The Diary of a Young Heart (B...

By aarohajordan_AJ

353 19 0

You wouldn't expect it. Well maybe you did, but Autumn Hazel sure didn't. She was only 18, fresh out of colle... More

Prologue: Intro...
Chapter One: The Beginning...
Chapter Three: Engagement Party (Part II)
Chapter Four: Mom & Dad

Chapter Two: Engagement (Part I)

69 3 0
By aarohajordan_AJ

Today was fun, we went to the park and my daughter Madison met a boy. Yep, my 2-year-old has a boyfriend. He came over our house. I became friends with his mother and Antonio became friends with his father. Anyway back to my mom's diary, I turned the next page and I saw a picture of my dad and other people I don't know.

June 2, 1991

Today I met Matteo's brother, they look just alike. When he wasn't looking a took a picture of him. Both him and Matteo were charmers. I took pictures of everyone I can in contact with. At first, it was so when I get out I can tell the police but now it's just for memory.

Name: Niccolo Romano 

Relationship: Matteo's brother

Age: 24

Job: Unknown

Spouse: Brittney Romano

Children: Skye Romano

Parents: Giovanni Romano and Abri Romano

Siblings: Matteo Romano

Name: Matteo Romano 

Relationship: Kidnapper

Age: 22

Job: Unknown

Spouse: None

Children: None

Parents: Giovanni Romano and Abri Romano

Siblings: Niccolo Romano

Name: Piero Bianchi

Relationship: 'Bodyguard'

Age: 30

Job: My 'Bodyguard'

Spouse: None

Children: Adriano Bianchi, Piero Bianchi Jr, and Brandi Bianchi

Parents: Deceased

Siblings: Donata Bianchi

Name: Giovanni Romano

Relationship: Matteo and Niccolo's father

Age: 49

Job: Unknown

Spouse: Abri Romano

Children: Matteo Romano and Niccolo Romano

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Name: Abri Romano

Relationship: Matteo and Niccolo's mother

Age: 44

Job: Unknown

Spouse: Giovanni Romano

Children: Matteo Romano, Niccolo Romano, (with child/expecting/pregnant)

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

I have to say that my bodyguard is cute, but I would never say that in front of Matteo. He's becoming a little, well a lot possessive. I have more freedom, I get full access to his mansion. But I can't go anywhere. Today I laid on a golden bench with thousands of flowers surrounding me. It was beautiful. 

My shorts were very tight and my shirt showed way too much cleavage than I wanted it to. But of course, anything that Matteo choose for me to wear would be short, tight, and revealing. Then he gets angry when men look at me too long. 

When I saw him walking up to me I rolled my eyes, it would be Matteo to ruin a nice moment between me and my flowers.

"You're coming with me," he motioned for me to come to him.

I looked from his finger to his eyes and scoffed. "I am not a dog. You don't need to finger motion me to come."

When I saw a smile creep up on his beautiful face I knew I used the wrong phrase knowing this one has a very dirty mind. "That's not what I meant and you know it," I said rolling my eyes at his immatureness.

"What didn't you mean?"

"What do you want?" I said ignoring his question.

"You can't answer a question with a question," he pouted, "but I'll ignore it because you're my fiancée,"  he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Wait, what!" I sputtered.

He walked closer to me and slipped a huge ring on my finger. At first, I was excited but I was amazed at how quickly excitement turned into anger. 

My smile turned into a frown. "The nerve you have, first, you kidnap me for more than a month. Then, you finally let me out of that hard wooden chair. Now this, this is what really worked me up. You just slipped a ring on my finger and then say that I'm your fiancée. You make me feel all hot inside whenever you're around, I'm angry because you're cocky and arrogant. Then you turn around and do something nice like I'm supposed to forget!" I gripped my hair in frustration. "You are so annoying, it makes me want to pull my hair out! I should-" I was cut off when he smashed his lips into mines.

I kissed him back and after a minute or so he pulled back to catch his breath, I did the same. "You're so beautiful and when you're mad you're even more irresistible," he said and claimed my lips again. His hands trailed to my hips and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips closer to mines. His lips are so soft.

He pulled back again his teeth tugging at my bottom lip. He licked his lips and then he spoke, "That was better than I thought it was going to be."

His lips trailed a hot path down my neck and then my chest. He stood back and watched me slowly I snapped my fingers because his eyes were traveling too far down. His eyes snapped back to mines. 

"My eyes are up here Matteo."

He chuckled and grabbed my hand and led me inside the house. When I started dragging my feet because his room was so far away, he picked me up and carried me to his room. Then he threw me on his bed. 

He handed me this pretty dress. It was navy blue and beautiful to the sight. I couldn't wait to try it on. From the ring, kiss, and dress I don't know which one I liked the most. I looked at Matteo and I smiled a genuine smile. "Thanks so much. You know for everything," I said tearing up.

"No. I want the fierce, feisty, and violent Autumn. Not the emotional Autumn."

I was about to laugh when I remembered something I never told anyone my name. "How do you know my name?"

"I already told you. You may not know me but I sure do know I whole lot about you. Now enough questions we need to get you ready." He snapped his fingers and five girls ran into the room with makeup, hair, nails, nail kits, everything a girl would want.

"This doesn't change anything. I'm still angry at you."

"Whatever. I was told by my mother that girls like something called 'sew ins' so I got the best in Italy. Hope you like it," he said and then left out.

I chuckled along with the other ladies. I took a shower and then threw on one of Matteo's old shirts. They sat me down in a spinning chair and started with my hair. They braided up my hair and started sewing in the hair. After an hour of styling, cutting, and dying we were finished with my hair.

They did my nails, it took so long with the drying and stuff but then they were finally finished. I let out a yawn while my nails were drying and when I attempted to cover my mouth with my hand the Asian lady grabbed my hand and slammed it back on the table and scolded me in her native tongue.

They put on additional rings on my fingers, they were so pretty and real gold I was told. After my nails were fully dry I put my dress on. I examined myself in the mirror I really loved the way I looked in the dress. 

Finally, they did my makeup, she applied blush on my cheeks. They did my eyebrows and then put mascara on my lashes. They put light pink lipstick on my lips. I loved it, so I started taking pictures of everything.

When Matteo walked into the room he scanned me up and down. "You look beautiful Autumn."

"You look very handsome also."

"You ready?" He asked with a smile on his face.


He gave everyone a check for 5 thousand dollars and then grabbed my hand and led me to a Rolls Royce Limo that was outside. When I got in he handed me a Champagne glass. I drunk it down in one gulp, but I prefer red wine, but who am I kidding.

After 20 minutes we pulled up at a huge mansion, I looked into Matteo's green eyes with fright. All he did was smile and lead me out of the limo hand in hand. 

That was all for tonight, I am tired and Antonio is staying late from work. A yawn escaped my lips as I laid down my wine glass. I turned the lights off and drifted off to sleep without Antonio in my arms. 

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