Twisted || Bronnor/Trames (Th...

By katherynxelise

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Connor Samuel John Ball, a 16-year-old boy from Birmingham, is done with life. His parents are forcing him to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
announcement (ish)
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New book!

Character ask answers!

323 11 56
By katherynxelise

~ BRAD ~

Lisasam_ asks: Hay, Brad! you drove to your house at midnight to break into your own room and break connors leg. this could possibly mean a) your stupidly silly or b) you're pretty much in love with someone who's not tristan. :)
[don't even deny it boy...]

Or c) I wanted to apologise to Connor as soon as I can...I'm not going to deny it, I care for him too much, I don't like it when I see him really down, especially if I'm the cause of his pain. But, you're right - I am stupidly silly.

HarayaTolentino asks: Do you (deep down) like Connor, as in like like???

I'm not sure. I'm currently confused about my feelings now. All I know is that I love my family, Jesse, Tristan and yeah, maybe I do love Connor...surely just as a friend. I'm starting to like James as a friend, as well.

HarayaTolentino asks: When did you and Tris get together???

I think T and I got together about a year and a half ago, around three months after I came out.

HarayaTolentino asks: When will you realize that Connor actually likes you??

Connor likes me? I don't think he does. Why would he like someone who made his life more miserable?

HarayaTolentino asks: How come you keep denying the fact that you have a teensy crush on Condor

Me? A crush on Connor? Well, I probably just miss Tristan's cuddles and kisses, which I'm excited to feel soon! *fingers crossed*


Lisasam_ asks: hey, Con, what would you say if I told you james isn't sure about the things he feels towards you? like, if it's just friendship-love or even a little bit more :D

I wouldn't believe you, of course - James is basically the smartest guy I ever know, the only thing that he's unsure of is if he'll have the highest A-Levels results. I'm sure that he loves me as a friend, though.

HarayaTolentino asks: When did you start liking Brad and what intrigued you the most about him??

I liked Brad ever since secondary school started, which is basically the time when I first saw him. I don't really know why - something about him just made him so attractive. His charm and personality really stood out to me.

HarayaTolentino asks: When, where and how did you meet James??

James and I met at the second day of secondary school. Kath and I were being bullied because we hung out a lot, then he came to the rescue. He became best friends with Kath and I two months later, though.

~ KATH ~

Lisasam_ asks: Kath! first at all I wish I would have a friend like you are one to connor.
now I would wonder, how does this whole magic thing work? Do you like.. have to marry someone who has the same powers? are there rules? If you'd get a child, would it have powers, too? :'D

I'm going to explain this in the least complicated way possible, because it's pretty complicated whatever way. The whole 'magic thing' is hereditary. It's an extremely rare gene, and anyone can have it, but they won't be expressed unless both of the person's parents have and/or express it. The strength of the person's powers depends on their parents. In my case, all of my direct grandparents, who all came from parents who don't express BUT have the gene, express it, which means that while my mum and dad have stronger powers than my grandparents, I have stronger powers than all of them. Some of the basic rules we have are (1) No one other than those who carry the gene should know about it, that if someone does find out about it, it's okay if they found out themselves; (2) No one should be deeply disturbed by the consequences of the spell; and (3) The magic should not be used to multiply things (which sucks because I love eating chips and I can't multiply the chips or the money I have to buy them). Going back to your wish, seeing that you could possibly be deeply disturbed if I grant it (I personally think that I'm an annoying friend who greatly disturbed Connor while he was singing), I will not grant it, although I have high hopes for you that you will find a good, definitely waaaay better than me, friend soon

HarayaTolentino asks: What's gonna happen after you, like, reverse the spell??

I can't tell you exactly, but I can tell you this (and I don't mean to advertise) - keep on reading! I mean, you've read my fate - but don't worry, the boys' fates are things that are definitely worth reading, I hope...blame Kat and Dani if they're not.


I didn't sacrifice my life - I just dealt with the punishment of granting a wish, that had major consequences, using a very powerful spell. We're trying to slowly eradicate our species, as well, because we have been labeled as 'dangerous'.


HarayaTolentino asks: Did you ever find yourself thinking about Tris??

I've been thinking about him all the time, especially whenever I recall the topic that I'm about to teach him. Priorities aside, I have been thinking about Tris ever since the hospital incident, I'm very happy that he's doing well now.

HarayaTolentino asks: When did you start liking Con and why???

I don't really know when, exactly - I just spent one day with him and thought 'oh, I think I like Con' and I guess that's because he's really nice and attractive.

HarayaTolentino asks: Why do you like Connor if you know you have no chance with him??

I know I've got no chance, but I won't lose anything if I try, right? Plus, you can't stop yourself from liking someone, the feeling will just go away on its own.


HarayaTolentino asks: Are you starting to have, like, a small crush on James??

Small crush? I love Brad. James is probably only making me remember all the good times I had with he?

fxckingbrad95 says: Get with James instead of Brad , you obviously really like James

Even if I do like James, I don't think he'll like me back because I'm basically his best friend's bully. Though it's possible, it would be very weird.

HarayaTolentino asks: Are you feeling something different towards James??

Maybe? I don't really know. But if you're asking me about my brother, James, then I guess no, I'm not feeling anything different towards him.

~ KAT ~

HarayaTolentino asks: Why are you so good at writing??

*laughs* Honestly, I personally think that I'm not a good writer (I've been reading back - the mistakes per chapter make me cringey af and it makes me want to edit this already but it's not finished yet so yeahhh). But, I guess the reason why I'm 'good' is because I'm not the only one who writes this fanfic, I have Dani to help me and my boyfriend to motivate me all the time 😊

HarayaTolentino asks: who's ur bae in The Vamps??

CONNOR ALL THE WAY! Although I love them all unCONditionally (I'm not PUNny, I know...) What about you? 😊

HarayaTolentino asks: When did you start liking The Vamps??

I officially fangirled over then after their 2015 concert in Manila (I was there!). Dani introduced them to me in late 2014, though. I got major LSS over Somebody to You, but I didn't listen to any of their other songs until that day. Looking back, I regret not listening to them earlier!

HarayaTolentino asks: What are you're other fandoms besides The Vamps???

Tributes, Potterheads, Hutchers, Lawsbians, Directioners, Tiders and Vamily, of course! Although, I am more of a book fan - aside from the books I fangirl over, I also love The Mortal Instruments series, Divergent series, 39 clues series, Artemis Fowl series, The Maze Runner series, Percy Jackson & The Olympians series, All the John Green Books, All the Rainbow Rowell Books (I made Dani read Fangirl and that's where we initially got the inspiration to write Twisted!), and many more books! (The Vamps: Our Story: 100% Official included, of course)

~ DANI ~

HarayaTolentino asks: Why didn't I see you at the concert??? 😂

😂 I don't know either! I actually stayed for a bit at the venue after the concert (I think almost everyone did lol) and tried to look for you, based on the pictures of you that I saw on Facebook (I'm not a stalker, I promise!) but then I wasn't able to and we had to leave because the security guards were telling us to...anyway, I was #420, what about you?

HarayaTolentino asks: What are your other fandoms besides The Vamps??? (same question I asked Dani😂)

Tributes, Potterheads, Hutchers, Lawsbians, Directioners, Tiders, BTBfam, NHCfam, Team Grimmie and the Vamily, of course! I'm a big music fan, as well, I listen to a lot of artists (mainly bands) but I don't really fangirl over them that much, so I personally think that I'm not exactly part of their fandom.

HarayaTolentino asks: How did you meet Dani??

We were both The Hunger Games fan accounts, then we tweeted each other, then it continued in the DMs, and now, here we are, almost 2 and a half years later! Weirdly enough, even though we're from the same country, we haven't really seen each other personally. We've done all our talking over Twitter and Wattpad...we actually have a draft here where we talk to each other!

~ YOU (yeah, you!) ~

katherynxelise asks: You're sooooo awesome and amazing! How are you finding the story so far? What are some points that you'd like us to improve on to make your reading experience better? Also, do you think we're evil?

-please comment your answer here!-

lilmissnutcracker asks: Hi, we've never met but I think you're awesome and I want you to have a good day 7 days a week because you deserve it, ily to the Andromeda galaxy and back 😊 my only question for you is...what's your all-time favourite The Vamps song/s? (you can comment their whole album/unreleased songs if you want 😂)

-please comment your answer here!-


HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you so much for sending in your questions/messages, we love you and never change because you're awesome the way you are! We had such a blast answering them, to be honest, and it was a bit of a challenge, as well, but we loved it. We hope you loved it, too!

~ Kat and Dani :)

P.S.: The 'you' part basically contains the questions we have for may or may not answer them 😊😊😊

Published: obviously not on 01/01/17
Updated: mehh we're keeping this 'fetusness' to look back on something when we're bored 10 years later

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