Just a crush

By smokeysunflower

8.7K 714 532

My name is Emery, I'm in a band with my two best friends, Liam and Ricky. Our band is called forever in your... More

Twenty- Seven
Twenty- Eight
Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six (The End.)


278 18 9
By smokeysunflower

Emery's POV

I woke up the next morning still a little drunk, I look at my surroundings and see a blond woman laying on my chest. I start to mentally freak out until I remember what has happened the last few days.

I slowly lift the woman's body off of me and roll her to the other side of the bed. I groan softly and gather my things, I cannot believe that I did this. I get dressed and I quickly walk out the front door.

Once out of the house I call Liam, "Hello?" He answers "hey, it's Emery. I uhm kind of need a ride back to the hotel.." I say as I walk down the street. "Where the hell were you last night? I called you like a hundred times!" He yelled, I sigh "I was at some woman's house, now can you please come pick me up?!" I say frustrated.

About 30 minutes later Liam pulls up and I get in the car. "I'm sorry, I got wasted and I didn't really know what I was doing." I apologize as I buckle myself in. "Yeah, sure. Let's just get you home." He said and drove off.

Once we get back to the hotel I see Ricky sitting on the couch, it looks like he's been crying for hours. I just walk right past him not saying a word, I go into my room and get ready for a shower.

"Seriously?! You're not going to talk to me?" I hear Ricky say as he walks into our room.

"There's nothing to say Ricky, we're over that's it." I say and start stripping my clothes off. I feel him grab me by the arm and pull me into him. "No! This isn't over Emery, after everything we've been through, after everything that has been said. We can't be over! We love each other too much, I love you too much!" He says whilst he cries.


I pull free from his grip and head towards the bathroom, but he follows behind me. "Ricky! Leave me the hell alone okay?! It's ove-" I was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine. For some reason I kiss back and it's filled with anger, lust, passion and love. I've never felt anything like it before, the kiss gets even more heated when he pushes me into the already hot shower and runs his hands along my torso.

I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull myself closer to him, if that's even possible. I feel our teeth clashing against each other but I can't be bothered to care, he shuts the shower door and pulls away from the kiss to relieve himself of his t shirt. I take this time to unbutton his jeans and slide them down his legs along with his boxers, once all his clothes are off he goes back to kissing my lips.

He glides his tongue across my lower lip asking for entry, I open my mouth and let his tongue roam my mouth. He pulls away to start leaving open mouthed kisses down my neck, he kisses that one spot that drives me absolutely insane! I bite my lip hard and squeeze my eyes shut as he moves further down to my abdomen.

I won't tell the rest, it's quite graphic;)

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