One Direction One Shots

By Directionerr_XD

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One Direction One Shots!!! Request by PM or comment, more information inside. PLEASE READ!!!: One Shot reques... More

One Direction One Shots
Alex and Louis
Hayley and Harry
Siobhan and Zayn
Kayla and Harry
Emylee and Niall
Rebecca and Louis
Fliss and Louis
Klara and Harry
Kate and Liam
Mackenzie and Liam
Kali and Harry

Roisin and Niall

489 4 2
By Directionerr_XD

I tightened my cardigan around myself, ducking my head to avoid the strong winds blowing in my face. I tried to go over what had just happened. It was simple, really: I'd had an argument with one of my friends and then I'd stormed out. She was in the wrong anyway, but I guess we don't need details.

I continued down the street, a part of me wondering if I should turn back. I didn't, though, and as I reached the end of the street I crossed the road and carried on. I passed a pub- which looked overcrowded with men- and then a few houses and shops. Then I stopped as about 70 girls came running around the corner. They didn't stop as they reached me, and I was soon swarmed in a crowd of screaming girls, squealing childishly as they pushed and shoved. What were they doing? What was going on? I watched in open- mouthed shock as they carried on behind me down the road I'd just come up. I was still puzzled as I rounded the corner and went under the train bridge. Everything was quiet now, for most people were indoors and the girls were gone. Soon, I began to let the smarter side of me take over the angry, and I realised that I'd have to walk the whole way I'd walked here, back. Sighing, I turned around and went back under the bridge. There was a Nando's with an alleyway on one side and another shop on the other, then across the road there was a small green and then more shops on the opposite side. As I reached and was about to pass the Nando's alleyway, I stopped. I could hear someone panting so I turned around and then screamed. The cute blonde guy screamed back. I was breathing really heavily and shaking. Niall bloody Horan! As in Niall-Horan-from-One-Direction-who-I'd-had-a-crush-on-since-I-saw-him-on-Xfactor! My eyes must have been ten times wider than usual as I stared at him in shock.

"W-why did you scream?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath, then replied shyly. "Because you are Niall Horan. And anyway, why did you scream?"

"Because I thought you were a fan." I was about to tell him I was, and then I stopped myself. You didn't have to be a fan to know who a famous person was, right? And he probably wouldn't want to date a fan, so I could just tell him I was a girl who happened to recognise him.

"Oh." I looked nervously down at my feet.

"So, what's your name?" He questioned me, before adding. "Is it as pretty as you are?"

I giggled as he winked, probably going as red as a tomato. "I'm Roisin." I told him.

"Wow, that's a beautiful name. Look, I was gonna go and eat Nando's like a loner by myself, so do you wanna come with me?"

I nodded, racking through my brain for how to answer a question. "Y-yes. I'd love that."

"Yeah, buddy!" He smiled. I laughed and followed him into Nando's. He was a proper gentleman, holding the door open for me and pulling out my chair. We ordered quickly and began chatting.

"So, how come you're not in London?" I asked him.

"Because I came home to visit my family. I came out today and I really didn't expect so many fans to be there. That's why I was hiding down the alleyway."

"Oh, well that explains all the girls charging down the street." I laughed.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He looked out the window for a minute then turned back to me, a little panicked. "The fans are coming. Look, I know this might be awkward but will you pretend to be my girlfriend for a moment? They usually leave me alone then."

I nodded, and he held his hand out on the table. I took it and chatted to him like we were on a proper date.

"Oh, no, they're coming in." He looked me in the eye. "Kiss me." He leant forward and I played along as his lips hit mine gently. I mean, who wouldn't play along with kissing Niall Horan?

We kept going until we were sure the fans had gone. Then Niall pulled away and thanked me.

"That's ok. You're a good actor. It was like we were on a proper date." I was fiddling with my un-used knife and fork but when I looked up I realised he was looking right into my eyes.

"We could be." He leant forward again but this time we weren't acting, it was for real. After a few minutes we pulled away and he smiled.

"You're a good kisser." He told me.

I giggled nervously. "You are too." We started to talk again and any awkwardness disappeared. I felt comfortable and at ease as we chatted freely. After we finished our meals, he asked for the bill.

"Oh, and just to let you know," He smiled. "I'm paying."

"No, you're not!"

"Already did." He shoved some notes into a bewildered waitresses hand and told her to keep the change. Then he took my hand and led me out of the restaurant. I shivered. It was colder than earlier now.

"Here." He handed me his jacket.

"Thanks." I said, wrapping it around me. We walked down the street until he stopped and looked at me.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"I was heading to mine, but I guess you're going back to your's." I replied.

"Do I have to?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, you don't."

"Great." He held his hand out and I took it, wondering how many girls would kill just to touch him. I knew I was so lucky, even if he forgot about me by tomorrow. Suddenly, I gasped.

"What is it?" Niall questioned me. "Are you ok, Roisin?"

I nodded. "I'm fine." I lied. Luckily, he let it slide but my brain was still going 200 miles per hour; my room was full of One Direction stuff, and I'd told him I wasn't a fan. I knew the posters would be easy to rip down, but my One Direction quilt cover would take more time. I let my brain work whilst we walked, and I eventually came up with a plan (well, two).

Plan A:

I shared a flat with a few of my friends, so I could use one of their rooms which hadn't caught One Direction Infection and pretend it was mine.

Plan B:

Ask Niall to grab a few drinks from the corner shop so that I have time to un-direction my room.

"You're pretty quiet, are you alright?" Niall shook me out of my daydream.

"Yep, I'm fine. So, anyway, are the lads having a week off?"

"Yeah, we've been working really hard and our manager said we could have a week off to visit our families." I felt a sting of guilt as he said this.

"Sorry, you should be with your family."

"No, no, it's ok. I was coming out anyway."

"Oh, ok." I smiled. We soon reached my flat and I led Niall in to my friend Cara's room. We sat on the bed watching telly and chatting.

"I haven't even got your number." He said.

"Oh, yeah." I gave him mine and he gave me his, then whilst I was watching telly I got a text.

You have one new message:

Niall: Do u wanna b my gf? ;) x

Reply to Niall: 10000000000000000%, yess!!! <333 x

I wondered if that sounded a little too enthusiastic but I text it anyway. He didn't seem to mind when he read the text, because he leant over straight away, and kissed me.


Hope you like it Roisin (roseyxxxbobo)! It was my first ever One Shot, so it probably wasn't perfect. Anyway, thanks for requesting, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment on how I could improve on my next One Shot :)

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