau and sighs. hm... what's going on with that?  Soon after all the food is finished being made Aphmau, Garroth, Dante and Jeffory wake up and start digging in. I look back over at Katelyn sigh... sleeping like an angel... well an angel that drools at least.

Katelyn's POV
When I wake up it's about 12:00 and I smell Laurence's delicious pancakes! I run as fast as I can over to the table. Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, Cadenza, Laurence, Amber, Skyler, Zane, Eli, Dante, Jeffory and Travis all sitting and eating. Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda are STILL sleeping. Geez, I thought I slept late. I sat down in the middle of Aaron and Amber, because there was no room next to Aphmau because of Laurence and Garroth. Ugh they need to stop trying so hard... she totally likes Aaron
sorry Garmau & Laurmau fans... #plot
As they both attempt to 'woo' Aphmau I dig into the pancakes!! Heh... maybe if Travis could cook like this... HA nope JK NOT HAPPENING! My thoughts we interrupted by none other than Travis ugh what does he want "Could you please pass the syrup Lady Kateyln~" He asks. I responded by passing him the syrup.

Aphmau's POV
....well no one is talking soooo maybe I can start a conversation! "Sooo... what's everyone's plans for today? Anything interesting or fun?" Irene that was dumb... but maybe it'll spark a conv- "Skyler, Eli and I will probably finish decorating our house and that means shopping... yayyyy sarcasm" Amber states. "Well maybe we could help you! I mean you must need someone to carry all the heavy stuff for you ladies~" Dante replies trying to flirt. He's just asking to be beaten to the pulp... "Excuse me?!" Eli, Skyler and Amber all yell at once. "DUDE REALLY?!" Katelyn screams. "Whaaaat? I'm t-" Dante starts but is interrupted by none other than Garroth, "Heh... excuse him he's really bad with talking to girls, what he MEANS is we could assist you with shopping for decorations or whatever if you would like us to." He says politely. "Thanks you GARROTH, if you guys want to, you can." Eli replies. "We'd love to, especially since Dante was such a jerk." Laurence adds before punching Dante in the gut. "OW I SAID I WAS SORRY!" I laughed Dante is so stupid sometimes "Well while you guys are going shopping, I'm going to get ready for our annual GIRLS NIGHT!!" "What's that?" Skyler asks innocently. At that very moment Lucinda wakes up saying, "Pfft only the most fun you'll ever have!" "Yeah but they'll make you play Truth or Dare and other stuff..." Katelyn interrupts. "Katelyn~Sama! That's not ALL we do!" Kawaii~Chan whines wait when did she get up...? "Yeah! First we go out to a nice restaurant and eat, then we go back to Aphmau's house and watch a movie, after that we usually play something like Just Dance or we do Karaoke... then finally we do truth or dare before we go to sleep!" Cadenza explains. "All of that while us guys have our guys night... which is way better." Travis brags. Aaron rolls his eyes and Garroth elbows Travis in the side. HA Travis must be lying... that or they don't want us getting any ideas "Whatever, I doubt it... but anyway, would you like to join us tonight girls?" Katelyn asks Eli, Skyler and Amber. Amber looks at Eli and Skyler, who nod "Yeah! That'd be really fun! I can't wait!!" Amber finally says. All the girls scream and hug them... besides Katelyn who only smiles before saying, " Awesome! See ya tonight."

Travis's POV
Oh Irene... the guys are going to kill me! Ok I MAY have lied about our guys night being.... 'better' than the girls AND now the girls are probably going to pull some prank on us or something. ughhhhh Aaron is giving me the evil eyes... i'm so dead

Garroth' POV
HES SUCH AN IDIOT! We all weren't going to tell the girls we have a guys night! They're going to totally crash it... unless... HA! I HAVE AN IDEA! ohhh~ this is going to be so FUN!

Shopping timeeee!

Skyler's POV
The guys we're pretty nice and we found everything we needed. Now the hard part... bringing it into our house. "Ok back, back... AH NO GARROTH THE DOOR!" Amber screams before Garroth slams into the door... breaking it, ugh great. "DANTE!" Amber continued, "YOU DIDNT OPNE THE DOOR!" "I WAS GETTING THE LAMP!" This would've been hilarious if our door wasn't just demolished. Thank goodness we had a spare... don't ask why. "ugh...?" Eli grunts while carrying a desk. "Need some help bebe~" Travis flirts to Eli. oooh! He's dead Eli calmly set down the desk, looked Travis right in the eye, and punched him square in the nose. "OW!" Travis hollered as he clutched his nose. "DONT call me bebe!" Eli told him as she picked up the desk and carried it inside.

~•Time Skip until everything is brought in and put in the right places•~

Amber's POV
We thanked the guys and gave them some of Skyler's delicious cupcakes to thank them. "Ok what should we wear to 'girls night'? They said they go to a fancy restaurant so maybe something nice... but not dress nice." I thought out loud. "Ok that's simple enough..." Eli responded. "I know EXACTLY what to wear! I just got it when we went shopping for the move." Skyler added. "Perfect! Be ready by 5!" AH! I'm so excited!!

At 5:00
When I walked downstairs, Skyler was laying on the couch watching her favorite show... My Little Horseys (😂).

Skyler is wearing...

"Wow Sky! You look fabulous!!" I exclaimed. "Thanks! WOW Amber! Where did you get that?" Skyler asked. "When we went to Pineapple Republic. lol i just made that up" I replied. "It's cuuuteeee!" Skyler yelled. "i'm NOT cute✌️" I added, " I just slay 🤘" We both laughed as Eli ran down the stairs.

Amber is wearing...

We both gasped, "Eli! You look stunning!!" Eli laughed and said, "uh-huh, and our house is made of gingerbread." "pfft give yourself some credit! You look nice!" I protested.

Eli is wearing....

"Ok are we all ready to go?" I asked. "H*ll yeah!"Eli screamed. We all laughed and walked out of the house.

Laurence's POV
I noticed Amber, Eli and Skyler heading out of their house to Aphmau's house. They look fabulous... and I being the Casanova I am noticed the lovely short-shorts Amber was wearing.
Really Laurence?
Laurence: What! I can't help that I'm a Casanova and I liiiiiike you
Put a cork in it lover-boy~
Laurence: pfft you love me
Anyway... I decided to go talk to them, because I am a wonderful gentlemen. "Hey girls!" I hollered at them. "Oh hey Laurence." Amber replied... blushing?! Does she... no, I must just be make-up or some girl product "Are you guys headed to Aphmau's?" "Yeah! Girls night!! Whoop-whoop!!" Skyler enthusiastically yelled. I laughed and added, "Well I won't hold you up any longer, have fun tonight!" "We will... say, don't you guys have a 'guys night' or something like that?" Eli inquired. Crap I was hoping they wouldn't bring that up... "Yeah, honestly it's not as fun as Travis made it seem. We just eat, play video games and talk about stuff." "Cool! But we should probably get going... see ya around Laurence!" Amber yelled before walking off with Eli and Skyler to Aphmau's house. Amber was so adorable... but Aphmau.... Aphmau is the one I love-right?

Katelyn's POV
Amber, Eli and Skyler finally showed up and we headed out to the diner. "So... where are we going?" Amber asked. "The notorious 'Olive Garden'!" Aphmau yelled enthusiastically. "I've never been to Olive Garden..." Eli confessed. "Neither have I..." Amber and Skyler also said worriedly. "WHAT?!" We all screamed. "But... it's the best restaurant in the WORLD!" Nicole insisted. "Ok yep we are DEFINITELY going to Olive Garden, you will LOVE it!" Katelyn stated before dragging everyone into Aphmau's van and driving off to Olive Garden.

~To be continued (next chapter)~

Hope you enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!! 160 reads!! Thanks so much for the support and u should ALL go check out my other book called MyStreet Truth or Dare

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