When the player meets the Fan...

By maryamwrites999

243 44 20

Isabella Thompson is the sorta person who would rather be home in her bed eating ice cream and watching a ran... More



27 9 3
By maryamwrites999

"The Thompson family are coming for dinner"

Are you kidding me?

I mean we haven't even talked to them . Like EVER!

Okay so that was a lie , but not much. Usually we only talk to Mrs Thompson .

I should stop saying okay. It kills me.

Oh no now I am gonna cry.

Think of happy things ! Cute puppies.

Okay a little too cute. And now I am crying cause I am soo happy.

"Why are you crying ?" My mom asked looking confused.

"These are tears of happiness " I said dramatically.

She blinked.

Then rolled her eyes and said " Try looking decent for tonight "

I sighed.

She calls herself a mother.

Oh no.

Darn a Fred and George reference !

Great ! Why life whyy?

You might be confused as to why I am so dramatic .

Simple answer : its the time before the time of the month.

Thats right any day I am gonna wake up in a pool of blood.

Unless it happens when I am awake.


I sleep for like more than 16 hours a day ! Not possible.

Or atleast I hope not.

May the odds be in our favour !

So I slept.

And now I have 2 hours to get ready and clean my room.

I don't get why I have to clean my room.

Like is the gathering gonna be in my room.

Oh yeah Mr and Mrs Thompson ! Nice to meet you.

The living area ? No lets go to Isabella's room.

Where a shirtless Dylan O Brien can creep us all out.

I kid not.

It took me a nice 20 minutes to stuff all my shit in my wardrobe and close it .


Now for the looking decent part.

I looked down to see what I was wearing.

I was wearing these really cool cow shirt and matching pajamas.

Cause we all love cows.


And to be honest I looked pretty decent.

But seeing I didn't want to make mama cow mad , I decided to go with something else.

Which was just black jeans and a white top.

Simple and comfortable af.

I left my hair in its usual waves .


I am done like 1 hour before they come.

So this means Sherlock !
Just as I was about to finish the 1st episode a ball hit me.

Wait that sounded wrong , you know a ball hit me !

Get it?

I am gonna stop now.

I looked up to find the devil standing there.

My brother.

"What do you want Austin ?"

"They came "

And with that he ran away.

Sighing I got up  and made my way downstairs .

"Isabella !"

I looked up to see a very excited Mrs Thompson staring at me.

"Mrs Thomson"

I smiled.

"Its been soo long since I last saw you !"

Before I could respond to that I was engulfed into a huge hug .

By now my cheeks were hurting with all the smiling as our families were introduced to each other.

You see my mom and Mrs Thompson were great friends , it had been 4 months since the Thompsons had shifted here and we never got a chance to meet their whole family.

But that didn't stop both the moms to befriend each other.

We soon came to know that Josh had a younger brother named Robin.

And Austin and Robin got along pretty well .

Mr Thompson and my dad also seem to have a LOT in common other than just their surnames .

My mom and Mrs Thompson already were great friends so that left me and Josh .

Yayyy life !

And thats when my AMAZING mom decided to speak up " Ella and Austin why don't you take Josh and Robin up in your rooms "

In other words - Get the hell out of here !

So we went upstairs .

And just as I was about to enter Austins room he slammed the door .

I blinked.

"I am pretty sure mom told us t-"

"Mom told us to take them upstairs , there is no way my room is gonna be contaminated by your presence"

Dramatic much ?

Rolling my eyes I turned back to find myself face to face with the green eyed jerk.

"So I think its only you and me now ?"

Ignoring him I made my way to my room .

"So your name is Ella ?" He asked .

By now I had entered my room and just as he was about to enter I stopped him by saying " Isabella to you , and why would you think I would let you in my room ?"

He shrugged .

" I don't know , maybe cause your mom told you too ?"

I glared at him.

I couldn't make mom mad !

My phone and laptop would be taken away !

No I can't do that.

So I just let him in.

He looked around and then said "Its pretty much like my room , I mean the shape , my room is not filled with so many boy band posters and fairy lights "

So yeah my room was pretty much every tumblr users dream room.

Rolling my eyes once again I said " So basically your here to comment on my room "

He raised his hands in surrender.

" chill woman ! I don't know what I have ever done to annoy you so much !"

I sighed.

Fine I was probably being a little too rude.

"Lets play 21 questions !" He said suggestively .

I sighed.

This is gonna be a LONG night.

We had asked each other a few questions , like the simple and stupid ones like whats your favourite colour and other shit .

And now it was my turn .

So I asked him the one question that had been on my mind since the morning.

"Why do you use the bus when you have a car ?"

"Umm my car sorta broke down and well its gone for repair " he shrugged.

"My turn now ! Why do you hate me so much ?"

And thats when I zoned off.

I stared into his perfect green eyes.

His jawline !

He looked perfect with his simple white shirt , sleeves rolled up and blue jeans .

Why do guys look so much better with their sleeves rolled up ?

"Isabella !" He said impatiently.

The way he said my name.


His voice is so perfect.

"Look I know I am hot ! But seriously can you stop drooling over me !"

He then smirked and said " well I don't blame you, but please make it a little less obvious ! Or you could just ask for it you know ! I don't mind and don't even have any plans for tonight ! The only thing is can we do it in my room , These posters are seriously creeping me out !"

I blinked .

It took my brain a few seconds to process everything he just said .

" Noo we can't do it ! And I wasn't checking you out either !"

He gave me a ' seriously' look .

"Yes i was just drooling over Niall there , look he is so hot !"

He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah can I please know the answer to my question ?"

"No I am NOT gonna DO IT with you !"

He blinked.

"I mean't the answer to why do you hate me so much !"

"I don't hate you ! It's just that I am not very fond of your existence !

He sighed.

"My turn noww"

"Shoot away"

" I am pretty sure you told me you have a sister ! Where is she "

"Shes in uni "

After that we were called downstairs for dinner.
Dinner was uneventful

well it was basically everyone chattering except for me .

Right now even Josh was talking with both the dads about some sports shit.

Now don't get me wrong I don't hate sports , I am just not much into sports.

In other words I SUCK at it .

If you threw a ball towards me there is 0.00000000000000000000000001 % chance that I will actually catch it .

PT for me is basically hell.

"Ella why are you so quiet ?" Mrs Thompson asked.

All eyes fell on me .

"Umm no nothing like that , I was just enjoying "

" The view ?" Josh asked softly so that only I could hear , which wasn't hard seeing he was sitting right beside me .

And even though he had whispered I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"The food !" I whispered back defensively !
It was now 12:45 and the Thompsons had left .

And even though it was pretty early I still felt sleepy and tired because of my lack of sleep the night before.

So I hopped into bed .

My eyes felt heavy .

And thats when I heard a loud thud !
Authors Note : Vas happenin ppl ?
It was Zayns birthday yesterdayyyy !
You probably already knew that ! This chapter is shorter than the others ! And I also uploaded 1 week late so i am sorry about that . This whole weeks been pretty confusing and annoying and i wasn't well either ...but i am pretty sure you dont wanna read about that shit so anyways .......
Thoughts on the chapter ?? I am in LOVE with that room and does Josh appear to be a complete jerk or do you love him the way he is ?!? Thoughts on Ella's thoughts ?? What do you think the loud thud was ? Do you want them to continue their game ?? And also is anyone actually. reading ???? Every vote and comment is much appreciated ! And i know that the song has nothing to do with the chapter but i just love it ! Its soo deep !!

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