Dark Heart -Sequel to White S...

By Queen-Ender

290 25 0

The Sequel to White Siblings- Its been six months... Six months of solitude for Hero, and six months for th... More

Chapter Two: The Plan
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: The Deal
Ghostly Remains
Broken Hearts
Storming The Castle Part 1
Storming the Castle Part 2

Chapter One: The Journal

51 3 0
By Queen-Ender


  I sat upon my new throne, made from dark crystal, a strong crystal that is nearly impossible to mold, and even more to break. I smiled as I looked at my table, which had a large map of Minecraftia on it. Almost half of it was covered in large black X's. It's been six months... six months  since Ender's death. Six months to control half of Minecraftia. My kingdom was at the heart, which I now call Demon's Keep.

   I felt a twinge of guilt as I stared at my map. Ender's Dead. I'm safe, right? No... Hero is my enemy, and she is just as bad as Ender. They are the only people in Minecraftia who have white auras. I sighed as the door creaked open, revealing Carl. He's changed a lot in six months.

    One of his ears was slit, and he had an eyepatch over his left eye. A long scar runs from his left eye to his now broadened jawline. He's more robust and athletic that the small boy I first selected.  He now deserves the title of General.  "Queen Vivian." he declared, kneeling a few feet away from me. " Yes, Carl? What do you have to report?" I had sent him and some troops to spy on an enemy post that's close to Demon's Keep. Carl cleared his throat.

   "They plan to attack in two days, at twilight." he said lowly. " I want all the troops alert and ready by tomorrow. Who knows how true your information is." I ordered softly. If I'm not careful, I'll loose the charm I have on them. I have to stay looking like the good guy... Carl nodded and left quickly, leaving me in silence. A haunting thought came to me, swirling in my head. I wish... I wish Ender was here..

~ Unknown POV ~

  I woke up with a sword and a journal. A name came easily to me, and it felt right. Crystal. Yes. My name is Crystal. That's all I can remember. The sword was to my left, glittering in the sun.  Just my length. It was perfect, made from iron.  As for the journal; it was it was padded with midnight colored scales. A small, purple pen was inside, along with several journal entries. 

    " My name is Ender." I  read aloud. " My sister is Hero, and we are the white siblings of the so-called evil entity. Nothing will ever change that, not even death. My journey has been long, but I know it is not finished. She will stop at nothing to make sure demons and Minecraftians serve her. Her reasons are still unknown to me. I must record my knowledge and this journey, so if I fail, perhaps someone else may succeed. "

 That was only the beginning. There were sketches of things in the margin of the journal. A compass pointing East, a dog that  looks like an enderman, and an enderpearl ring...which looks like the necklace I had on. I barely even noticed it. I picked up the sword, looking at my reflection. I have short dark  blue hair that nearly went passed my ears. My eyes were sky blue, and I was wearing  a grey hoodie, and black jeans, and white shoes.

   An arrow whizzed past me, breaking me from my trance. A boy with blaze rods circling around him came into view, his black hair combed in a princely way. He looked cute, like someone who I'd hit on, if it wasn't for the bow and arrow in his hands, pointing straight at me. " Who are you?" he growled, glaring at me." M-My name is Crystal! Who are y-you? I don't know where I am..." I admitted sheepishly. "My names Aaron." he said, lowing his bow. I breathed out a sigh of relief. " You're not in Vivian's Army, You don't have the symbol." he said. "Symbol?" I asked, but Aaron continued." You also don't look like someone in the Resistance. So...A commoner?"

    "Well, Actually-"

" Or maybe you are a refugee! Do you want to join?" Aaron asked, giving me a goofy smile. I shrugged. Why not? I'm practically a blank slate. Whoever I was before is gone. "Okay..." I said. Aaron grinned wider." Come on then...Crystal, right?" he said, remembering my name. I nodded, following him through the trees. In this army, I can find out whoever this Ender is...er, was! I wonder who Hero is, though...And what is a white sibling?


WOW! The FIRST chapter of Dark Heart is up! Thank you guys for all your support!! Be sure to read White Siblings FIRST so you know what's happening! Hope you all had an awesome Christmas!!! THANKS~


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