Blue Christmas

By Preslynn

946 48 2

In a twist of fate, Elvis Presley and Loretta Lynn find themselves stuck in the same hotel over Christmas. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

210 10 2
By Preslynn

Though he had only met her the day before, Elvis found himself feeling a strange kind of affection towards Loretta Lynn. She definitely had brightened his day and made the hours go by faster. He never paid attention before, but he now noted that she was rather attractive in a not too conventional way. She hadn't done much with her hair since they arrived, but yet it still cascaded down her back and framed her face perfectly- if Priscilla had seen it, she would have been beyond envious.

He would have liked to linger by the piano with her for another while, but the old fear of being discovered and subsequently surrounded took over and he went to his room. Soon enough, the guys came and it was just like always. Very much to his surprise, Loretta and a few of her guys joined them after a while, allowing the two of them to segregate from their crews.

Loretta spoke of her six children with pride and tenderness which he had never heard from Priscilla when discussing Lisa. It was so hard to believe that Loretta was the mother of six. Whenever she spoke of one of the children, it sounded as though she loved him or her most of all. She'd often call them by first and middle name- Ernest Ray, Peggy Jean, Betty Sue... he felt as if he knew her children now from the stories she'd told him of them. He spoke of Lisa Marie too and it seemed as though Loretta really cared and didn't just listen to appease him.

"I do got somethin' for you!" Loretta said out of nowhere, jumping to her feet just as they were talking of the many ways their children scared them to death.

"I'll go with you." One of her guys stood as well, but Loretta waved him off.

"I'll be right back. You stay put."

"Yes, Mom." He sank back down on his seat.

Elvis' crew burst into a fit of laughter.

"You're not gonna kick his ass for that?" Charlie asked.

"They all call me Mom," Loretta said. "Cause I tell 'em what to do the same way I tell my son that's twenty when he comes with me."

"Is that Jack Benny or Ernest Ray?" Elvis asked.

"That's Ernest Ray," Loretta said, her tone making it sound as though it was obvious. "I'll be right back." With that, she escaped from the room, Elvis' gaze following her until Joe snapped a finger in front of his face and said, "There you got yourself a new girl already."

"She's married," Elvis snorted. "You do know that, right?"

"He sounds like an asshole."

"She's married," Elvis repeated, and thankfully Joe left it at that. Loretta came rushing back in holding in both hands a cookie jar.

"This is some peanut butter fudge I got left over," Loretta said, beaming. "You like peanut butter, right?"

"Honey, who doesn't?"

"Good. Then I hope that you'll like the peanut butter fudge I made back home. There should be one for everyone."

She passed it around for each of the guys as well as Elvis to take one. There were two left over still. Loretta took them and wrapped them in a napkin before handing them to Elvis. "There's some extra ones just for you 'cause of the nice present you give me."

"What did you get for her?" Charlie asked with great interest. "How could you even get her anything?"

Elvis only glared at the guys in response, hoping that it would be enough to get them to keep their mouth shut.

"And I only get one?" Joe complained.

"I'll write you down the recipe so all of your wives and cooks and everyone can make it at home. How about that?"

Joe smiled. "That sounds good."

"Maybe y'all can come visit in Hurricane Mills when this is all over-" Loretta glanced over at Elvis as she spoke. "Think you might?"

"Yes, I think I might. Next year we'll record a Christmas album, won't we?" He winked at her, letting her know that he wasn't really serious. But part of Loretta loved the idea of it. They sounded fine together despite their very different styles. Elvis never really sang duets though and even letting him sing one of your songs was something you had to think about more than twice because his manager tried to get as much money as possible out of everything. The elusive Colonel wasn't with them though and Loretta couldn't say that she regretted not being able to meet him.

"I wanna meet those kids you talk about," Elvis said, holding his fudge protectively on his lap to keep it safe from the guys.

"If I can get 'em to come over when you're comin'.  Don't matter how many of you come, I'll cook for thirty."

"Can you cook?" Joe asked with a raised brow.

"You'd have to wait and see."

"If she can't we could just get pizza," Charlie suggested.

"Stop bein' assholes to the lady," Elvis snapped. "Or I won't take any of you to her house. Might just have you guys drop me off but not let you stay."

"Loretta wouldn't have that, right, Miss Loretta?" Joe glanced over at her. Loretta twisted her lip but didn't speak. "Oh come on, Miss Loretta, you're killing me!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, causing several people, including Loretta, to jump.

"Here come the fans." Elvis sighed.

"I don't think so," Loretta said. "Maria said she wasn't gonna tell?"

"Who?" Charlie piped up.

"The maid," Elvis replied.

Loretta was right- it wasn't a fan, but a few of his guys who had been absent and her driver, Jim.

"The roads are open again," Jim announced. Several pairs of eyes regarded him, reflecting different emotions.

Elvis then turned to look at Loretta, and she too locked eyes with him in turn. It was funny how they had been longing for this moment more than anything when they first arrive. Now that they had already missed Christmas Morning, it almost seemed as though they had forgotten and simply began to enjoy each other's company.

"Ain't it too late to go?" Loretta asked. It was late afternoon and the sun was close to setting. They would have to pack up their things first as well.

"Not like I didn't drive in the dark before," Jim said. "They said that it should be safe to go out on the radio."

Again, her gaze landed on Elvis. There was sadness behind those deep blue eyes framed by dark, long lashes.

"Are you goin' too?" she asked.

"Oh yeah. We'll be on our way before anyone figures out that I'm here." Elvis stood up and expelled a deep sigh. "Well then, honey... you'll call me, won't you?"

"Oh yes. And you'll be on my Christmas card list." She stood too, slowly, as if to elongate their parting. They would meet again, she knew. Not any time soon considering both their busy schedules, but they would. But what they had today and yesterday could never be recaptured.

A lopsided grin adorned Elvis' face, looking goofy yet rueful at the same time. He reached for Loretta's hand, pressing a kiss to her palm.

"So, it's over, huh?" Elvis said slowly. Though they were surrounded by so many, all they saw was each other.

It was a strange thought, but in another life it might have been the two of them. They could have had a piano at a house they shared. They could have showed their own sons and daughters how to play easy songs.

But that wasn't this life, and reality cruelly beckoned them. One last time, he smiled and she smiled and finally they parted ways.


❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 

I know it's short but I had plans to include them getting back home which I abandoned since I wasn't in any mood to write about Doolittle or Priscilla. But I MADE IT before Christmas.

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