Starkit's Prophecy Review

By warriorcatlover345

13.3K 449 2.2K

Ok, so recently I have read the book known as Starkit's Prophecy. The other day I happened to stumble across... More

Chapter One Prologue
Chapter 2 - The Rise of a Heroin
Chapter 3 - The Battle for the Clan
Chapter 3 - Training Under the Stars
Chapter For StarPaws decids - In this chapter, for Starpaw decides
Chapter Five Untidles - Untitles?
Chapter Six Desions - Starpaw is constantly conflicted
Chapter Ate The Serimmony 1 - This chapter ate the ceremony
Chatter NEIN Teh Evil Tigger and holY
Chapter Ten The Recluse
Catter 1 The Fiht Aganst the Sitters 1
Cahpter 12 The Sark Forest
Cahpter 13 The Metang wit Sartcaln
Chapter Fortene The Ten Commdaments
Cohpter Fiften THE TURTH
Chaper Sixteen The Nane Lifes
Chapter 17 Returnr
Chater Eitheen The Deat 11 11 1
19 The Mirage 1!
Chapter 19 The Nwe Love
Chatpre 21 The Purtle
Chapter 23 The
Chaphtrt 22 LEBIANS 1 111 - a mix of lesbians and plebian?
Chapter 25 The Ask Qestion
Chapter 27 A NEW CALN?
Chapter 27 the Mameries
Chapter 28 Shrakking
Chapter 30 The Revvel!
Chatter 31 KITS
Chapter 23 The Vist
Chpater 24 THE BARLE
Chapter Thirty Two The Berth
Chapter 333 Nwe Lifes
Cahpert 34: Back Too the clan
Very Important Message
Chapter 40 - Tigerkit
Chapter 42 - Stargleam's New Thought
Chapter 43 - The Plan for the Battle
Chapter 44 - A Surprise
Chapter 45 - The Death and Betrayal
The Final Chapter

Chapter 20 STARCALN

200 6 24
By warriorcatlover345

"Oh no Broakcnstar!" yelled StarGleam mad;y I can;t be talkin to brokenStar!" And sheran away leaving AshFurt behin her.
I wish that 'u' in Ashfurt could be replaced with an 'a', haha!
I'm so immature

She run and ranned and runend and then se was at StarClan!"
Which for once is actually spelled right!!

"Yay Im not at the dark Fort anymro1! she thought happly
Dang it

and then she wasked across the broard and then she was in Starclan!1

"Welcmon to Starcaln said YellowFangn she was stnding ther with LefPool, BrambleClan, SpottedLeaf and BakSrae.
BakSrae?? I would love to see what he looks like considering his name is so...different!

"Blakstar yoyre not in the Dark FGort !" Gleamstar yelled hellpy, she didnt want him to be their she lovd him after all.
Then why did you reject him?

"Of course not" BlackStar relipe. "wy would i be their I mean I luv tou after tll2!"
If he loved Gleamstar he should be in the Dark Forest!

"well thats tru" reoidned Gleamstar. "but I can't be in StarCan! Oalready came here once I cant do it agan!"
Wait a minute...doesn't she have nine lives??? Did she lose them all with that one lightning strike!? I'm so confused, well...aren't we all??

"well it looks like you haf. said BlueStar and she said "but we cant send you back to the calns again, this time it locks like we'll have to REINCART YOU."

"Omh Reincartion!" yelled StarGam "you mean like what haopned to CinderPaw?"
Dude, how would you even know that?

"Yah" said CinderPelt comin yp to her "thast what happened t me I was reicnanrt." She Said.
-and why is Cinderpelt/Cinderheart dead!?

"But it might be awhile" said SpottedPool "after all we have to figre out Ow were going do that firtsl} "go do somethinm elese"

"okay" siad GleamStar and she luf. She heard her namer being called and she turnd around and saw HawkForst standing over her body.
He's probably trying not to burst with joy

"StarPaw noooooooooooooooooooooo!1111!11111!1!11!111!" je yowle. "Starcaln how ould you od this to me!" "We were about to get marti.

"Im sorry Hawk Frost" said StarGleam "I'll be back soon I think"!
The celebration ends

"Wat whose there?" HawkFrost looked around but hed idnt sieantyhing.

"Its me GleamStar" said GleamStra looking at him.

"I cant see yo" he said and he buped into a tree. Then he fele down.
Such a klutz

"bye HawkForst!" said StarGleam and she left cius she didn' want to see what would haben when her belocd HawkyForest wock up so she luf.
HawkyForest?? Wow.

"hi their StarGlema" said a voice and GlemaGleam looked around. "Whose there!1!11!" she eked and it was... Falled leaf!1!111111!1!11111
How is this even possible? Well, technically none of this is possible. Even to the WARRIOR CATS this WHOLE STORY is impossible!!!

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