Whispers In The Dark | Naruto

By kugoui

95.9K 4.7K 1.3K

❝ She was born in the darkness, ❞ Akita harbors a blackness in her heart, a slow and festering disease. She... More

『Before you read』
【 ARC i - Awakening 】
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【 ARC ii - Lacuna 】
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5.1K 295 89
By kugoui

Sparrow didn't know the first thing about raising a child. What was he supposed to feed her? How did he change a diaper without touching anything disgusting? When was he supposed to put her to sleep? Could he take her on missions?

In essence, he was a train wreak when it came to parenting. Not that he was ever going to be an actual parent, he was more of a guardian if anything, but when Sparrow was given a mission he intended to fulfill it to his best ability. It was how he was trained.

Now with news of the mother in a coma, who knows how long he'll be taking care of the child. He sat with legs crossed and Akita swaddled perfectly in a blue woolen blanket resting within his arms. The two stared at each other as if it were a contest, but it was Akita who blinked first. "Ha!" Sparrow shouted. "I win! You creepy little kid, you didn't stand a chance. I'll have you know people say I have the best stare out there. They call me 'staring sparrow.' " He boasted.

The yellow eyed child said nothing per usual. She just...watched him. "Stop staring at me." He deadpanned. A sigh deflated his lungs as his back arched in defeat. "You don't speak a lot, do you? I guess that's a good trait to have if you're gonna be a ninja—which you aren't." He said. "But it's not my say whether or not you become one, it's up to Hokage-sama."

With the way things were heading, politically and generally, more and more children were going to be recruited as young soldiers. War was coming, it was clear to see. At least in Sparrow's eyes it was. Relations with other shinobi countries had always been delicate. With the Land of Fire blazing brightly, it was a matter of time before those who felt intimidated by the flame would try to snuff it out.

Every able body was to be a soldier dedicated to protecting the Village Hidden in Leaves. It didn't matter how old you were or what gender you were, it was to be a drafting on such a large scale that it seemed impossible. But faith was something to behold, if every single ninja felt the need to protect the village they would be a force unstoppable.

Sparrow lifted himself off the ground with a small huff and walked over to the kitchen. It was time to feed Akita—the one thing he was actually sure he could do without asking a local mom for help. Babies drink milk for months right? The male opened his refrigerator and grabbed a pre-prepared bottle. To warm it up he put it in the microwave, waiting patiently for it to finish.

For a moment, he wondered how Akita would grow as a citizen of the village. He hated to admit it, but her darker skin was going to be a topic of bullying sooner or later. The Village Hidden in Leaves was generally a safe and welcoming place, but when it came to people who were too different, it could become quite the opposite. Sparrow wouldn't allow that to happen but he had no power to stop an entire village. He could teach Akita to defend herself, though.

"Akita...you probably don't understand a single word I'm saying right now, but I'm going to say it anyways. Always be kind. Never, never hurt other people, even if they hurt you. Got it?"

He stared down at the child cradled in his arms intently, as if he were going to get an answer. She merely smiled and wiggled around. Sparrow shook his head and chuckled under his breath. "Right, you can't speak yet."

He carried on the normal tasks required to take care of a child until he was summoned to the Hokage's office. The male quickly slid on his mask and scooped the child in his arms, using a common transportation jutsu to appear in his office. " Hokage-sama, you requested me?" He asked from a kneeling position.

The young man that retained such a high title removed the brown and gold pipe from his mouth, parting his lips to let a cloud of smoke drift in the air. "Yes. How has Akita been doing, Sparrow? Anything odd popping up?" He inquired. Sparrow shook his head, "nothing too concerning, Hokage-sama. The child—"

"Akita, have you forgotten?" The man chuckled.

"—Akita simply stares at everything in curiosity. I have a concern." Sparrow corrected himself, standing so that Akita would be comfortable. The Hokage turned and waited for him to continue. "She hasn't made a single noise since she's arrived. No crying, laughing...nothing. Is that normal, Hokage-sama?"

A child who doesn't cry? That certainly was odd. "No, it isn't. Perhaps she is suffering trauma from her arrival? If she keeps silent as she grows, she may be mute. How odd a girl..." the Hokage trailed off. He placed the pipe back into his mouth and smiled slightly. Sparrow nodded, thankful for the words his leader provided. "I have one last question, if you'll allow it."

The man nodded. Sparrow kept a straight face under his mask. "Will she be a ninja?" He asked. The Hokage hummed, pipe bobbing in his mouth.

"Perhaps....perhaps not. The future remains unclear. Whether or not she will be a ninja is something that will be discussed when the time comes. For now, let her grow as a civilian child. Let her experience what it is to be a child before she becomes a killer."

Sparrow didn't flinch, they were indeed killers. If Akita became like him...that was for her to decide. All they could do was wait.


Five years passed and all too quickly for Sparrow's liking. Five years of teaching Akita the wonders of the world and learning from her. The ANBU man suspected that she was an early prodigy, based on the way she picked up reading and writing so easily. Akita had yet to speak, which concerned Sparrow with every day that passed.

She never screamed when she fell, or when she was hungry. She never cried loudly when she scraped her knee—it was always silence from her.

Sparrow had never brought up the subject of being a ninja with her. He never once made an effort to teach her any skills, which was why he felt uneasy when he spotted her striking the old tree in the backyard with practiced ease. Where could she have learned taijutsu of the level she was at? From what he could gouge, her style was nothing like he'd ever seen.

The time for academy enrollment was drawing nearer. Only two weeks remained until official classes started. All incoming students were required to turn in paperwork a week before. Sparrow hadn't done anything for either school simply because he hadn't even brought up the option of ninja academy to her. He was planning to do so once she returned home.

The light haired male sat patiently with legs crossed over each other and a book in his hands. A pair of silver framed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his piercing blue eyes scanned over the words painting the pages neatly. Despite his fairly relaxed state, he was very aware of his surroundings. So, when the front door opened he didn't lift his head. He simply asked one question.

"Who did it?"

The couch dipped next to him and a pair of tiny arms wrapped around his waist and a dirty face buried itself in his side. A sigh passed his lips as he gently closed his book and rested a pale hand on her head comfortingly. "Was it the kids down in red light?"

Akita nodded, pulling away to sign. They teased me about my skin again. My eyes too. I didn't hurt them back though! I always try to listen to what you told me.

She seemed to become excited towards the end, giving him a bright, pearly smile. He didn't fail to notice the sharpness of her canines though. "What I told you? I tell you a lot of things, kid." He said. The black haired girl pursed her lips before signing again.

'Always be kind. Never, never hurt other people, even if they hurt you.' Remember? Gosh, papa, you're so forgetful.

Sparrow was taken aback, eyes staring widely at the girl. The only time he remembered telling her something like that was when she was a child. Did that mean she could....?

"You're full of surprises aren't you?" He chuckled. Akita grinned, nodding her head. Sparrow shook his head and stood up, ushering the small girl to the bathroom where the first aid kit was. Akita skipped to the bathtub and sat down, swinging her legs merrily. The male took out the small white box with a bright Red Cross in the middle, routinely wetting a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.

Akita didn't flinch when he cleaned her cuts and scrapes. It stung, yeah, but not that much. The two stayed in a comfortable silence while he cleaned her up. But Sparrow had a lot on his mind—mainly one thing in particular. He should ask her what she wanted to do now, before he or the Hokage forced her into a life she didn't want.

"Ne, Akita?" The girl tilted her head, showing that she was listening. Sparrow frowned slightly, pausing just before he was about to put a bandaid on her knee. "You'll be going to school soon," he began. "I need to know whether you want to attend the ninja academy or the civilian school. I need to complete your paperwork this week."

The yellow eyed girl blinked. She could be a ninja? Like her papa? Suddenly, her eyes filled with excitement as she weaved her hands into a jumble of signs. I want to be a ninja! I want to be just like you Papa! But... her expression seemed to become confused. Do you want me to be a ninja? You never talk about it. You haven't even taken me out to look at the weapons shop. Is it okay if I become a ninja?

Sparrow didn't know what to say. Just like him? He wasn't so sure that was a good thing. "Akita, it doesn't matter what I want you to be, it's what you want that matters to me. If you want to be a ninja, I won't stop you." He said. Akita brightened once again. "But! You have to promise to train hard and study hard. Just because you're smart doesn't mean you get to slack off!" He warned.

I'll be the best! Just you watch me, I'll make you proud! She beamed. Sparrow couldn't help but smile, stumbling back a bit when she embraced him in a hug. "I'm already proud of you, kid. No need to go stellar on me." He laughed, picking her up and padding down to her room. AWH! It's bedtime already? She asked with a pout. Sparrow nodded and dropped her onto the bed so that she bounced.

"No staying up to read! You think I can't see the light from under the covers but you're sorely mistaken missy." Akita huffed and turned her head away. It's not my fault the voices keep me up!

Sparrow paused. "Voices? Akita, what do you mean by voices?" He questioned, taking a seat on the bed and pulling her blanket up to her shoulders. Akita shook her head, brows furrowed. They told me not to tell you about them... I'm sorry papa. The young girl didn't like keeping things from Sparrow, but they said if she didn't keep quiet, there would be consequences.

A frown tugged his lips, she couldn't tell him? He suddenly felt worried. "It's alright Princess, you don't have to tell me. But if they say anything bothersome, you tell me alright?"

She nodded, giggling quietly as Sparrow gave her a kiss on the forehead. Goodnight papa! She waved to him. Sparrow smiled with a hand on the doorknob, ready to close the door. "Goodnight, Princess."

The male's expression fell to a stoney look as he padded down the hallway and into the living room. Ever since he had taken the mission to raise Akita, Sparrow had been getting attached to her far too much. He had initially promised himself he wouldn't get so close—that he would keep his distance. But...he couldn't help but see himself when he looked at her.

He had grown up without a mother, and had to raise himself. Sparrow couldn't let the same thing happen to Akita. Even though he couldn't quite fill in for a mother figure, he could be the father figure.

A tired sigh deflated his lungs once again as he fell back onto the couch, arm thrown over his oceanic eyes. Akita had chosen to become a ninja because she wanted to make him proud. God, what kind of influence was he?

Either way, he was to enroll her into the ninja academy. The Hokage had sent word that all available students be transferred to the academy as soon as possible. He was preparing for war far before it was rearing its head.

Either way...she would have been forced to go.

Akita is mute, this uses sign language to communicate.

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